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Everything posted by persephone

  1. That was their joint decision :) Groom & groomsmen wore matching nice white shirts, shorts & thongs ( it was written on invites that things were mandatory ) For these two - it was perfect - this is how they are ....
  2. Finally I got to get around to looking at these - the elephant one is my favourite .. and I do like the way your big cats are always 'doing' things :)
  3. :) puppies certainly have teeth ..and they are there for a reason - to chew food ! It also makes mealtime more than a 2 minute scoff ;)
  4. i don't think he needs calcium at all - esp as he's getting raw mice :P :p Seriously - he should not need it - also - I would advise swapping chicken necks for semi frozen - or frozen whole wings - less of a chance they will be swallowed whole and pose a choking risk :) and we need photos!! What advice did the breeder send him home with regarding feed & supplements?
  5. and leaves sweat from pads behind- more scent marking :)
  6. Shadrack ..... you sound as if your dogs needs a bit of tough love - they have plenty of affection and snuggles and care ..and now need to learn that all this wonderfulness comes with a cost! Dogs ARE like human kids - house rules /chores/table manners/playing gently .... all that stuff is vital to learn :) IF you can the housemate on board, and IF you are willing to work at it .. Nothing In Life Is Free should help . This involves still using treats/cuddles etc BUT the dogs ONLY get attention when their behaviour is what you want . Dogs learn this really fast , actually - because they LOOOVE their attention/treats - however it will take some time for everyone(esp humans) to learn the new routine ;) CLICK HERE to have a read . :) You are fortunate in having several DOL members living around melbourne who are professionals working with dogs , and who are wonderful to have at your side when learning to manage problems :) I know there are more - apologies to those I've missed cosmolo nekhbet erny
  7. :) I think i am in love with Mishka's cute face !!
  8. it's really easy to cut back :) use low/no fat cheese ..and hold off on jerky, etc. Try him with slivers of dry fried sweet potato , or dried apple rounds cut into little bits :) With all th eyummies he's getting ..and a nice variety - I would suggest also reducing his dry food intake by 1/3 :) That way th e lack of exercise is catered for :)
  9. j..yes- try it!! (and edit with iPhone apps ;) ) here are some of mine :)
  10. karin's art page on FB - this is her main passion ... CLICK HERE and some of her iPhone macros on redbubble CLICK HERE a teaser....
  11. ..one from ANZAC - we have all sorts of family stuff - including war memorabilia , so I got out some of it , and other bits & pieces ..and made up a little display for our visitors.
  12. :) she looks very large now! pretty girl ....
  13. Lucky George :) at least Teddy gets an airing ;)
  14. here is a snap from the other night with friends on a houseboat - and a lovely little boy to whom the world is a playground :)
  15. This from a friend : CLICK HERE excerpt :
  16. denali - 'companions' - horses & donkeys ... :) LOVE it.
  17. Taliecat - hasten slowly with teh next one !! :)
  18. :D so glad you now at least have a diagnosis - and perhaps a new vet ! ( actually betadine is what I use here ..and have had no problems - however for that particular thing it may not be suitable :) )
  19. Chicken necks are a bit dangerous if they are swallowed whole ... wings are very fatty ... You can easily feed your dog 3 small meals ..brekky ... early tea... late supper.... :) PLEASE see an experienced person .The longer you fiddle with food , the more your dog is uncomfortable and you have no idea of what is happening inside
  20. So Sorry Rozzie ... that is a very long partnership.... Columbus takes with him an awful lot of wisdom to share at the bridge :)
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