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Everything posted by persephone

  1. just for @Scottsmum :P Is Don. Is rained-upon.
  2. Horrible . Something obviously went badly wrong .
  3. You have confused me . TOT ( Triangle of Temptation) is training in drive . it is teaching the dog to WAIT until you give a release ...then it is left to eat in peace, or go outside, or play with a toy ... or whatever the end result/treasure is . AFAIK ,TOT is NOT about having a dog work,access a reward only to stop and start again .....
  4. I don't understand why you would do it ... dinnertime is for eating .
  5. maybe have a look at these links ? https://www.optimumpet.com.au/dog-advice/dog-selector/ https://www.domain.com.au/advice/choosing-right-dog-for-your-home/
  6. LOL .. medium ? Not a lab ! plus the shedding ....!!! 26 hrs a day First timer ... p'raps not a pug either . Brachy breed .. breathing probs ..kid/s wanting to play /hot weather ... Mini Schnauzer? Whippet CKCS maybe a Golden Retriever ...
  7. Yes..they are the ones which have a very loud take-off burst ! .... LOVE the fly ... to share from Flickr..I go to the image click on the Download arrow/icon ... click on " view all sizes" ..then pick a smallish one .. get URL ..and paste it here/FB /wherever .
  8. he's very different ... Makes me laugh sometimes ...all good !
  9. A Crested Pigeon who was still long enough for me this morning ! (click to get larger size )
  10. Mostly the Billy's horns are much stronger & larger ... luckily they grow fairly slowly , and give us time to get used to them ! The horns gets polished when goats toss their heads in shrubs etc ..the whippy branches act as brushes .. like the stropping of a razor , or those old shoe-shine guys slapping a polishing cloth over leather shoes
  11. Looks like a scratch, really ..but it will be sore use body temp saline ...betadine...silver colloid is great for this- no smell, no sting, no stain!Calendula tea ..once again , warm , and just a few drops ... Vet if you want .. I think the problem here is how much it hurts/itches/is annoying . Shaking his head a LOT may give him a haematoma .. much worse than this original problem :P Do you have any Neotopic ? Antibiotic ear drops ?Pure Aloe vera gel? manuka honey? ( what I would do ... NOT telling you to do it ) clean and dry .. with silver colloid , or calendula tea ...and apply SOOV ointment a few times a day .....
  12. if the bite is IN the ear - a vet visit is a good plan . On the ear flap ... obviously vet if you cannot treat it at home ..but otherwise clean and use betadine or similar ...
  13. These socks look worth a try ... no problems with rubbing feet at least
  14. *melts* It's lovely to see what a good family they are - Big sister getting baby practice ..Enzi just exploring/annoying/experiencing :D wonderful photos as always ..
  15. nice to hear . I guess with already - compromised mobility .. things may have a greater effect . Pickles, you're a worry!
  16. ..and some Rescue Remedy Hot wheat bag on her neck/shoulder as well, maybe ? ..Hope you both get some sleep ....Just thought again of the 'knuckling' of the front ... keep an eye on that .. Don dog damaged his radial nerve early on by hitting the point of his shoulder on something .. he was quite sore for a while ... but was very lucky . His L front foot knuckles over when he's tired /been digging a lot ... he is lucky he can still gallop and dig!
  17. Fingers crossed it is 'just a tweak ' somewhere ...
  18. What are you feeding? How do you feed? Where do you feed? What do you do when she won't eat? How old is the pup ?
  19. bugga. poor Pickles , being so uncomfortable ..it does sound like a pain/stress response, doesn't it ? is there anything happening re: weird sounds anywhere? Thunder/building/....anything different? has she had access to anything weird she may have tasted ? No louder tummy rumbles ? Gums redder or paler than usual ? Sorry .. no real help - just know thoughts are sent ... Both of you just breathe.... nice & slow ....
  20. @Amber Griffin I've found a couple of Crate Training discussions for you ... and I will also gently remind you , that a teeny fluffball has all the instincts/behaviours/way of thinking of other dogs - what looks 'cute' in a pup, may just be annoying/dangerous in a large dog - same behaviour- different way of us looking at it .Even tho she's physically manageable - She still needs your guidance and boundaries and education LINK LINK
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