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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I have never had an entire dog inside .... well, never really had an entire pet/house dog. I think Don pees all over himself ..he reeks!! It's like a fox scent ..very strong !! Apart from washing him all the time ..any suggestions? ( yes, he will be castrated in the not too distant future ;) )
  2. Oh ! I really was expecting to read that she had bitten ! this is MUCH better news, really :) She got a fright ... which could have been prevented ... and everyone has learned something . She needs lots of simple exercises now to build her confidence again - from both of you :) good on you for persevering !
  3. awww- he is the first I've ever seen with tail :)
  4. train/walk pup in your yard . several times each day , so he is used to walking on lead , sitting , and has started to toilet on command :) You can also now . teach him car travel . and let him get used to wearing harness /seat belt ....then stop near parks/shops etc , wind windows down and let pup sniff/listen/look :)
  5. "I DO have a rope toy , AND I know how to use it ..." he is bluer than this - I played a bit with the photo ;)
  6. I was wondering if a trainer was positioned somewhere out of shot ?
  7. poor old wobbler is recovering from a vestibular problem .. she was unable to do anything much for a few days - eyes flicking, severe head tilt , etc ... now she is back to thinking she's boss , even tho a growl sounds like a hiss ..and although her balance is not brilliant - she can still enjoy a walk , left over crusts for brekkie , and is keen to 'referee' the younger dogs at play.
  8. sounds as though it would be better removed - it may get caught /injured. how old is your dog ? Sounds as if it's been there for some time ?Did the vet say if it was a lipoma , or ?
  9. from my googling - each of those words is a description of a polyp. sessile means on the surface/flat /no stalk . pedunculated means the polyp is attached by a stalk does that help? where is the polyp?
  10. oooh - nice images :) Love the silo with lightning! . I am not really a landscape/sunrise person ..but do take some , mostly on my iphone, where I usually play with them ;)
  11. it highlights all the features of the sighthound :) I love the definition and the curves /shadows . I'd hang it on a wall .
  12. where's the LIKE button ??? that is fantastic :)
  13. this is the unit used for these shots - LINK they have other, larger 'copter' units - and also units with wings- which suffer badly from wedgetailed eagle attacks ! more info HERE
  14. yes. That sandbar is rarely without a moored houseboat - it's a perfect mooring , and folks enjoy looking at our cliffs :)
  15. These units communicate directly with a tablet ..attached to a rigid harness worn by the operator - and also containing the controls. So there is 'live view' and when the screen contains a subject - then 'click' ..press button /take photo .I guess there could be more composition done if time permits - but batteries only last for 20 mins..,and time is money :) The live view is clear , even in daylight - and the whole thing is fascinating to me :) When doing video - same sort of thing - @ 60 kph LOL
  16. if there's no blood - I just leave it as is ( but I do cut off any loose flapping bits ) Hope it heals up well :)
  17. ..and after all the rivery wonderfulness - the house that we actually live in ............ about 300 mtrs from the river . I don't do boats - but , yes there is one here :)
  18. have to smile - the photo makes it all look SO interesting !! LOL .....
  19. NOT taken /operated by moi at all - but by the people who own the aerial photography/survey business ... the little beast was SUCH fun to watch - like the Storm Trooper of the Giant Dragonflies .LOL
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