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Everything posted by persephone
she may be safe ..apart from possible tooth/jaw damage as she bites at the wire ..or claw damage ..or being covered in pee/poo if she gets really worked up& anxious ..... and never ever wanting to go near the crate ..... I am not one for giving pups heaps of freedom at first ..but that method sounds a bit OTT . you really need to work out what exercise she is getting ? do you play with her out in teh yard ? off lead of course if you have fences .. good playtimes will help occupy her brain/body ... INSIDE is then for relaxing/being calm and quiet ..... I also suggest you read this : N I L I F and buy a good quality (not supermarket, 2$ shop) chain lead . This will discourage her from chewing ;) It's what I always use with puppies from day one .
if your yard is fenced well ... and has no snail bait /sprinkler system ... I wouuld suggest leaving pup outside . ..or at least let her off teh leash! poor baby ...She is probably dying to eun/dig/explore .. and she can't .
it's always hard to lose them .... Sorry .
..I'm sure you can play/teach him things without tug :)
Mogda .. I think that before someone gets hurt you should contact a REPUTABLE , non franchise trainer or behaviourist , who can see the pup , and the behaviour, and set you on the right path . being in NSW, the only names I know are k9 pro . please get some video of exactly what happens .... and maybe email it to them ? You need help beyond what you are doing. Is the puppy's breeder available to help .. or did the pup come from a source unknown? has she had a thorough vet check? maybe post a 'Help, good trainer name needed" post in General dog discussion? yes, trainers are listed everywhere- some cheap , and offering all sorts of guarantees ... all are not what they seem
My Nanny dog /playmate was an A C D .. and he protected me from any perceived danger . if Mum wasn't there - no - one could take me out of my pram - no one. Not grandparents even. He shadowed me and on a couple of occasions I remember killed snakes in front of me - one in the kitchen! He wasn't just a biter - he would not bite until Mum gave him the word ... and then it was full on . he was perfect for Mum, who with a toddler, was often alone for some days at a time here .... There was also Oscar, a working Koolie . One day when out , the bike hit a stump.. oscar must have hit something hard ..but kept on working for some hours . Then it was noticed that he wasn't at all well .. air which should have been in his lungs was under his skin! he had a rough couple of days .. Vet advice per phone , sleeping indoors for a couple of weeks ... and he was looking to get back to work!! The same boy , once , several miles from the house .. so not too far , he & his boss were mustering sheep .. it got dark .. sheep were finally put where they were supposed to go - No Oscar . Driving, Calling ... no Oscie. next Day ..more driving and calling ... there were tracks , and it could be seen that Oscar had found some stragglers .... but he didn't return home until the following day... and I'm sure , if he could have spoken he would not have been complimentary ; after all HE was doing HIS job , keeping those sheep together ....
I have been lucky enough to own one about 20 or so years ago, and worked at a kennel for 3 years that had several of them. Awesome animals. *nods* :)
I have worked with a couple of Bouvies .. Lovely dogs :) No idea these days what they are like - this was 20 years or so ago ...they were so patient .
I have friends who bred minis .. and have met several standards and a couple of giants. From that- I am a fan , without knowing them thoroughly . I like their build.. so square and solid - seem to me they would be a good build to help with mobility issues .?
Standard/giant Schnauzer. ! Solid, impressive looking , long lived ... social, strong, smiley ... My impressions, anyhow . ;)..and you have to love a moustache :p
No :p I had called them back to me , that's all . They love running in competition :)
:) Look at her - she's beautiful. It will be wonderful when the hair grows back, and she gets more confident . Thank you for posting photos.
I removed my poll answers... for the reason that my history with dogs is 50 years worth .. and we have had LOTS of dogs pass thru ... most of them working . Some house dogs have been chosen as they would nip/bite when asked . This is no longer acceptable - but it used to come in handy! People had more awareness and respect for a dog's capabilities back in the 'old days' .. and it was , in this part of the world, anyhow , pretty much expected that a dog growling at the gate, or on the back of a ute would most likely bite - that dogs meeting up would scuffle - so extra care was taken , and people were careful.
That's good news :) The other neighbours were obviously upset by it as well ..so 'gone' is a relief to all.
Miniature Dachshund Pup - Questions & Advice
persephone replied to M1keAU's topic in General Dog Discussion
Sounds good :) -
Ok.. first thing. if you have a toddler in the house? You usually put away dangerous/forbidden items /use a playpen /have said toddler in one room with you ... puppies are similar :) a puppy pen will be a godsend for you ! Puppy school won't really help with the chewing etc .... here are some topics and pages which discuss these sorts of problems , and may be very helpful for you. LINK LINK LINK LINK
:D lovely !!
:D The incredible folding dog !
You'd rarely find a rescue that would adopt to an unfenced yard with a history of a dog being killed by a car. I think they should look at building a secure outside run. Yes. I wasn't thinking
having no fencing makes it almost impossible for me to suggest anything ... other than an older dog who has been well assessed/fostered by rescue ...
Hypothetical if a dog is offered for adoption "with a level 5 resource/bone guarding" .... is this a normal thing? Dog offered thru an organisation/group .
:D all sounding great . Now we need pictures of Jazz being slaved over nursed . ;)
I cannot think how a vacc could cause this at all.... maybe it's a marking just appearing, as she grows ...maybe a scar.... maybe some sort of infection? edit: maybe a beauty spot ? like those teardrop tattoos one sees ? ;)
The poll is fairly useless .. as multiples cannot be chosen - and only one incident , the most serious, can be logged .