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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I adore this one, gapvic :) it looked a very different day :)
  2. :) It is so nice that the old boy can still be out with his pack ....x
  3. Oh Boy I guess Albert is lucky he hasn't died from ingesting stuff ..... two of them? What fun :p
  4. march 2 - what a shame they grow up .....
  5. It's the windmill shape.colour.perspective I love ..don't care much about stars ;)
  6. ..and no, it is not a composite image .
  7. How long have you been taking photos? forever , it seems :) Are you professional, amateur, artist, something else? something else ..... I am an addict ,and someone who just enjoys what the camera sees. Do you have a main subject (portrait, pets etc)? macro .... the insignificant ..and my 'backyard' Do you have a favourite technique or photography set-up? (Or a few) Does this count? "hunting" insects/spiders - and trying to make best use of teh limited equipment I have What is your learning edge at the moment? exposure What equipment do you use? MACRO- iphone & olloclip lens , plus an old FINEPIX S8000D which has a wonderful macro function! I also use an old pentax body fitted with lenses which I used to use about 35 years ago on my pentax SLR .... Any current projects? no... Future hopes, visions and/or experiences? I am hoping to participate in 'exhibitions' this year for the first time A statement about what you strive for with your work: Hmmm - don't know
  8. Steve - ..and what lesson did Mr 20 yr old learn ? :) Hope he's all OK now .
  9. I make ours in boiled/boiling rainwater in a plunger ..and it is then put into a squeeze bottle in the fridge . It certainly works!!
  10. staffyluv ............ that is one scary story!! I am so glad that no one was hurt
  11. Thanks :) he was a funny boy .."you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone"
  12. Rose - in a previous life where I worked we had a brood bitch called Rose :) A lab ..very pale ..she was pretty .
  13. This issimilar to a rottie pup my mum had . We dismissed it for a while ..then when we had her xrayed ..she was euthed due to shocking hips, and an unhealed fracture in a shoulder - done when very young. This pup could also have a problem in its brain .... but it is IMO not a normal reaction ... except maybe for an unsocialised 'feral' type pup who has made it thru thus far by being a bully ....
  14. I make a batch ( only a couple of cups) , every morning :)
  15. was at a clearing sale out in the scrub ..and saw this- it made me smile - was a clipped [pom] I think . a couple of other snaps ... and .....Storm Troopers....
  16. oohh..lab pups are just way too cute and angelic looking :p I hope you will share photos!! :)
  17. Erny - I can now understand a bit of how you felt --- I am trying hard to convince a couple of people to make a brew .. do as I do - have some in a squirt/spray bottle in teh fridge - and use on whosever's skin needs it , anytime! ...but...but.. it says it's to DRINK .. It smells ... and how is THAT supposed to work? Put it on those scratches on my arms? huh? *sigh* and I will reiterate ... this stuff is ideal for 'personal' use , on teh go /when in a hurry or whatever ..instead of expensive wipes :) I just keep some soaked paper towel or facewasher cool ... :)
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