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Everything posted by persephone

  1. If she has been doing this for weeks - it doesn't sound like a sprain ... luxating patella can be fine - then all of a sudden teh dog will be unable to comfortably use a knee - so will 'skip' .. the little kneecap can then slide back in position - and all is Ok until next time .( My dog Mitchell was like this ) From my experience with sprains - there is usually swelling and a lot of pain - almost like a break , sometimes . ..and it doesn't come & go.
  2. it was just a one-off snap - but looked cute :) thanks.
  3. By what you have written - it COULD be a slipping patella (kneecap) this is best diagnosed correctly by a vet first . :)
  4. LOL. it's our bitches who fight, kill poultry, are the watchdogs , and who are the best independent workers! the boys are pretty much softies .......
  5. ..why doesn't she join D O L - then she could discuss things directly ? :)
  6. damn humans - never behave how they should ;)
  7. if the lead/longline is totally different to a normal lead the carrying behaviour may not happen . Just treat these things quietly and calmly ...... no extra speech or attention . walk past , ruffle his neck - clip LONGline on ... this is what I use - chew proof ... and strong . gets used for walking too :)
  8. I think he should be YOUR 'service dog' ..that way he can travel anywhere with you - and you would probably feel better /less anxious with his presence :) There are organisations who can assist you with the formal training - I don't know them by name, unfortunately .
  9. It doesn't sound odd - just doggy minds working ;) being outside- with night smells/sounds ..is MUCH more interesting ;) he realises that the routine means come in/go to bed ..and he respects that - but, hey - "I'm DOG- I am all a- quiver with what's happening out here..." get yourself involved. Buy/make a long leash - at least 3 metres... EVERY time you take him out for toilet ..use that ...it's not game time ...it is toilet time ... use whatever word you use to get him to toilet (and if you have none- start using one ;) ..and stay out there ..not talking to him ..just saying your toilet word every so often . To teach him to associate the word with relieving himself - starting now - EACH time you see him pee or poo - use that word ... and when he finishes - lots of praise/play. in a few days, maybe- use the word when you see him START to toilet ...then when you see him start sniffing around ... it may take a while - but I have trained many many labs to do this ... it will work as long as you are calm and consistent :) Another thing ...leave a longish leash on him when he goes out .chasing/grabbing a dog is NOT a good idea at all - unless in emergency. if he has a 2 mtre leash dragging - you can CALMLY and quietly walk past - pick up the leash - treat him ..say "inside, good boy "..and carry on as normal .... Just my 2c worth ;)
  10. :) thank you . Trouble & I had a 'day out' taking photos! LOL
  11. Took it today ... zoomed , and then cropped a bit . I must admit , I enjoy looking into it ..... here is the structure from a distance ...
  12. being on a longline doesn't mean the fun stops ;) meeting new people- on her level .. LOL After a big day ..a nap's a nap!
  13. if she syringes the slippery elm in(between teeth & cheek - dog has no choice . depending on the bone - dog might need to avoid fat ? or it may be that dog is intolerant to beef , or whatever the bone was ? has dog had all relevant tests for pancreas, etc ?
  14. I hope they do NOT vax a dog who is ill - or may be incubating a virus!!! bad practice if they do. The 'regurgitaion' and the kennel cough could well be two separate issues .. with teh regurgitation - what does she do ..put her head down, and it runs out - does she have a throat spasm - does she cough- do her neck or belly muscles move?
  15. It's very sad now, she is having to turn away kittens which will probably just be dumped - the area being rural poor little things - to maybe grow into ferals and breed many more.
  16. Dear Ralph - there will be many who are sad today
  17. Hope they're ok .... the carpet /underlay/floor ...........weeellll All I can suggest is empty a BIG thing of talcum powder over it ... or an old towel with a heavy weight on top . That will remove part of the surface stuff....
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