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Everything posted by persephone

  1. LOL seems "no dog on the bed " has, ermmmm gone by the wayside ;) She is looking lovely!
  2. if you have questions about herbs etc ..or want to try something different - have a chat to teh folks at McDowell herbal ....
  3. at the pics of the Muderaanian!! Donatella - priceless!! Friends have a "rat" - a little chi X and while she does get absolutely fussed over - and carried , simply because she is TINY - she also thoroughly enjoy racing around with teh bigger dogs , getting dirty, chasing crickets and sticks , and 'going bush' on camping trips .
  4. Go Myrtie :) DD - just think of the wonderful anti-arthritic pain exercise food ball rolling is ;)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=HDcqqHR2Wzk
  6. ...Does this help ? And being a mix of breeds ..anatomy can often looks a bit out of proportion ...or 'different' Oh ..and the area between anus and vulva is the perineum . Lots of muscles, anal opening,anal glands and urethra /vagina . There are things which can go wrong with anything here... but , if you are concerned , ask the vet , of course .
  7. Remember - she is the one who is important ..and when her quality of life means she cannot independently get around , or toilet comfortably - when she loses interest in a lot of things, and her bad hours seem to be more than the good ones - then you can give her the peace and rest her poor old body will welcome .... just love her, and take photos , and feed her all her favourites :)
  8. So sorry, MW ... many beautiful and smile-filled memories are part of her legacy . R I P Tess ...
  9. I should upload the video to youtube to share :) yes, you should ! :)
  10. Sorry we are telling you of all the not so good things We are many, our years of being around dogs are legion, and unfortunately, on this forum, have read about almost every accident/training problem and mistake around So - I guess we are a bit pessimistic sometimes :) The balcony concerns me - child proof ...how high is the wall ? Remember - children know what 'danger' means ..and so ,after a certain age- (and before another certain age) ..they will not attempt things . Dogs have no such knowledge of human dangers ..and a bouncy or scared pup/dog can achieve all sorts of gymnastic things ....
  11. DD..roll up little chunks..and maybe then roll them in crushed up tasty pulverised (mortar& pestle) kibble or pulverised cat bikkies! This will increase smell/taste..and , being dry coated, will stick to her tongues/mouth a bit as she gets a grip on them ;)
  12. *nods* A 'playpen' will certainly need to be very high and strong- this is no tiny puppy :) .babygates will not be very safe either . I also hope you can dog proof your balcony - you will have a tall dog who has a good ability to jump...and absolutely no idea what is below ....
  13. ..unfortunately - this then suddenly leaves a dog totally alone after 2 weeks of humans 24/7 , and mega attention. not a very good situation for any dog ....coming from a breeder with lots of company, smells, sounds, and dogs ..then to an apartment with humans in close contact . .then................................ ............................. ..I know it has been done before ..however a collie has a pretty good bark/howl ..and can also cause a LOT of damage in a short time . These problems are best never let develop , rather than have to be fixed .. A good trainer is a must ;)
  14. make her raw a bit drier and roll into marble shaped balls ;) ?
  15. Congrats! Hopefully the pup's breeder has given you some ideas :) 6 mths old - you are adopting a teenager!! It could be a very steep learning curve ............... What experience has pup had until now ? is it a pet, or breeder surplus, or ? Absolute Basics are sensible strong collar for the breed (narrow headed dogs need a bit different collars sometimes) and well made leash. bowls/water containers appropriate brushes/combs bedding ( need not be expensive ) which is WARM ..enclosed sleeping areas are draft and cold proof ..rather than just a flat 'mattress' probably a coat/jammies. Good strong toys ... decent food SECURE fencing VET appointment HUMAN skill basket - read/read/watch/learn as much as you can about pups/dogs/your chosen breed ..
  16. I love how the speed & thrills are caught, along with the dust :)
  17. Hamlet never had nightmares ..but was always chasing bunnies ..they eyes would move , he would bark with his mouth closed ..so a muffled one, thank goodness ..and the tail would wag as the legs ran .Sometimes he would whimper with excitement ....
  18. How wonderful, piper! I loove tapir ..that is such a different series of them :)
  19. OH.My.GOODNESS!!! ermmm..whatever happened to that oh so cute puppy ??? I LOVE that first image - he looks like some giant dog with feet up on someone's HOUSE. So glad he has grown into such a solid and wonderful boy, and that he brings you happiness and good memories, cas.
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