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Everything posted by persephone

  1. just so you can see how much it absorbs - put a teaspoon in some water in a glass, and leave it for 20 mins or so. - it's amazing! :)
  2. psyllium is just the husks from the plant .They absorb HEAPS of moisture ..and swell into a gel. I was told to always soak it well before adding to food - and start of at about a 1/2 teaspoon of dry psyllium husk first . ( this all Hamlet ever had after his obstruction surgery ..and it worked very well.) if it is fed dry ..then it MAY - may- absorb too much liquid from the gut, and actually CAUSE constipation ;) it is not really a diet change as such ... merely a glob of soluble fibre to help stuff pass easily thru the intestine :) I have used it in humans/dogs/cats/horse - for digestion/furballs/sand colic.
  3. Friends owned a wei - such a laid back dog :) She was a duck dog - then retired . Good traveller ... would bark at strangers, but was very good with people.and liked kids :)
  4. :) psyllium is wonderful stuff - glad things are looking better.
  5. not the cheapest - but they will last a long time - can be washed , and hold a lot of liquid!! CLICK HERE. I will also suggest rescue remedy drops ....
  6. i well remember teh heartache and effort ... this is a fantastic update - BUT - we need pics :p :D
  7. A very worthy roadside stop! Lovely :)
  8. ? ? what made you come to that decision....
  9. Welcome :) Whichever breed you get - if you get a puppy , it will be 12 mths or so before it can safely go cycling etc with you - because of possible damage to young ,growing joints . Have you read the info on Wei's HERE ? That is included in Dog Breeds 101 , found HERE. Why does OH think a wei would suit your home? What would YOUR ideal dog be? How high are your fences..and of what material? *as an aside- to be able to cycle around the Blue Mtns sounds lovely * :)
  10. ..why ot use a good pet mince(with ground bone ) & a small amount ofsome mushy raw veg ? She obviously still enjoys bones ... so some of them as well :) ..that way she gets good fresh food ..
  11. Oh Dear - at least dog is now in a better place . R I P poor old neighbour man . No more pain .
  12. ohh- I remember Chester :) I am so sorry he has gone -
  13. issy - hope you & your dog have more pleasant night times now :)
  14. :) She hopped up in there and curled comfortably ... then I just dumped stuff ontop ..wheeled everything inside , and she didn't move! Mind you, this is after she found a way into the lounge- hopped up onto a pile of beanbags and very slowly slid down in a pile of dog & bags ....
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