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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ..also .. don't pay too much attention to it . once or twice give it a very quick wipe/dab ..then distract her ... Aloe is a good idea :) the more you look/ poke/pat ..the more she will be aware ...
  2. Ouch!! I would not put tea tree oil on .. esp there ... it can burn/sting badly (plus being toxic if ingested )
  3. there are lots of threads on D O L about singleton pups :) The main thing is to NOT feed the bitch any extra - so milk is not being produced in great quantities . Singletons need to exercise ,and be moved about a lot ... as they would be if jumbled up in a litter .... they also need to not eat extra .... have a read here :) LINK LINK LINK LINK
  4. insect bite or just a pimple .. keep her busy .. I wouldn't put any cream on it , as that will encourage licking . Channels erny ...*calendula tea* a bit of betadine ..or a tiny dab of something with lignocaine in it just before a walk/feed ... maybe ?
  5. I am glad she is finally starting to heal . :) poor little girl .
  6. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3720/11508192255_8272bb2714_z.jpg It's wolf hunting ...in your own backyard!!
  7. yes .... 10 yrs & a public flogging - I'd be happy with that :)
  8. Run free - look far , chase hard, Chilli ... Take care , spoony .
  9. AFAIK that option is now been taken away .....
  10. Oh, I do hope they are close, as they say! Thanks, cas!!! I don't care how much the monetary value is ... the mental images of their suffering will haunt me for a while ...absolutely sickening :(
  11. mini horses- in a stable .. that is not a random "hoons out shooting " thing ... that's teh really scary bit I can well imagine the horses' distress and panic Bring back the rack, I say !!
  12. oh poor little dog - and they had no idea she was gone ?
  13. perhaps you need to meet a lot more people ;)
  14. A vet will be able to scan her for a micro-chip. ..and that's the easiest way to find an owner :)
  15. ..and the best way to do that is to make sure she is known of by vets/pound/rescues /RSPCA , etc . During a storm, pups/dogs can travel long distances !! Hopefully she lives close by ..but she may have run /wandered some kilometres from home....
  16. Your dog sounds lovely :) it's not personal..or directed at your dog - it is a cultural thing ..and ,although it can be disconcerting , remember the people doing the worrying are the ones who have the problem :) many times they are just not used to larger dogs ..and many may have experiences of feral dog packs ... it happens . I remember once training guide dogs - we were doing lift training in a department store . The dog found teh lift , I pressed a button , and we waited. The lift arrived, and upon the door opening- it was a scene reminiscent of a Horror House ride!! A whole lift full of little asian school kids- scared to death of suddenly being confronted with a large dog - while they were in a confined space poor little kids . I removed myself and dog very quickly, and left them to settle again ...
  17. Ouch! I usually put a treat in my hand..close fist tight . open your hand.. the food..and close hand tight . pup/dog will poke, lick, whinge, paw ....... stay firm . Then, when they look away , or sit quietly , I will then offer then the food on the FLAT of my hand . repeat, rinse, repeat ................................
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