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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Have a look at the following links - lots of similar stories- some worse- and some info for you :) LINK LINK LINK
  2. poor Girl - naturally she will be grieving - her whole world is now different. treat her as normal ..but give her extra walks/car rides/bones . Don't fuss over her with cuddles/tears - she will pick up on that & it may make her feel worse . perhaps when you get home ..take her for a walk , or do some training with her - using nice treats :)
  3. Widget is middle aged & tends to pee once during the night . I leave a conni critter pad down for her ...much easier than getting up , waking up numerous other dogs/cat/pig ....... Don holds on really well , considering he's entire & has only been sleeping indoors for a few months !
  4. :) lovely to see the 'odd couple' relaxed and fit,and happy .
  5. No everyday crate use here - I use a tether instead . It is the way I was taught , around 40 yrs ago , and there hasn't been a reason for change . I can see the value of crate use in many lifestyles - but don't think it is essential :)
  6. Whatever you put on will only encourage more licking, IMO . Just a general bath/groom and being kept otherwise occupied may help? Lots of food dispensing items/bones , etc ?
  7. joey - BIG bones!! leave her to it - watch from a distance :) if you cut up bones, you are asking for trouble .... as yes, they can get stuck/swallowed . For a small puppy .. big wings , or chicken carcasses/frames . That way there's almost NO chance of gulping/choking..and up to a half hour of fun ! :)
  8. HAPPY gotcha DAY , Stan - we have ALL gained from your presence :)
  9. perhaps it's a reaction to the new pup? She is not enjoying sharing, and seeking your company/attention the only way she knows how?
  10. he,he... trouble wanted to see what he had - and he was backpedalling as fast as he could!
  11. he really is so different !
  12. fingers crossed, then :) as I said , they survived Troubles' first few months !
  13. Hope all goes well :)
  14. such a photogenic gremlin beast ...
  15. yep :) because she is deaf .. she will join in the others' barking , but forget to stop! on-and on - and 0n ...... lucky we have no neighbours ;)
  16. :) if Gertie sneezes too hard she is in danger of falling on her side - but she will not let a chance to scruff someone go by :) I will so miss her cranky old presence when she goes .....
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2wi5ghdbi3gjddg/August%204%2C%202015%20dogs%20playing.mp4?dl=0
  18. :) Number 2, to me , she looks relaxed :)
  19. LOL!! It looks a bit loose under the arms!
  20. What was she kept on /in before coming to you ? Where did she sleep /toilet? i am of the opinion that certain sensory things can trigger toileting - smells , the feel of different surfaces on feet , times, even temperatures ....or being under cover as opposed to a big sky ...
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