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    getting through the day

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  1. Someone definitely should have come and dealt with that truck crash ....those poor injured cattle Removing the warning signs was for what reason, I wonder?
  2. Dear little girl - you did a lovely thing in rescuing her . Sorry, I have no real help to offer- but maybe experiment with diet to get faeces to a more suitable consistency ?I know with our dogs , when fed primarily meat/bone - faeces are smaller and firmer
  3. I think an ageing female may help - the being outdoors may cause a problem with rescues though . However- someone might have an older dog who is used to being outside , and who they are worrying about placing as an inside dog ......maybe there is something like that So sorry you lost your heeler last week - after so many years .
  4. oh that is very sad I didn't know. The little one was in his normal space.....
  5. leaving a toddler alone - very irresponsible .They are quick, and inquisitive , and totally unaware of so many dangers.... The Mum will have to live with this - it was her decision to leave her little one alone which led to his horrific death I am glad the dogs' owner was not charged - he had them contained ...
  6. Poor little bub - I also query why he was wandering unsupervised ....and the fact that a two-year-old could open that gate
  7. And so they should! They have done their bit . Excellent news
  8. I had no idea there were so few Great little dogs!
  9. Oh Thank you . That was interesting .
  10. I hope UBER gets the message- how frustrating, not being allowed a guide dog They would be less of a problem than a lot of uber customers!!
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