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Everything posted by persephone

  1. well, this is a bit of iphone playtime late last night :) ( gee- I have such a full life :p )
  2. oh at least you noticed, and got him checked now, rather than later .
  3. Three things > First - make SURE the person doing /scoring the xrays and making the diagnosis is is very well versed in orthopaedics - then you know you have a solid diagnosis. Second- Talk with the breeder . NOT accuse ... but do talk , and provide them with info so that they can then have it for their records . Third. In discussion with the specialist , work out a management/treatment plan - and enjoy your pup .
  4. it is always so sad that , until something like this happens , many people forget that dogs are PREDATORS - they have teeth, and they do NOT interpret the world as we do.
  5. I guess you have stopped the treatment? It would seem unlikely that the small amount put on a hotspot would cause internal issues ..but I am not a vet ;) Ask your vet in the morning ..and get the dog checked for anything odd going on ....
  6. Dogs are smart - Don & Widget & Possum will ,and do , hunt feral cats ..and will attack them . cats inside though? Widget & Don & Tallie all sleep in my room - the dogs are on tethers , admittedly ...but otherwise inside - Tallie only has to glance at them , and they shrink to teeny puppies .possum always goes up to Tallie whingeing and fawning .... If Toby is shredding wire to access furry things - is there some sort of outrigger fence which could be made 'hot' ? No, I realise it will not dampen her drive /desire ..but may help everyone's sanity ? Kirty - have you thought of maybe attending some retrieve/hunting training? Poodles were originally gun dogs /waterfowl retrievers - perhaps she would shine at that ...and learn some channelling /control ?
  7. ..and she has a nice new 'hoodie' ;)
  8. What a gorgeous and lucky little girl :)
  9. She still can be spritely - well into her teens :)
  10. It's awfully hard for you, being a wildlife carer !
  11. she doesn't care if the ground is crunchy :) LOL We DO get Winter :D
  12. That's a Gremlin - even I know that !! Oh My ...how cute is that :) I know the OP wants shorthaired, and isn't quite ready - but how CUUUTE :)
  13. A thought .. has he always been active/jumping/running , etc ? Just wondering if there have been any signs along the way .. MAYBE ... maybe - he has always had some sort of joint/arthritis problem , worsening with the years ? That is covering vet issues ..behavioural issues .. well.. that's why there are professionals - and I so hope you get assistance soon.
  14. Agree with a muzzle - although you possibly will not be able to put it on ! do NOT force the issue . I strongly suggest a thorough vet check ..although if he has been this way since a pup - there is probably no immediate pain or injury . I DO recommend a behaviourist, recommended by DOLers be contacted immediately ., before any more confrontations with this dog . You may love him .. but owning him has big problems IMO , he may indeed have been born with the aggression - kicking in when puberty hit ... and .... i do NOT believe in every temperament problem being caused by humans . if he is cold - then just give him an enclosed, roofed space , filled with a mass of shredded paper into which he can burrow . Shredded paper is really good insulation :) You can also use things like several polar fleece blankets scrunched up , in a draught proof box/kennel ..and one or two of THESE. if he is cold - he will seek it out !
  15. Glad the UTI can be easily sorted :) H D - don't panic yet . get the proper Xrays done with a specialist , and then make plans .
  16. Don't appear rare -a number of breeders advertise on D O L :) If you are on a fixed income .. I suggest starting now , and talking with breeders who breed for temperament /health . Build rapport , and ask about returned dogs / dogs who are being retired from the ring etc ... You could always keep abreast of the rescues., and make some contact with folk there :)
  17. awww... :) I love those images - and hope they help. Nuffin' wrong with black dogs ;)
  18. Speak with the vet, and perhaps they can prescribe something which you can give the dog at home , on the day of the appointment ? Then he can be properly anaesthetised at the clinic. When he's under, it would be a good time to have teeth/ears checked as well ! Best of luck . I would also advise finding a smallish clinic , with experienced vet ., as close to you as possible .....and yes, get a good and comfortable muzzle - train the dog to accept it well before it is needed. Look up JAFCO muzzles . :)
  19. I was going to suggest use a table - so pup is well off the ground, and you can be more comfortable in placing treats/manoeuvring pup.
  20. R S A - yes, I saw the toys, and thought they looked worth a photo or two :) Thanks!
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