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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Such good news You must be feeling very happy. A testament to your loving care !
  2. Ohhh..babeeeee Herbie he is definitely a very cute and mini bundle ! Look forward to progress reports .
  3. Just had to look back at the photos again to admire her Soft stools CAN also be the result of pushing extra amounts of food thru ....have you tried Psyllium husks for the fibre content ?
  4. What is she being fed exactly ? Yes, these photos do show her ribs clearer- she's in about the same condition as my Koolie, Clive - who will leave his dinner /treats if he feels he's had enough, and who exercises like mad ...so I'm not concerned about him - I know he's fit and healthy , he enjoys his food , his toast crusts, his chicken pieces etc ....and if I try & feed him extra , he just leaves it.
  5. Wow - She is a pin-up girl at this weight looks just about perfect She has a lovely trim waist and nice muscling . Well Done
  6. The vet can't really give an "OK" when they have no idea what is happening internally
  7. can he pick up a ball OK if you roll it past him/away from him ? does he grab the tug first time when you dangle it in front of him ? Or is this part of his being "clumsy" Mind you, growing pups can often look/act very clumsy - all legs & elbows !! LOL I agree- if you are concerned- get specialist opinions . (and I think we need a photo of this gorgeous boy ;)
  8. What does your boy do to play ? chase balls etc ? Catch anything ?
  9. ..and gradually replace with a better diet /or one you choose to avoid tummy upsets . GRADUALLY being the operative word So - over a couple of weeks, you change over to what you choose...by gradually adding a little more of the new, less of the old - that sort of thing - so puppy tummy gets used to digesting different things .
  10. I would suggest you do a course or two - when starting a business , some accreditation always shows dedication and hard work went into your 'title' . Remember too - training the dogs is the EASY bit . What you need to become is an excellent human body language reader/communicator/problem solver - as it is the humans with whom you will be working the hardest . You will need to educate THEM in what their dog is doing and why, and how to best manage it . Just my 2 cents worth ;) Good luck with it all .
  11. I second what Rebanne has posted, and recommend you find your state's Great Dane Club for good relevant advice .
  12. Thanks for the update he seems to be doing VERY well Pity Scout didn't snap - that's how pups learn! A decent snap/snarl, = lesson learned. Great photo of you both, too
  13. "awkward belly button" ? Hmmm. just looks like a little umbilical hernia - ditto to fixing when dog is castrated No need for husband to "flip out" ...they are very common . Did the vet not pick it up on your "hey, we just got a new puppy, can you give him the 'once-over' check please" visit? if the vet wasn't concerned enough to mention it - I wouldn't worry too much either
  14. Oh, Cynthia - A treasure always - now no more struggling , just her beautiful spirit , free, and with others of the gang. Sending my condolences and thoughts to you on this very very sad day ....R I P little Tamar . take care..
  15. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow - it will likely be a very emotional day for everyone
  16. Puppies do things to scare you .....
  17. yes! their tummies often just say "NOPE",and throw everything back into the environment. What happened with Darling Kane will have affected you very deeply, and you will react strongly to all sorts of things. Did you know you can train without treats? Just pats/love work just as well <3 Since my Molly had a reaction to 1080 poison in my bedroom /the rest of the house after waking up alongside me one morning, I have not had a dog sleep inside. I can not. I can understand your worries.
  18. yes, they grow so fast- and require one to be vigilant and to have tank-proof accommodations ! Piglets are , like goat kids, so darned CUTE though....
  19. During Winter, Trouble's bedding this year was plastic shopping bags LOTS OF THEM ..she made a fantastic nest with them ....re-arranged it in different spots , according to her desires /where the wind was blowing from/how cold it was ...and it was one way of recycling ;)
  20. Yes- what breed, how old , and are there any other 'new' things you've noticed?
  21. isn't that what straw is for ? throwing around ? LOL
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