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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I think an ageing female may help - the being outdoors may cause a problem with rescues though . However- someone might have an older dog who is used to being outside , and who they are worrying about placing as an inside dog ......maybe there is something like that So sorry you lost your heeler last week - after so many years .
  2. oh that is very sad I didn't know. The little one was in his normal space.....
  3. leaving a toddler alone - very irresponsible .They are quick, and inquisitive , and totally unaware of so many dangers.... The Mum will have to live with this - it was her decision to leave her little one alone which led to his horrific death I am glad the dogs' owner was not charged - he had them contained ...
  4. Poor little bub - I also query why he was wandering unsupervised ....and the fact that a two-year-old could open that gate
  5. And so they should! They have done their bit . Excellent news
  6. I had no idea there were so few Great little dogs!
  7. Oh Thank you . That was interesting .
  8. I hope UBER gets the message- how frustrating, not being allowed a guide dog They would be less of a problem than a lot of uber customers!!
  9. Hello ellz! Kitty is just lovely - have fun !!
  10. Excellent outcome - poor Reece being stuck there all that time Well done to his recuers!!
  11. That's a good update - onward and upward. You certainly do have a wonderful vet !
  12. Ears do change a lot when puppies are growing ....and being a rescue, you can't be 100% certain she is pure staffy , so her ears may be always a bit 'wonky' Well done for taking a rescue pup, and may you have many years of companionship!
  13. Hope it can get sorted quickly ...whatever.
  14. from The Urban Dictionary : An emo is someone that is very EMOtional,Also might be depressed or suicidal but not all of them, their are many stereotypes on Emos aswell that are not always true , it is also a fashion style and music genre. Not all Emos cut themselves and they are not satanic weirdos as many people stereotype them to be. Person 1- whats wrong ? Emo- everything, my whole world is falling apart ,I can't stop crying ! The sun is shining ! I hate the sun!
  15. Dogs are a complicated living being - they will have fluctuations of temperament,depending on physical health, weather, activities,behaviour of the humans in the household, etc Your dog is normal
  16. In my previous life, working with Guide Dogs , Chocolates were very new and very different! They were not as solid in temperament as the others ...and there were more often than not nervous ones in greater percentage ....that, or 'scatty' ones. They were not popular at all to begin with !
  17. aww- what a good mum . Hopefully this is her last litter, and she finds a loving home .
  18. wow- this old brain is trying to get around the info without coffee! How wonderful, though.
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