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Everything posted by persephone

  1. That is a VERY nice update!! She will be so pleased to be home :D
  2. bugga . Thinking of you ...it's no fun at all .
  3. I really think a vet check would be a plan - just to make sure - also so the vet knows her in case you need urgent treatment/surgery ....
  4. if she has not had any vet checks during the pregnancy .. one now would be a good idea, I think :) is it a first litter? How old is she?
  5. training recall? with a baby it's easy - she does NOT get food/cuddles/"goodpup" or anything unless she comes to you :) Just everytime you want to pat her/play with her or anything ..use her name :)
  6. ..yes, it's interesting , as our workers are , as a rule, not overly patted etc like a pet house/lap dog - so they see it as a pretty special thing .
  7. earlier today I was sitting outside with the pups ..and thought I'd try something. I don't talk to dogs much , except if I want something, or to praise them - so it wasn't such a change ...anyhow , these two know that they do not get patted unless they are sitting - so that's done (most times) .... now Ess is getting very quick at raising a paw to my hand, when it is presented - then she gets patted .Don has been poking my hand with his nose to get his pat - all without a collar, word, or a piece of food - both of them with me together , with other dogs meandering past ....They were just so calm - I may try more like this - very pleasant indeed! Think it is each of us teaching the other ;) They both got a big reward - lying in my arms like babies ..and nodding off for a few minutes ;) the victims of the experiment ....
  8. agree. Apparently there are only two options in dog training; use a clicker or bash the dog with a 4x2. aaahhh That explains it :)
  9. What a gorgeous dog - I hope she now has a happy and safe life ! Well Done , all.
  10. WM - that sounds a better update :)
  11. I went to some of his stuff in another lifetime .... about cats, I believe .
  12. If there is any concern it's just at the amount of time I was taking to do the photo whilst holding a treat up in the air. :laugh: LOL!! little monkey . Hoping you all have a peaceful night .. zzzzzzz
  13. AFAIK it happens fairly quickly ....
  14. he doesn't look terribly concerned, does he? :) I don't know .. if he were mine I'd just watch & see ...
  15. ouch! I wonder what happened ? Bump/dog bite/sting? Do his jowls/lips look feel swollen/thicker than usual? example - looking at him front on do they look like [ ] or ( )
  16. a loud YES from me here . if this boy has life threatening health issues - the professionals can train a dog to assist/work in the best way possible for him and his family. I would think they will also pick a robust and patient dog to cope with the loudness and erratic behaviour .... I feel a trained dog here could be a very useful extra pair of ears, and a nose & eyes could pick up health crises earlier ...plus being a comfort to the little one , and a calming influence on the family ...
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