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Everything posted by persephone

  1. i doubt hair would grow now - scars usually don't behave the same as normal skin they are beauty spots ;)
  2. you have a gorgeous dog - things will happen - find lots of stuff to read , so vet stuff/illness isn't so scary :) The more you understand, the better it is usually :) perhaps these will help? CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
  3. That does happen sometimes - being wrapped and moist is what skin 'bugs' love ... yes it will be sore ..and if that is all it is - then it will heal now the foot is free of bandages . Follow the vet's advice ...:) She may need some extra meds to help with it ... I have no idea - this is all just from previous experience ...
  4. ..being scared of the vacuum is a definite no-no then best of luck with it :)
  5. what breed is she wanting ? perhaps there are DOLers who breed, or know of breeders who might be more to your friend's liking ?
  6. I wouldn't have stayed there very long either perhaps she should visit another breeder or two ? Instead of gumtree - why not go to pet rescue ? Most folks there at least check you out , and offer support . Most BYBers do not offer a trial period or anything like that
  7. I cannot see why a different food would lead to scooting - unless it gave a dog diarrhoea or sticky poo ...
  8. can you work with him slowly and gently to get him used to being vacuumed with a brush? I have done this to dogs ..it is very effective ..and providing you & your dog are trusting ..teaching can be fun & lead to a win-win. :)
  9. An itchy bum can be anything ...from anal glands, to a little nerve which is twitching ( you know, that thing where your eyelid or something gets the twitches ?) ..to a bit of dirt , or a tiny tear, a scratch ... or even a muscle inside which is sore ..and rubbing might help. :) Dogs often do this when they feel a need to clean their bums, too.
  10. the stuff he is doing - some of it's very similar to what stock working dogs do a great deal of their life- day in, day out ... with ours , around 9 is a time for less high jumping ... and they wind down from there .....
  11. this is a communal bed in our porch - just a pile of old pillows & a couple of blankets .In the daytime it gets used by two or more ..then at night,when the others are put elsewhere- it is the chosen spot for our old Gert - who is in her teens ..and loves it. On really cold ( under 5 deg. nights) I will put a HW bottle there for her - most times she doesn't use it.
  12. driving with ..... well- driving a few hundred metres from here to there , and back again ;)
  13. I'm not you - but if I want a holiday - it's no dogs .
  14. Your friend needs to be started on this journey by a qualified trainer who can SHOW her what she needs to do. A few one on one lessons from a decent trainer would be a good start. She has months of learned behaviours to undo. All the good will in the world will not be enough for a novice handler to conquer that. yes. Your friend sounds as if she really wants to do it alone - but it's like repairing a car/computer , etc . Without a professional showing you what goes where- and how they connect - there could be some interesting and dangerous things happen in the operation! Please encourage her to use the professional's knowledge to teach her the skills needed. Then she & pup can continue the journey :)
  15. .. :) it will take me a few more days before I stop getting out of bed carefully so as not to disturb the big lump in one corner .....and last night I saved the steak offcuts ..... early days :)
  16. I saw thejolly balls on ebay ..very similar - but what I liked about these tuggo ones is that water can be added to change teh weight ....
  17. Which makes me wonder what is missing if this pup is still lunging and pulling with the owner after attending training and having a behaviourist consult ... Hope they can get it sorted soon. If the dog is just untrained she doesn't need a behaviourist, she needs a trainer. If she's attending group training sessions she's not getting the drift and is just confusing and frustrating herself and her dog. It would be best for her to stop the group training sessions immediately and find a competent trainer to work one on one with her and the dog. Pers, as you know her perhaps post the general area of where she lives and maybe someone can recommend a good trainer. I don't know her ??? well, I don't think I do ....
  18. Which makes me wonder what is missing if this pup is still lunging and pulling with the owner after attending training and having a behaviourist consult ... Hope they can get it sorted soon.
  19. Not really The handler's knowledge of the dog's body language , and how to react will teach the dog 'manners'....whether on a strong flat collar , or something else. I . M . O - if you don't know WHY your dog is doing what it's doing ..and what to replace it with ....AND how to communicate this to your dog ... no beneficial teaching /training will happen .
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