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Everything posted by persephone

  1. T .. I think you work somewhere near, or in, heaven!!
  2. *melts* ............ fantastic images yet again ........................
  3. Pudden/Pluto this morning ...
  4. 2 weeks post-op . Not using the leg much yet .. but back to the beach! First time in about 2 mths . So Happy!!
  5. ..and there's that 'magic' which happens when you & your pup get it right it is one of those 'AHA!' moments which fills owners, and pups with such a good feeling ..endorphins rule!!
  6. Training/educating you pup/dog . Hmmm It is all about COMMUNICATION between YOU and your DOG It's a wonderful way of you each getting to understand each other - and it's this understanding/honest communication which makes for an 'obedient' and happy dog YOU learn how/why dog is doing X&Y ..and YOU learn how to tell/show her what YOU want Your trainer was , IMO doing the sensible thing Most dog 'trainers' show owners how to do it have a read here - and I am so glad you've asked on here about boarding/training . http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/dog-training-whatever-works/ I would also agree with contacting K9 pro . here is a link to a blog about "LIFE SKILS" CLICK HERE a small excerpt - Life Skill Lessons are a combination of many things, from learning how to be calm around other dogs and people, to strolling along without pulling on the leash, and everything in between. The first things Steve will do is discuss with you what problems your having, what behaviours your dog is or refuses to display and from there he can begin to assess the dogs temperament. No two people are the same and this goes the same for dogs, we don’t have a one size fits all training program, our solutions are tailored to your needs. The session may include some behaviour modification, an adjustment to the dogs expectations, some remedial training and or teaching of new skills. Rewarding a dog (positive reinforcement) increases the dogs desire to repeat the behaviour, most people know this but few can get the relationship working on this premise alone. Steve has developed loads of cool, fun programs and games that can help you reconnect with your dog and get training moving forwards. Life Skills may be best described as “teaching your dog how to live in your world”.
  7. Yes. Contact the vet! If it IS related to the injection,they need to told ASAP.
  8. Thank you so much for this update it sounds ad if the universe is getting things organised for you !
  9. Oh. Are there Pluto Lippizaners?
  10. I have trouble 'reading' him ... He does't show a lot of emotion, really ..Dear Don is an open book .. as was Molly . Puddley - I am now spending more time with him , using a lot more treats, and hoping to fall in love properly at some time ;) The Boss bemoans Pud's hearing/sight limitations, as The White Hound can really cover a lot of ground with an easy lope , like his mum & grandma ... he does have 'eye' , and enjoys chasing the feral goats (on the other side of the yard fence ) Pud also doesn't have a lot of delicacy or finesse LOL- 'bull in china shop' comes to mind .When he jumps into the rear tray/cab of Rodeo ..he is only stopped by the cab wall ! Thankfully he does love his bed - now I've fortified it with a HUGE thick blanket that he can't scratch out the front onto the dirt ... He gets called Pluto , Pud, pudjly (my most common nickname used for him) , and gives us lots of laughs :D
  11. Time to start taking dog photos again .... I so miss my Molly ... Anyhow .. here's the Puddeny one this morning , sniffing out rabbits in the paddock ..and using "eye" on Mary . (doesn't work on her)
  12. wow..guess alpacas are still 'wild' animals then? usually (feral) kids & lambs happily accept bottles after the first one or two . makes for a lot of work
  13. So, at half the size..... pruning of trees would be a much lower level ;) a good thing!
  14. maybe a squeaky toy ..or his ball , or one of your sox ... ..a bit of dry rabbit skin can work wonders ;)
  15. What a fantastic photo!! Shows the lad looking all fired up <3
  16. My little Molly's favourites were an opshop grab basket children's toy .. a soft face thing with a horrible laugh when squeezed/activated .. and a mini Jumbo jet soft toy , with all the sounds of a take-off !! Don loves that one as well .
  17. It is not sensible .. but desirable. baby kids are adorable ..and cute, and fun , and ... I have had numerous over the years .. the old pic here is Gladys .., with her favourite ball , her browse branches hanging on a chair... she lives indoors for a couple of months, as she was only a week or so old when I was given her . yes, that is her cushion by the heater ..she would sleep on that during the day , and in a cat basket at night . she was taken outside often, of course , and rarely messed indoors. She lived happily ( and crankily) with us for some years until, unknown to us, she stole a whole loaf of bread, which caused her demise from bloat . Kid goats are certainly one of THE most entertaining of baby animals .
  18. @Carl These things to read may be of help to you CLICK CLICK
  19. Is it really necessary for dogs to be worm and flea treated every month? it seems a lot of chemical every 4 weeks or so ..., esp in these times of most everyone cleaning up dog poo... I seem to remember worming every 3-4 mths , and flea treatments if/when needed. Obviously in paralysis tick area the procedure will be different ;)
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