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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ooh :) sawfly larvae?? or 'spitfires' I think. good catch/es!!
  2. I LOOVE those chook houses! Impractical for Aussie Summers ..but so pretty :)
  3. lung changes . Now , that is really helpful - NOT . When you were at the vets did the vet do a thorough check? listening closely in all areas - ask about the wheezing -as in how often ..what dog was doing when it coughed etc ?
  4. :) he has to wear out at some stage! His nervous system has been SO bombarded !! :) we do need photos you realise ;)
  5. Oh Dear It's a shame you couldn't start his desensitising prior to working ...... I suggest getting in touch with Erny or Cosmolo pronto :)
  6. :) hope everyone slept .... and that today sees him a bit less hyped by the world
  7. Ace may stop him pacing - but will increase his anxiety , as his brain will still be working , while his body won't move Any lingering un coordination/hypersensitivity to noise etc will not be pleasant either perhaps try something like an anti histamine instead ? phenergan will make him nice & drowsy & comfortable ....
  8. poor dog - stressed away from home more than anything is my guess... and being so unused to a world outside his yard ...Now being inside with all the different stimuli adds to it . he goes out - Oh not MY backyard ... perhaps this will get my people to notice "door scratch " .... oh not My people .....and anxiety/fear blocks out everything else . I think a crate may just send him to a worse place, if .He has been free range .... and if he is totally unused to any form of confinement/control ... all this is going to be very difficult Do you have any D A P around? that would be ideal for him , I think .. What has your vet said about the most appropriate drug to help settle him?
  9. when his stitches are removed ..and he has a day or so to build up to it :)
  10. I hope you can a session booked very soon and get support for you both :)
  11. thank you for the update :) pent up energy - yes- BUT mental exercise will tire a dog out much more than running - all that does is get them fit & want more ;) Agility- teaching her tricks at home - it all sounds good .
  12. That's good to remember - now your chosen professional has good background material :)
  13. The dear old thing :) ..all I could think was that the collar looked heavy :p You do all you can for her ..she knows that , and I hope she takes your absence well ..I presume she's staying at home ? Gorgeous photos
  14. A yellow Rosella - perched on a walnut branch, with fig tree tangles behind him :)
  15. welcome ! Sorry the news that brings you here is not the happiest personally I cannot be of help , but - the raw food thread is VERY long and FULL of wonderful information. CLICK HERE Also, I suggest you make contact with teh good folk at McDowell Herbal . They will listen, advise and try & help. CLICK HERE take care.
  16. Thanks, j ... Miss Moppett will be with me soonish, hopefully :)
  17. awww... Mic-Mac - such a special and beloved boy ...
  18. Because Didi was scared..and she reacted automatically. Why do Doctors/hairdressers use all sorts of distractions when little kids have to have something done for the first time ? So they don't suddenly back away & scream ....
  19. Ok... just took these with the old canon . A pr of yellow rosellas 'goin' Courtin' :)
  20. *shakes head* Horses may be accidents waiting to happen , but dogs are just instant worry ! :D
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