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Everything posted by persephone

  1. if there is a deformity - ie: the leg does not work /is a different size - well, yes, he will limp and you may well be right about the cause . Is he in pain ? No idea . if he carries on as normal .. then obviously it isn't bothering him all that much - he is used to it ...
  2. I think you are doing well, and yes, I hope you have notified the rescue . Jules has given you good advice :)
  3. awww- wrinkles look so good on this baby :)
  4. Boxers are very smart- and strong, and full of the joys of life ... I hope you can find someone to show YOU how to understand what he is trying to tell you , and how to fulfil his needs :) Just from your post, he sounds like a teenage boy who needs some responsibilities and interests . LOL I agree 100 x on MENTAL stimulation . feed him via a treat ball - provide him with cardboard boxes to wreck, a sandpit to dig in ..and some hefty rope toys to throw/chew .. Your KIDS need to be taught, also . The energy kids often show around young dogs just mean you have a young dog with all the symptoms of a red cordial binge!! Kids need to learn how to be calm, and settled and to not egg the pup/dog on ;) This is unfair on them all you all would probably benefit from reading articles like THIS CLICK HERE :) or THIS :)Click here I hope your training sessions are really helpful , and that we soon see photos of your bouncing boy boxer! :)
  5. O So Swift - your dobe was a good judge :) My kieran would shoulder his way between someone who had been drinking, and our family - keeping the person at distance m if they were the touchie-feely type of drunk .... there would often also be a low rumble- unheard by the person to which it was directed. being that Kieran was 42 kg of staghound ... his actions were much appreciated by me . he also did NOT like teenage boys - and would keep me away from them too :)
  6. sorry I thought enough info was in the title " RSPCA post on FB seeking owners" and yes, HBC = hit by car.
  7. you are correct . Oh - and this same person was very disappointed in me , because I didn't pat/fuss over their dogs when I was at their place ...explaining that I am not one to fuss over dogs just because they are there - well that went down like a lead balloon , as did many other things . I felt/feel very upset by it all - darn it.
  8. yes, good socialisation is ideal - but it is almost impossible here , with so few opportunities ... Thanks for the support, as usual :) it is also good to read of others who do not like being in the company of drunk people - I avoid it where possible - this was an unexpected and most unpleasant surprise Don has had extra cuddles - and is asleep under the kitchen table . :)
  9. :) McDowell are herbalists who occasionally include some bach flower remedy . here are ingredients for one of their mixes : Blue Flag Chamomile, Dandelion, Echinacae, Fennel, Garlic, Ginseng (T), Kelp, Nettle, Parsley, Pine Bark, Red Clover and Violet Leaves as well as the Bach Flowers Olive, Scleranthus, Walnut and Rescue Remedy. I find them amazingly helpful , and this has reminded me to order some stuff for myself :)
  10. Thanks. If the situation was different - I would have not even stayed - *family pressure* I was "this far" from saying you WILL get bitten if you push - and then Don might, too ! Oh - I was also asked NOT to tell her what to do - SHE could see that Don was just so excited to be on an outing , he was beside himself ...... the 'what ifs ' ... had I known she'd been drinking all afternoon I certainly wouldn't have fronted up - let alone take goofy dog with. It's hard here , with not a regular flow of people - sometimes we go a couple of weeks with just me & the animals ..Don & Trouble & I all live pretty insulated /isolated lives .....our social skills can be lacking:(
  11. Goofy Don almost bit someone who was trying to get to know him . The person was drunk ...female ... the person got frustrated when Don didn't respond to "come" ...and expressed views on our NOT using a lot of the 'formal' dog words- we don't talk a lot to our dogs generally , and use whistles / slang to the dogs. I gave the person a few cat bikkies to hold - so their hand would smell nice . these were thrown away - treats shouldn't be necessary .... LOTS of talking to Don ..then lying down - when poor Don really freaked and climbed on my shoulders!! ( he was on a LONG , long line ) etc, etc ..... in the end , we left that person to it ...Don & I moved. he growled, barked , and snapped once when the person continued to move her hand close , after me telling her to stay still !!!!! we don't drink ..or have many occasions when the dogs meet folks who are drunk - so this was Don's first ..and not a good one. While I do not mind at all having a dog who will get between me & a drunk person - esp young male ( like my deerhound Kieran, used to ) I am not keen on having a fearful shoulder climber ..and felt awful putting Don thru it .... family politics made it really hard to just up & go ... Don is normally a little aloof - but loves people ..and is such a gentle goof - this morning he was playing chasey with a bone! - letting the others grab it & hang on ..and having a wonderful time ... *sigh*
  12. Today, the young fella met kids for the first time . This young man was rapt - and seems the feeling was mutual :)
  13. is it elongated nipples, or a saggy under-carriage ? When was her last litter ?lots of Time, exercise and muscle tone help with a saggy undercarriage ..elongated nipples? As sas says - probably only surgery - but why ?
  14. UNDERDOG the bonus is the person is a D O L member :)
  15. I am not a great fan of primate photos - however I just LOVE gorilla infant , with stick ! :) gorgeous , T
  16. I feed whenever I think of it ! Breakfast can be anytime from 6 to 10 am ..bedtime feed - anywhere from 9 til midnight!
  17. my 2c worth ? You are doing the best for now :)
  18. I would also think the original dog may get more human interaction now too :) One adult is MUCH easier than one adult and a bouncy pup ...
  19. they can have almost anything in teh way of meat ...turkey necks/lamb flaps.chicken frames.our COLES (SA) has cryovac pkts of lamb offcuts - mostly one weightbearing bone ..not often used , and some tails/pelvic bones .About $5 I think? LOVE them, anyhow.
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