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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ... cabbage leaves used on boobs will help the mum :) re: puppy .. I am not sure - but would be worried as to whether this jaw problem may continue on , or perhaps self correct. It is certainly not a good start - a puppy which cannot feed itself is a worry. perhaps ask Christina - or someone in teh poodle thread?
  2. have just been watching him drag an 8KG bag of puppy food across the kitchen floor !! He is 9 weeks old ...eek!
  3. Fingers crossed all is well for mum & bubs .
  4. it may indeed get into the lungs if the bitch is in good condition - perhaps just feed her a normal maintenance amount for a few days ... just let things even out .... Hope the babies are ok.
  5. a bitch produces milk - then according to the sucking etc it will normally lessen or increase cut back on her food if she only has two littlies ...perhaps .. That's what i do . She shouldn't need divetelact .. just good protein food , ... The pup with milk coming out his nose- I am presuming the vet didn't find cleft palate or anything wrong?
  6. It wasn't really funny for a little while - they were 1/2 in a kennel and I sure as hell was not going to stick an arm in - I realised I was yelling at a deaf old dog to S T O P ..so then I grabbed the watermelon which was sitting on the table ... of course, there was a wonderful shower of sweet pink stuff everywhere - and the other dogs, plus Ess&Don cleaned it all up nicely!! Those two have just been for a run together - so no great harm done :)
  7. Hope you don't mind - I stole the first one as a desktop background :)
  8. .. today's lesson A half watermelon landing on two fighting bitches will stop the fight (and provide refreshments for them and the onlookers) it was what I had on hand .... *sigh* no great damage ..a cut eyelid & a few other small holes .... a 14 yr old beating the bejabers out of a 14 mth old!! Now - where's MY dessert???
  9. wowww.. :) LOVE that first image . they are beautiful girls!
  10. I suggest you have a chat with the people concerned and ask them :)
  11. welcome :) Sounds like you have a handful - and will be able to manage better with some personal professional help! The following Dogzonline members are all in/around melbourne ..are very good at what they do , and will be able to give you some support. click the following links HERE HERE and HERE keep us posted - and I hope that soon there will be more 'good things' to be pleased with :)
  12. aww, poor little horsepuppy ....
  13. white pudding/black pudding ..or go the whole hog ! carob, sweet- melted .cool to almost solid ....tablets coated ,cooled ..dipped in peanut butter .............and DON't eat them yourself!! use gloves so NO drug smell is on your fingers ..and prepare the whole lot with dogs busy chewing bones or outside ...
  14. let her miss a day of food .. put her outside roll pills in some fresh meat /liver/cheese .. start throwing her bits of plain food ..just small bits that don't need chewing ..and toss in the pills every so often ... I find poking pills down teh hole HEAPS less stressful for us all ;)
  15. oops. maybe restrict his access to different rooms ..and keep him close?
  16. LOOK HERE they are first class tours ... from what I've seen - definitely not "budget' price or standards . I shall be buying some lotto tickets :p
  17. perhaps having less 'freedom-to-pee' with the pants on?
  18. Sorry results were inconclusive - that doesn't make it any easier, does it ?
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