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Everything posted by persephone

  1. rozzie ..no .. but they have BIG mouths and muscles which suffocate /strangle a small animal .....
  2. what size puppy? how far away from you do you want it to be? Formal recall,with a 'heel' or a pup who come belting back to you any old way and screeches to a halt ,smiling and wagging puppies can learn excellent recall at home - in the house/yard without any leash ;) EVERY time you want to pat/feed pup ..call its name - when it comes - it gets praised, and /or rewarded with toy/food EVERY time . EASY :) The thing is - never pat/treat puppy without at least a recall /sit It very soon becomes a good habit :D
  3. ..without seeing the injuries - it is very hard .... size/shape/depth/position all help .
  4. ..and another suggestion may be to pop her on a long line ...this is how I teach our free range puppies out bush :) collar left on ..then one day..a long line while out in a favourite spot ..then a retractable (original ,STRONG)..then a shorter leash . Lots of recalls each stage ....
  5. large feral cat ? It may have latched on..and goat rushed, perhaps breaking its neck? Large cats here take kid goats ..one I rescued had been grabbed from a cat who had it by the shoulders !
  6. Firstly - your dogs will need to have a blood test BEFORE starting a heartworm preventative - as it can be very dangerous if worms are present in teh heart, and medication kills them . I cannot help with best tick prevention , or much else , sorry. If you stop at truckstops along the way - the dogs should not have any problem with fleas etc :) Hope the vet records go with you as well- happy moving!
  7. This widget is about 6 or so now ... :)
  8. ..ahh .. being what she is - I guess the heat would have much more effect Hope all goes well.
  9. Oh.... I'll change it a bit ..I wanted to get a wide exposure ....
  10. This makes my heart ache .... poor little baby . please click HERE to see how you can help excerpt : . this LINK ..does contain potentially upsetting material. excerpt :
  11. she helps make sure the seats stay just where they should be , of course :p
  12. Tradition is a marvellous thing ........................................... in some cases.
  13. Must admit having never used any form of glucose - pre or post whelping . maybe a teaspoonful during a slow whelping - so I cannot advise. Is this a first litter? How old is she ? Is she normally kept fit & trim? Is this a really unusual behaviour? I'm afraid I would be walking her very early in the morning , when it's cool , so she has some muscle tone /circulation to help when she whelps ..she perhaps may even need to shed some fat? Just suggestions, obviously ..I have no idea of what she is like.
  14. poor little thing - Sounds like a lot of work ahead! Keep us posted.
  15. Not sure ..she may even be having some sort of seizure activity ..or need a checkup with an eye to spey incontinence? Ask the vet next time :)
  16. :) I think she and you were meant to be introduced at this time .... KISMET (destiny,fortune/fate) No judgement here - you do what you need to be well and safe - and to ensure the same for those around you.
  17. ..oh ..and I am not making excuses- rather explaining perhaps why this is happening ...
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