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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I think it's vet time ... straining CAN be a part of diarrhoea bugs .. her gut is irritated , and she feels as if she has to go , and go ... if you can get her to a vet tonight, then you can both sleep better ;) With pups it's usually much better to get vet attention sooner rather than later - and pls don't take her to any parks or anywhere when she's unwell - she'll just be spreading it
  2. Whichever trainer you ask tell them you need an honest assessment .if that means this dog will only get her peace when she gets her wings - then so be it . She is definitely NOT a dog for rehoming - you know that . See what qualifications the trainer has - do NOT be sucked in by someone who offers to fix ANY problem do NOT be sucked in by impressive websites do NOT be sucked in by the promise of One session fixes ..Stay WELL AWAY from people like this - what they offer is impossible Depending on where you are .. I will suggest you phone the folks at K9 PRO - there are none better for honest and down to earth and practical advice/training . CLICK HERE > No - not Dane specialist - but with so much knowledge...that it hurts my brain imagining it all!!
  3. Molly usually wins - yes . ASH just hangs on ..Pudd knows he'll get charged if he ever does grab it ...
  4. I don't play Fetch, so can't help - however - walking on lead gives her exercise .... and can be great brain work , providing YOU guide the walk - not the dog ;) Walk alongside me - don't pull- stop at kerbs- only toilet when/where told- do some sits/downs along the way :)
  5. I also suggest G D rescue . They are the experts , and have seen it all before , sadly.
  6. Oh Dear poor old girl is really struggling - but that extra care will make her more comfortable .
  7. sounds as if her old body is fighting hard ... So sorry , Anne .
  8. after meals ? after a certain bone/food ? after a walk to a certain area? after bathing or grooming or vet visit ? It must be a worry - hopefully it's something very simple :)
  9. Stop confusing yourself online , write down all your questions, and MAKE SURE you don't leave the vet surgery without answers :) IF you feel they are not answering your questions - then ask again for instructions/advice - in writing. Of course he's tender ! He has had his knee cut open , metal instruments in there digging and moving ...it will be quite painful, and will feel different to him . :)
  10. Tend to agree . An ideal situation is that all bases are covered when dog goes home .
  11. Every dog is different - take advice from the treating vet .
  12. A gorgeous frenchy baby!! :) As you have discovered- the form of "socialisation" you tried is not the ideal have a read here - and then make some new plans :) Dog parks can be hell . CLICK HERE
  13. hey - it seems you have one very honest, willing and attentive pup! the BEST sort of pupil :D
  14. Buy a GOOD QUALITY finelink chain lead :)
  15. I hope you have sent a report to that physio - it will maybe stop further mistakes ...
  16. LOL - it's not the dog who is the one to decide what happens - it's YOU. She needs to wear a collar , if only to hold the ID details . if she is not walking well - then both of you would probably benefit from some classes - where you will see others behaving in a similar fashion, and learn how to manage it :) As said - collar training - and it IS training - not just whack a collar on ..then take it off if puppy gets narky ;) Takes a bit of work , and a lot of fun :) use her food /treats/games . look - a collar ! TREAT when she looks . repeat, repeat Look - when you have collar rest on your body - you get fed! repeat repeat .. presuming teh dog can sit nicely ..then , with her reward for sitting - a loose collar is slipped over her head ..land the BEST food morsel happens Before cuddles on the couch -COLLAR on Before a meal - COLLAR ON Do not walk her outside on teh road yet ... rather practise in the house/backyard .....and do NOT let her win . No matter how much she bucks/rubs,scratches ..that collar stays ON , until she gives up and lies down quietly for a few minutes ....this is IMPORTANT > She knows you will remove the collar if she does A, B or C ....She needs to learn that you won't. Simple. She also needs to learn that Collar = good stuff :) D0 NOT react when she's fussing - obviously unless she is being injured ;
  17. 1080, yes horrible - but all that's available , when properties are around 100,000 acres, etc . If pelts were worth more , shooting would become a more used method . It's all awful.
  18. that was fast! I hope the surgeon is up to the job ..and that the rest & recuperation goes well . Looks like lots of wok ahead for you during recovery time . be aware!! Dogs jumping up /trying to get out of pens/crates can undo a lot of good work - hope your little one is calm :)
  19. :) there is one which comes to mind ( apologies to those I forget) D O L member COSMOLO runs Underdog ..CLICK here for their site .
  20. Most large properties are baiting at present ... On one property ..baiting done according to guidelines (buried, marked, mapped) there was an average of 80 % uptake!! We think perhaps baits are being cached ..as otherwise there were several hundred foxes roaming .... Must admit to having not seen a mangy /ill fox for a few years now - makes a nice change ....
  21. they are looking very handsome :)
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