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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Yes :) She hasn't been out with the pups though I just cannot manage them all at once these days ...
  2. They do work to a degree - reflect heat/insulate :) For old outdoor dogs here, I make my own ;) buy one of those foil windscreen shade thingies . for me - Most of our dog beds are made from the stock feed bags - chaff bags , etc - woven, not paper/plastic . A few layers of newspaper slid into the "envelope" /bag . Then a foil folded/cut windscreen shade. Then .. I try & use raw wool ... failing that ..woll blankets from opshop ..OR nice feather doonas- also from opshop . I then secure the open end .. sew/staple /whatever ..and place in kennel with a scrunch-up blanket as well. Mind you - for dogs who scratch/chew stuff - they usually just get a pile of wooL Indoor dogs have old pillows /sheepskin seat covers and /or wool blankets ..always with newspaper underneath ...and in a confined area away from drafts
  3. What a handsome old man he is :) and privileged to be at the Wedding !
  4. Corvus - thank you for adding your professional words :)
  5. "Not playing ; helping " Hmmmmm
  6. Can she have her protein as beans , maybe?
  7. the Dog sat on the Tuckerbox..... and others , plus BRUCE the sheep .
  8. Nova will not have grown a Winter fur coat yet :) I always like to provide dogs with some sort of "den" Winter bed - to store/reflect back body heat . That can be with their bed in a large box /under a table ..in a soft crate , or placed inside a large roll of foam ( the ones you buy to place on your mattress ) Rolled up & secured - they make a fantastic 'sleeping bag type winter bed :) there is always this idea ;) MAXIE SWAG
  9. Re: rat bait -the Big Cheese baits appear to be very safe to use as far as non-target species are concerned . We have been using it for mice for some time now . It's certainly effective ...and we have raptors/pups/dogs/cat ....
  10. ..and I'm sure madam is not insulted ;) this is just a $2 shop fill-in .... but I couldn't resist!
  11. was this after breakfast , or before? if it was before - he really needs a thorough vet check - as there should not be any food left for him to vomit up . if he was previously on antibiotics, perhaps the vet suspected gastritis? It could well be that the first A/B was not successful, and pup may need another type. Another thing to consider, if it's not gastritis is a partial blockage ...unlikely, sure - but worth thinking about. so - DEFINITELY a good and careful vet check . If pup vomits again ..take good clear photos - to show vet - also diarrhoea needs some photos. best of luck .
  12. Yes I agree love that some of our pupster have special jobs from this litter as well as the diabetes alert pup we have a PTSD Veterans support pup, an autism support pup and a mobility support pup. Pretty proud of our pupsters. brilliant work . :) :)
  13. poor old boy - def a vet visit for a diagnosis and something to help . it could be allergy - or it could be obsessive . The vet ., and perhaps a behaviourist may both be needed . To chew that badly he must be feeling very distressed/uncomfortable , and he needs much more help than just a 'bandaid' approach . let us know how he goes :)
  14. Dogs who can use their abilities in roles like this are worth their weight in beef bones ;) Great news, tapua!!~
  15. I feed my puppy usually 8:30am in the morning, if I wait til night for his second meal he probably be starving by then? if he normally has 2 meals daily = 12 hrly is perfect :) if he has 3 meals a day ..then you will need to maybe just give some mince /small chunks for a quick snack :) maybe mince up the chicken necks & feed them that way ?
  16. tonight , guests cooked us a camp oven dinner . Molly was not very brave ..but WAS brave in her books ;)
  17. feed him outside? feed him on a piece of vinyl flooring or similar - in a pen /crate?
  18. ..and so very different! Puddenhead really is.... and Molly is one of those sensitive , perhaps even fear aggressive , very clever little madam .
  19. Well Starkhere is an MDBA member and Im very proud to say so. Well Done :)
  20. Watching Starkhere's videos on puppy training - then reading/seeing this horror .. a world apart , and so very sad
  21. Thanks, steve .I had a look at the full article ... yuk .
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