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Everything posted by persephone

  1. The resident Apostlebirds at least get close enough to photograph!
  2. A corgi can deter criminals my best 'guard' dog many years ago was a small dachshund cross! Lots of people would not come in the yard if she was outside . A dog outside all the time, esp at night may well be the one who barks all night , too have you read this information on your chosen breed ? ? GSD CORGI  pembroke
  3. They are usually inside anyhow after about 7:30 . They get fed when they're put to bed ..whatever time that is - between 8 and midnight! No run after dinner ...then again, their dinner is not huge, they get stuff during the day as well.
  4. (we still haven' seen this boy ;) ) Just let him acclimatise ...get to know each other by doing your own thing as far as necessary - move in your own behavioural circles , and eventually they will intersect ;) relax , enjoy him as he is ... when he's ready , you'll know, I'm sure . play hard to get!! ...
  5. Agree - he just needs to build different relationships/unlearn old habits/ways of reacting ... teeny baby steps
  6. and you may be in for a lot of backsliding when you get another pup
  7. well, use turf , maybe ? is there a reason she can not toilet outside ..in a yard/balcony/courtyard?
  8. She is such a pretty girl has she had her eyes checked ?
  9. Get a stake or a box or something, and put a few drops of his ,plus hers pee on ?
  10. perhaps a pee pole or two for him .. he is obviously being a 'real' man ..peeing on something upright ...
  11. ;) you definitely have a puppy ! Basically , pup and you need some education . YOU need to learn a bit more about how pups/dogs think , and HE needs to learn that NOTHING in the house is HIS . It is normal behaviour ..and it is the Humans' responsibility to make sure pup CAN'T make a mistake ;) I hope these articles will give you a bit of help https://www.thespruce.com/stop-dog-from-counter-surfing-1118233 https://ferndogtraining.com/how-to-stop-counter-surfing/
  12. Dear Kirra .. she left you loved and cherished , and you're right - the stars did align to help you . :hug:
  13. Any advice on teaching my pup how to not do that? should i just leave him to get told off by the older dogs? It is something pups learn from their Mum and littermates when they are very small. Sometimes, if pups are removed from Mum too early , they miss this bit . Like humans, dogs are all different, and some never really 'get' the good manners bit. This might help explain it for you . http://blog.k9pro.com.au/socialise-now-play-later/
  14. I think a 'teenage' puppy and a new pup is not a wise option. Unless you are all experienced in training /managing multiple dogs , there could be problems . Extra barking Increased playing with /chewing non-toy items . Two dogs to walk once or twice or three times a day Sorting out their 'pack' the two may scuffle a lot . Dogs who bond strongly together , cos they are each other's company most of the time , may be inclined to pay more attention to their friend instead of their humans. In that case .. with that combination of powerful dogs I would advise caution. Do as much research on their chosen breed as you can . Talk to people with either breed. when you take your pup to obedience , talk to folks who have their GSD or Rottie , or Amstaff !! DO NOT BE IN A RUSH !!
  15. You seem to have a puppy. Chewing is what they do. If you want to protect items, keep them out of reach. Pup is not being naughty,and does not know 'wrong'. His biting is usually normal puppy play, your pup hasn't yet Been educated in human / pup play ;) Reading examples like the following may help. https://clickertraining.com/how-to-survive-puppy-teething-and-nipping
  16. Phone the vet to be sure . Yeast infections . Been there done that .. Are you sure the vet said to only shampoo the feet ? I have used this on dogs many times , and shampooing the whole body seems to be most effective As it needs to be left on for 10 minutes , I found a short walk ,or nice big bone kept dog occupied while the stuff did its thing Yeast infections are a bit tricky . dogs nuzzle/lick themselves , curl around to get warm .. and yeast loves moist darker places ..esp the are under the tail! I have also given a daily probiotic and more fresh food to help . re bed washing .. dog beds that get washed here are always rinsed in Canesten to kill nasties ...
  17. Oh - what a shame ... My guess --only that -- is that he will need slow & careful re-training to this new life..he is way out of his comfort zone , and is showing it the only way he knows how may I also suggest you use a silicone bowl which will not make noise ? Also feed him quite separate from teh other dog ..another room , or outside ... Someone will no doubt give more substantial advice
  18. just a quick snap . Tallie came to say hi to Mary as I was clearing rubbish around the cat enclosure .This shot was just before mary tried to butt a hole in the mesh! beast :P
  19. I will be seeing her briefly in a week ... last time, she was shivering and in severe pain ..this will be MUCH nicer
  20. Friend is SO relieved at dog's behaviour ... friend has suffered a lot more than dog ;) I'm happy for them both - they are each others' world ...
  21. Dog is doing really well slow walks around the block - comfortable in the car, and for the first time in years, is happy to lie on the hip which has had surgery! She is playing with toys , eating happily Yes, she is on painkillers ...but it's still great news!
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