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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Great photos - :) may I suggest you get some non latex food handling gloves , DD :) No more smell of meaty stuff lingering !
  2. here's hoping - but it certainly doesn't sound like a sprain to me from your description. Glad they aren't concerned. Do we get photos of this little worry ? :)
  3. :) My guess is scar tissue - not to worry . Same if you had abdominal surgery . There is always a little reminder in the muscle layer under the skin ;)
  4. you DID - I almost asked Troy to move it - and I had not even opened it ;)
  5. I hesitated in opening this - wondering why it was it general !! LOL seems it was a successful hunt! :)
  6. Horrible Herbert decided he did not want to go to the 'crate'. Tried to make being crated on his terms. I changed the command to zulu. He races into the crate everytime. Win-win. Zulu .. :) like it! My Kieran - his "down and switch off ' phrase was "Resting Puppy" ( he was 42 kg )
  7. if training a dog - the word you use does not HAVE to the correct verb :D Your dog can just as easily SIT if you have trained it using "grape" - so using another language - pick a word- any word!! LOL. perhaps use "Plie" (plee-ay) (fold/bend?)
  8. Well then - good for them! they are doing all they can to get to know who they are dealing with :)
  9. You may not have heard/read- but I seem to remember reading of someone ticking all the boxes - being sold a puppy ..but it seems the wonderful person was a "front" and pup went to another owner. Anyone can email and say the right things . When a lot of money changes hands- and a life is entrusted , why NOT get some sort of photo ID - and proof of home etc? I LOVE the idea of the breeder talking to the vet . Brilliant :) the other queries may be to match a puppy to you .... I am getting a rescue cat - and have sent them pics of the cat enclosure & things - *shrug* .They didn't ask - but I wanted them to see where a cat would be living , and how..
  10. Just need to put in another plug for the conni critter pads - yes- have used them for incontinent dogs - but they have been invaluable for a certain piglet! She uses them for any inside toileting - and they absorb a LOT, very quickly . Thinking of you, managing your oldies ....
  11. Is there anything which happens every few months ? carpet cleaning worming flea/tick applications on the dog spraying for insects around the house?
  12. the professional will help you understand ,and 'speak' more dog , hopefully :)
  13. ..Where is your dog that this happens ? perhaps take dog away from the back lane , if that's it - and definitely do not have a dog in the front yard at all , unless you are with them - so much can happen Can you put shadecloth or bamboo along the fence to break line-of-sight?
  14. The younger one may well see the 'disappearance' of the older dog as victory - and will be seeking to reinforce that . IMO. I really hope you do NOT introduce them with muzzles on - all the fear/anxiousness/aggro and dominance will still be there - but with no way of resolving it perhaps use leashes for taking dogs inside/outside .. You may never be able to have them together again - it depends on the professional's assessment, of course. If you build runs- you can not have an adjoining fence - that will build frustration and aggro. on teh one hand - and increase stress on teh other . It's always a horrible situation . Thinking of you.
  15. Hide , and give them one hell of a fright? Squirt them? ;) after all that - yes, speak with teh parents ...
  16. kwirky :) that's great - I'm sure you will both enjoy it.
  17. A Vet check first . Make it thorough - especially joints !!! Explain to the vet why. I would also suggest a couple, or a few 5 - 10 minute training sessions each day .... teach him the basics - and any tricks .... make it fun .. work on one until he knows it - then something a bit harder ... That way he is thinking , and that makes for a much calmer dog!! Because he insists is NOT the reason to walk a dog - or to do anything for a dog ;) YOU are the 'top Dog' - it is YOU who does any insisting . LOL
  18. persephone


    A White Christmas!! LOL
  19. agree - however - if teeth are present , but have not descended ? That would be an extra problem./expense an owner could well do without , I think ..... This is the sort of fault that I would be concerned about. A kinky tail or the wrong ear set = no problems for a pet. But actual physical things would bother me, so much can go wrong with them as it is. if a jaw was not big enough .. or the baby teeth were lying the wrong way in bone .. *shrugs* No idea if/how often this happens - but I would not buy a pup as described ...
  20. agree - however - if teeth are present , but have not descended ? That would be an extra problem./expense an owner could well do without , I think .....
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