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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Maybe a chicken frame every second day ..and a good chew of rootail/fish head or lamb neck on weekends?
  2. I adore black labs ..... :) and , when the planets align, portraits are gorgeous!
  3. Thanks :) yes, duller days are MUCH better for black beasts :)
  4. thankyou. It is extra hard withGert, as in Mum's last few years Gertie was her shadow. When Mum had a seizure and was on a mattress in the kitchen waiting for an ambulance, Gertie was there too. She slept alongside Mums bed. After mum died, gert would NOT sleep indoors no matter which room we tried. She would work herself into a shivering mess- so outside it was, and she was absolutely content???? in the mornings she would always come in for toast, and again she would lie in her armchair while we watched TV in the evenings Funny old girl She will be much missed. Both the old shearer who gave her to us, and Mum are probably now enjoying her company again????
  5. R I P Old Gertie - This morning, as the sun appeared on the hill , I sent you 'over the rainbow bridge' Your 'HAPPY' had all gone , after 15 yrs hard work in the sheep yards , good company, Mum's support - referee of rough puppy games .. Now we don't need the little step in front of your chair , or the old H/W bottle ...and won't hear you barking long after the others had stopped(being deaf you didn't realise!) Thanks.
  6. K9Pro - contact by phone/email and yes, Jane Harper is a name I've seen recommended a lot here :) You really do need a professional behaviour expert . Check out their sites .. best of luck with your girl .
  7. Silly young man gave me the wrong email addy. I will have to wait now for him to see them ????
  8. he was REALLY cute as a baby, then a kid ... :) Also does lots of training etc ..and has muscles on his muscles :)
  9. Thanks, T .. I told him to audition for a mad max movie ;) he has that sort of look .
  10. LOL A young man who I've not seen for several years has gone & become an adult in that time !! I love his 'new look' ..and finally talked him into letting me take a couple of shots - heaven knows when I'll see him again ...
  11. L G the place usually looks like a toy abbatoir as it is ... little skins & bits everywhere They would enjoy it though .Don & Smoke have a wonderful time pulling things apart ;)
  12. Yes, they said - Kong Wobblers are good . Too Easy ? yes, they said - put in some crumpled paper . much better . NOT Don entertained himself this morning ....
  13. And using tools the wrong way makes them harder to use the correct way should you need them later. It never ever hurts to ask for help from a good trainer. yes. Esp the GOOD trainer bit ;) ajj - ask on here , give us a rough location , and I'm sure someone will be recommended for you :)
  14. Femoral head removal - yep , I have seen dogs with that done ..instant relief , and a very good recovery/quality of life . Amazing to see, actually !
  15. new toy!! Sleeepppp I TOLD you - do NOT do that again!! puppy appeal ...
  16. Rotten job - but someone has to do it > Be Calm training .....
  17. there are various types of grapevine - probably orange trees, then a background of native mallee . Always looks so pretty :)
  18. Yesterday, The Boss made a spiffy new puppy kennel for the scruffers , and they were moved in earlier today Poor Dulcie can now have some time alone ..they sought her out, wherever she tried to get some peace .. ( see first photo! poor girl) ..she has an access panel so she gets to choose when she visits.and they can start learning about what being bush dogs is all about .
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