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Everything posted by persephone

  1. There are plenty of strong runs/aviaries/pens available on gumtree/ebay/freecycle :) , and which can be tailored to suit :) problem is ..with no fence- what can get IN to the back yard???? A run would need to suit a strong adult dog .... it doesn't need to be huge ..but secure :)
  2. ..problem is , it appears Rotties look MUCH better in a pack!!! ;) I often wonder what our girl would have been like if dreadful HD hadn't meant an early death at 6months old This was over 30 years ago ...... she was just wonderful when she wasn't in pain....
  3. yes..however , the idea is that pup has his OWN space ..indoors or out , where he is fed ..where he can have access to his favourite toys/treat dispensers/bones , when you ARE home . That results in a dog who is secure , knowing his family are not far away, even when he is physically separated . puppies need to learn some independence from an early age ..and having a dog oriented enclosed space teaches EVERYONE in the house about being together but apart ... ;) Remember, dogs see the world MUCH differently to us ..their instinctual rules are not ours ..and being your first , and a whippy , you have lots of learning to do :)
  4. Well Done :) That does sound as if it suits him .
  5. Awww..Clyde - :D Rotties do , like any dog ..need the right owner and attention/training to get to that stage .Their genetics are a huge help .. but the lifestyle is paramount .
  6. Wherever you leave puppy should be a nice place, where he is comfortable..has things to do, things to watch.... A laundry doesn't really fit that description . Why can't you leave him outside when you are home /not home? You may want to look at something like THE ONE HERE with a kennel inside you will find these threads of interest .... CLICK HERE , and CLICK HERE
  7. foreign body/fracture/sprain/infection spread from nail ? Sounds as if another pair of eyes is needed :)
  8. ..that you are not paying for treatment!The vets don't sound fantastically competent ..... :/ The standard treatment for eosinophilic granuloma is steroids such as cortisone. The lesions usually respond but it's possible that they may reoccur at a later date. If it is EG then the cause is not known. Thanks for that - I was unclear because of the bit I quoted ..that the induced vomit ..and the medication used caused the problem. Whatever - I hope it heals well... poor little girl
  9. AFAIK.. cortisone doesn't heal ..... but it will make it feel better . ..I still also hope that as whatever the vet poured down her throat to induce vomiting apparently cause this problem ..that you are not paying for treatment!The vets don't sound fantastically competent ..... :/
  10. "incubator"..following the word association path.....
  11. ..what sort of area is it? prone to burglary/vandalism/hoons? How close are neighbours/town? What activities will you be doing with your pup/dog, and will dog be primarily a house/family dog?
  12. the breeder got their puppy ... I presume that's what the deal was all along .
  13. Ah..thanks for the update . Thought that's what would happen .
  14. I guess the breeder has it sorted - hope the bitch & pup are well .
  15. ..what do you call "good fencing" just out of interest ?... don't forget that other dogs /foxes etc can harass your dog ..or your dog may find something irresistible next door
  16. I am so loving having my old photos accessible again ..thanks to this laptop having 500 GB instead of my old one, with 60 ;) Since I took many of these ,some years back..I have started using SAGELIGHT ... and now am learning to restore some of these to how I think they should look No professional by any standard .. and neither tech minded or seeking perfection ... just enjoy playing!! during lunch, I gave "hogo" (being photobombed by a wasp) a bit of TLC :) pic originally snapped with very old fuji finepix ....
  17. some labs have amazingly deep and attention-grabbing voices ..and yes, black dogs are great!
  18. poor Rusty ... I do hope this is the home which suits him ..and that the new owner is aware and prepared to work at it.
  19. The ACD may have tested fine with other dogs!! Your BC , upon getting to teenage hood .. may have wanted to assert his territorial rights - .. Your BC sounds as if he needs some training/boundaries .. and , if you are rehoming the ACD be well aware that he now may be a defensive dog!! he may now have learned to 'get in first'..poor boy..and upon rehoming, and perhaps feeling unsettled yet again .. could have problems . If rehomed privately ..he would need a very experienced owner ..who does training etc with dogs ..and has previously owned similar dogs ...and is prepared to consult a behaviourist if needed. Excellent fencing An owner who will pay for this dog - NEVER :free to good home: a dog. NEVER. If he were mine .. I would place him thru a rescue ..or get him assessed by a good behaviourist first ..I make it a rule to not pass on problems to someone else .... I would rather PTS than cause a dog more distress ...
  20. manstoppers? we had one of those - Mum's OESD who would, ermm, crotch grab!. It was definitely a man stopper!! They would think she couldn't see ,because of her fringe.......
  21. What dog ? One you feel comfortable and safe with , have the skills to train , have the fencing to contain , and which has a stable and solid temperament . ANY dog has the potential to be a watch/guard dog ....some more than others. Size and appearance can be a deterrent to unwelcome visitors ....but a dog who barks confidently ..even if it's a little dog, can often also be a deterrent . Over the many years , we have had various ;watch' dogs , varying from a dachsieX... to an old English Sheepdog , to an ACD, to a dane X to a Lab X, to Koolies They would all deter anyone from entering the property ..and would bite if pressed/told. ANY dog who will confront a stranger runs a risk of attack/poisoning , don't forget .
  22. why not phone :) They are nice people .
  23. there are heaps of D O L threads ... here's one in which I put some links :) LINK
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