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Everything posted by persephone
ohh that's a worry , poor old girl .
Thinking of you , & hoping the xanax helps!
We call them 'termites'. Go anywhere, chew thru anything, no respect for anyone!! I don't even enjoy the taste when one happens to fall in the freezer ...... Our dear old Merinos are on our side of the new boundary fence - even tho there are only posts at present!! LOL
Mary is thin ..but I'm trying to be careful with food ... I dread enterotoxaemia - so it's lots of chaff /roughage , with limited grazing on the wet stuff for now .Luckily she likes chaff, and LOVES rose and apple branches :)
:) such loved and cared for dogs ...
Husky,malamute,gsd Cross - Dressup Photoshoot
persephone replied to PossumCorner's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
smile-worthy :D -
Molly and the new kid on the block - Mary Mary, quite contrary ...
and a horrible slow agonising death if they get caught up in them too. I'm currently working with a startup company on developing a virtual fence for cattle. We envisage that it will be particularly useful for fencing off rivers, waterways and riparian zones and have had a lot of interest from Catchment Management Authorities and wildlife/conservation groups. brilliant :) forever in our part of the world, old 4/5 strand wire fences were the norm . Properties were large , and the good ol' merinos would usually stay in their own paddocks, fence or not! LOL Emus/macropods could access the travelling paths they have used for centuries .... Now, with places being divided, and the scourge of the outback (DORPERSHEEP) being popular , fencing needs to be strong and absolutely impenetrable as these darn things have no respect .I have seen them run thru a 5 strand BARBED wire fence ..wriggle under ringlock (which is why electric outrigger wires are being used) and just absolutely wreck fencing > We will never see an emu on our little patch again , as we have had to ringlock our boundary to stop next door's dorpers marching in - contaminating our merino flock , and eating everything - just like goats :p I hate the stuff.
the ringlock and electric fences being used much more readily these days kill so many more emus/macropods as they effectively deny the access to water /fresh pasture, and confine the critters so they are more easily killed by rifles etc.
Shearing in Winter ... not sure why that would be done .Wool insulates from cold AND heat ..and sheep can lose a lot of weight trying to keep warm . perhaps they are meant for sale soon ..obviously meat sheep aren't needing their wool if they are going to the abbatoir ...
because that's usually when the owners choose lambing time . Rams are not often run with ewes all year - they are put with the ewes for a short time , according to when lambing is to occur. Here ewes carry lambs in Autumn/Winter They are crutched so are clean , then lambs are born while Mum has a reasonable wool coat on, and while it IS cold , lambs stick VERY close to the warmth of their mums . This ensures a good percentage of closely bonded lambs/ewes, and because the young ones are closer, they may feed more/grow better. Mums don't have such a drastic need for fluid , as there 'should' be greenery to eat ..and after a couple of weeks when lambs start to nibble there 'should' also be some fresh and tender growth for them to start on ..not dry/rank stuff. lamb marking occurs late Spring , while weather is good - and hopefully there is plenty of nutritious food to help lambs along . When shearing next rolls around , most lambs are well grown, and can be weaned.
It was interesting ... it was early morning , sunny, and there were a group of lambing ewes ..about 12 ..all on a slope , the eastern side , and all with their bodies between the newborns and the southerly winds . :)
If she is in a 'village' or similar , I would really look closely at getting a suitable and socialised adult dog . This may avoid noise/destruction and all the other puppy things which could annoy neighbours ;)
Would she adopt an older cocker , one who has been assessed/had experience with kids, etc? Some breeders may have one, or a rescue /private rehoming .... https://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10354?listings=rehomed
The dog that ate Qantas . Molly's fave toy - a noise making plush Qantas jet!! if you listen carefully, the whistling 'start up noise can be heard' ;) https://www.facebook.com/belinda.hansen.bushwoman/videos/10153907477689007/
yep - and different smells / etc being in a new country & all ...
Time to push for it. (well, really, long past it but the last 18 months have been so messed up) indeed ..and Scottie may well have reacted to all the changes /your moods , etc . Hope Th VB can be a help soon!
..yes!! to the Vet Behaviourist !!
Wonderful :) :)
That is heartbreaking to see/read about . The strength needed to bend those bars comes from deep inside - I'd worry they may be wide enough to get bodyparts thru/stuck in .....Is there maybe one room he could stay in ..or , I guess, he would cause damage there too ... poor old boy - not being able to hear possibly makes him feel more alone .. Hmm.... maybe .... strips of ribbon or paper towel with a DROP of scent on them might be a slight distraction ... here, a drop of vanilla, there, a drop of lavender, a drop of cat mint tea, a drop of human sweat , or fresh grass rubbed on ... maybe hang these around the crate ..he might interest himself sniffing- and they could be changed around daily .... would he watch TV, d'you think? I hope the vet can do more with meds on Monday ... I suggest you suck on the rescue remedy as well as Scottie !
I am a proficient $2.00 /5 minute dog bed maker - and here's the latest . I strong cardboard carton I opshop feather doona 2 opshop old double sheets . some duct tape . Fold doona wrap in one sheet and fasten securely with tape . wrap completely with second sheet - apply tape where needed cut down one side of box so there is a .floor extending out the front . insert bedding , and toy , and dog . take photo, because you can :p
Gosh - more changes for you all perhaps, instead of kibble - he can have a bit of mince OR a chicken wing? poor Scottie - I hate restricting dog food. (I'm in the bad books as it is .. A couple of The Boss's workers have had a few weeks off - it's been cold - they've had extras ... when he looked closely yesterday he said they looked like labs! LOL ) oops ..Ah well, they enjoyed it With Scottie's meal - would he scoot around using a treat ball perhaps ? That way a fraction less kibble could take ages to eat , and he wouldn't really miss it ...maybe? he looks very comfy in his bed - good plan! :) you are managing all the changes so well !
I am so glad you came looking for advice :) my thoughts are the same as many of the more experienced who have posted. keep your boy where he is less anxious and happy :) seek a specialist professional to help - same as you would if it was a human psychiatric problem :) Give medication a chance - anything which will lessen the anxiety will be such a relief ! IF all measures fail, and your health is also suffering , then giving your boy his 'wings' as you hold him safely is the only alternative ..and it's good that you have included that option. Rehoming a dog with mental health problems is fraught with danger. Thinking of you ...