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Everything posted by persephone

  1. got any probiotics to give them now ? Plain low fat yoghurt?
  2. i would suggest you change schools if possible? or at least try another - see how she goes. She may associate this one with scary .....
  3. Stan...happy Birthday to a legend!! :)
  4. At 14 mths ,,and a condition developing from trauma? Just on this info - I presume a recent trauma would be resposible ? I imagine a breeder would not be responsible .
  5. Yep that poor lady at Yattalunga, for those with FB you can read the reviews of good old Gossie Council https://www.facebook.../ilikemygosford there are another couple about rangers etc not doing enough. makes life hard .
  6. yes! this is why all my dogs are taught "YUCK" , and "Gimme" So I can stop them picking something up ..and /or get them to give up what is in their grip :) This is taught from day dot..and never involves taking away a food bowl during meals. ....the puppies enjoy it :)
  7. Breathe , and take things slow ... I think you're doing well :) Hope the foot behaves itself ..and that maddie is able to move happily :)
  8. Mystiq- I call them "Career mums" they will do it - but cannot wait to get back to what they were doing ;)
  9. That one - we think she actually ate it - left no trace as I had cleaned the soiled paper up from the last pup born. There was no sign of it anywhere. At first, we even were wondering if we counted right. not hard to do in the confusion , either...glad you had so many healthy ones :)
  10. It doesn't take much to kill a newborn blob ..one snap which unintentionally connects will do it ... 11 BC puppies :D
  11. mystique - in case you missed it (might be in another thread?) the OP has said how good dogs' feet are with him being walked with foot protection , and kept off grass for 3 days so far Diet is also now kangaroo + sweet potato ..and no supplements :) I also heard about the vinegar and Stingers! ouch! Apparently the vinegar triggers the fibres to release more venom ..and so makes things worse . So many were using it too !
  12. :) @ the running til foaming at the mouth ..our guys get like that as well ..they only flop down when absolutely exhausted- just in case they miss something!! I know you live a bit away from good resources ..makes it hard. An anti bark collar on this dog is obviously a : inefficient b: possibly contributing to the frustrated barking. Do you have a video of dog barking - what does he do ? is he watching anything, running, playing, guarding ....? One thing I would suggest is that his excercise be CONTROLLED ..by you . walks/training/a little free running with lots of recalls /downs etc - quiet& calm periods indoors/outdoors (on lead so there are no mistakes)....reinforced with treats . if he is barking while travelling ..use a lead and martingale on him - have him in the front with you ..and correct him the instant he starts to tense up.
  13. That's a good start :) I am glad he enjoys walking in the rain .
  14. Sounds as if you are working hard - but I suggest NOT wrapping feet in plastic except when he is walking raw skin , esp if is seeping, plus sweat from pads .. is a perfect breeding ground for nasties .the extra heat produced on teh sore skin may hinder healing, as well, sadly. Good to see that he is on a limited steady diet as well :)
  15. Hi Dianne, it really is a complex situation, and I do think you may need to scale back so many supplements, as it could be confusing his system. try and source some raw green tripe as a meat source, and combine with steamed mashed sweet potatoe, as a basic elimination diet. I'd encourage a consultation with a holistic vet to discuss a treatment plan. personally, I'd hold off any more Advocate for now, unless you truly have a flea issue, and then just use Advanatge, or try the new Activyl product. Your dog is on so many different things ..and yet still has free access to the grass which seems to exacerbate the issue You did say he was improved when kept indoors, right? he loves to run free, I know ..however , a couple of weeks in a pen with no grass would really point you in the right direction, I think. he will not enjoy it - there are lots of people & animals who need to change a lifestyle during a diagnosis ..and maybe also as a management tool. is there nowhere you can leash walk this dog on plain soil/asphalt/concrete? !! speaking of concrete /yards ..is there a disinfectant used on the cattle/pens/shed ??? That could well be something else to consider.
  16. MEXTURES mextures is textures/light and grain . mextures also has tools for sharpening/contrast/colour temp.Cropping, film effects and B/W conversion . It may take a while ..there is so much content with which to play!!! :) much fun, and some nice effects .
  17. These look fantastic. Not cheap ..but very appropriate and comfy ..wonder if they come in human size ? :p almost ! :D HERE
  18. The wallybed looks great for littlies! :)
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