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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Glad the fence is working ... but that coop is very small ..and certainly not lab-proof I hope things settle ....
  2. :) she would have been frantic - as pups were not behaving as content puppies - and she didn't know how to fix things .... glad she's settled . if she has had milk previously without a tummy upset - use it by all means!!
  3. Ok... for a week - note everything he eats - everything. treats, human food , grass, meals .... everything. You may then see some sort of pattern ..... What's his weight like? When he eats meat/bones & then vomits- what sort of meat is it? Does he have anything else chronic? Skin/breath/coat.. ? Did he/does he have good teeth ? When he toilets , does it change depending on what he eats ? Do you see any big differences in quantity/texture?
  4. were they all done with teh same batch? may be worth checking .... was it the same brand as previously?
  5. YES to some more calcium .. as much liquid as she will take - to also help her body deal with all the residual effects milk chicken soup raw beef tea Rescue remedy DAPTIL poor girl - IMO , the residual nerve damage + hormones + plus her knowing teh babies are 'different' = a lot for her to cope with . How did she go with a post whelp check? All Ok? Just thinking as well.. if there is anything retained , it could affect her as well.... BIG to you both ... tough times .
  6. link fixed. Those optivizors look fantastic! they are specifically designed for eye protection :)
  7. I have seen lots of these done with no problems - provided the vet is experienced :) Instead of a cone , why not LOOK HERE? I haven't used them .. but it seems they would be MUCH easier to live with!
  8. :) two of you are having a good time! I like this one the best :) http://s2.photobucket.com/user/razzo/media/Australia/Photography/IMG_6652.jpg.html
  9. Does he have teeth problems? The beauty of raw is the amount of chewing which needs doing!! Lots of meaty bones, and large chunks of food :)
  10. persephone


    R I P gorgeous boy , Ryan .....
  11. got photos of his eyes ..just relaxed ones? :) you may want to consult a vet who is experienced with eyes ... :)
  12. yes! pls keep us posted - so many folks read and get support/ideas from threads like yours. :)
  13. bright nail polish - a dab on tail tip :)
  14. Hmmmm..perhaps TMI - but I have been experimenting, and using the cal Tea instead of commercial underarm deodorant . Seems to actually work!!!! And I SWEAT - no ladylike 'glow' here
  15. *snort/giggle* yep - that'll do it!! I cannot see the appeal of seed & shellgrit - but hey - Glad she's OK - Bloat/Torsion is scary .....
  16. :) So good to read! poor old girl .. stress & shock would have made her really scared yesterday .... a good sleep has obviously helped . She needs to sit around watching the soapies and having little nana naps :p
  17. *kirty* you are right there..... we don't know for sure what the next door pup died from .....
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