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Everything posted by nuttyboutdoggys
Danes are sensitive eaters, just like me! I have known some shockers around me who.. eeek i won't even post on a publuc forum, but has left me ill for days. I know you can defrost in fridge (no longer than 4hrs though), we never have, so i wouldn't try now. My tummy is accustom, like i said, to how i was brought up. I know some people who have eaten pizza the next day while it was left out over night on bench.. left cooked meals in pot on stove over night etc.. never been ill... i eat the same shite, i'd be in hospital.. diff people, diff stomaches. Was just letting you know some info.. like everything in here take it or leave it. ETA: anyway.. what's happened to the owner & poochy???? hope all is well???
i guess it's how your brought up aswell. We NEVER defrost in fridge as this passes on bacteria, bacteria lives in your fridge aswell so this also grows while it's sitting in your fridge.. if it's on a shelf the juices from the defrosting meat drips down into your other foods more so the vegies into their bag, or what not. There is a health website out there.. there was an add recently also emphasing not to leave uncooked/defrostings meats in the fridge. I've been brougt up with strict food hygene. My tummy isn't accustom to any other way.. I pay the price if i meats/ foods aren't fresh. Not saying your food isn't fresh (can't think of correct term). For example i can't eat left overs 2days or older.. i'll be visiting Mr.Toilet man all night. fruits & vegies same deal. My OH is the same. Just about everything gets fridged, meats are in freezer obviously, but we defrost on a plate, remove "freshness" thingy. No wounder my heart my breed is a Great Dane
Really? I didn't know we were supposed to remove those things before defrosting. I've always defrosted with them in the bottom of the tray. I haven't killed anyone off yet How did you find out that they need to be removed before defrosting? They should come with a warning on the pack if they are dangerous....please educate me about them. because i did this once.. went a tiny bit over defrost (outside of meat cooked).. 12am was vomiting my stomache up (blood and all) - went into emergency i explained to them what my day consisted of.. they stopped me at dinner prep.. YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUT THOSE SQUARES, They are highly toxic!!! OH was vomiting and real sick, not as bad as myself. so needless to say.. we ALWAYS!! take them out now. Everything has it.. burrito packets ask you to remove them aswell!! they keep food fresh, but the microwave releases the toxins into the food.
Tango...great News.....
nuttyboutdoggys replied to TangerineDream's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oh my gosh that's just so heart wrenching.... i'm so sorry it turned out to be your worst fear, unfortunatly our intuition on these things often get ignored or talked out of. Sounds like your life style can addapt to his 'now" special needs. Can keep an eye on him at work etc. my heart goes out to you.. BIG hug to you lil'man from me, K ?! keep being strong like you are.. best of luck with new meds and the pre-seizure-remidies -
:) ;) :cool: my OH remembers your sig as the chick with the dog that had towels coming out his back-side!! Seriously though... there is poison in those things aswell.. if it's come up "torn" i'd be straight to the vet.. if we as humans can't defrost it with it in, then dog forbid what it's doing inside ur dogs tummy call your after hours vet ASAP i think. i would.
i have started to work on it. i'm using my hand in shape of gun, then pretend to fire "bang" for roll over - he actually got it! i will work on "your dead" as a replacement for stay on his side. This might seem confusing, but he knows he has several comands for same action(he's smart chooky), for eg: down & drop is the same (being mum's dog she has changed things since he was a pup and i did basic obedience). will let you know, didn't have time to do it today, on weekend i'll dedicate some time to it again.
YAY!! how proud do you feel!!? i'm loving this whole "teach a trick" thing!
sure does! i'm sooo clucky for my fuz buts! I can't wait until i can get my babies & teach them heaps of tricks aswell. My mum's lil'man will just have to get tortured untill then ..
Sorry, but i'm proud of myself & mum's lil'man (swf) who we worked together as a team yesterday & today and have taught him roll over!!! He's 4yrs old and often doesn't give a *** untill you give him his treat. So with my loveing patience i exercised the notion and walllaaah! he's learnt a new trick!! he's so much smarter than anyone gives him credit for around here! He does it with such passion and enthusiasm aswell... right next trick will be: "bang!" .. "your dead" anways just really wanted to share this with you all/ who ever reads this
Help! Puppy Destroying Backyard And Am Worried For His Health
nuttyboutdoggys replied to slinkyjill's topic in Puppy Chat
that bacon bubble contraption looks/sounds great! but, and i'd hate to "burst your bubble" (LOL) but what happens if the dog works out where the bubbles come from and decide to kill the bubble monster?? -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
oh my golly gosh yes! got the snipo' very young! well i can only suggest to mum these things.. he's hers, so she does what she can. if he was mine, i'd love to.. got the hyster'op coming up in 3-4weeks now.. i will be out again from mum's as soon as i'm better. so it's a small window of time i have.. like i said.. bless my mothers cotton sox she wouldn't continue any training anyway.. and that's after organising professional to have a looksy, wich i doubt will happen either. aside from this problem he is loved, he is very spoilt and loves my cat (he has temporarily come home with me) those two lpay for hours.. my cat is such a tease cause he'll jump ontop of the fence with a look of "narnie, narnie, nar-nar!" greets everyone so very affectionatley. Mum doesn't really take him to dog parks she's a "pavement pounder".. so it won't affect her that much. I've just noticed he's changed alot in a 6mnth time frame. so be it. he's a great lil'man for the lap! we can all live with this -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
it's kinda comforting to know we aren't the only ones in this boat. thanks for sharing guys. i guess it would be very scarey if ur 1/4 the size of ur fellows. however, this would be why i've always had big boofas, the "happy chappys". see i love the dog park.. it's my way to relax (well in the past growing up).. but i understand now why he's not as excited as me. -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
very valid advice. thank you poodlefan, it does make sense. i feel so bad that we have inforced/ made this problem worse. I am so gratefull for the advice. If a trainer online can't help that's very understandable to me now. i just wanted to see my options while i have some time off work. see if i can help me,help mum, help him. i will just go to dog parks poochless and just enjoy others doggy company till partner and i can be puppy-parents we are both going to the agility trials to help out on sat, so we can do many other things to fill that void till our day comes!! so once again, thank you, thank you all. -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
again... i'm doing this from my heart.. Mum couldn't care less, she won't "pay" for specialist. i would pay but not in work currently (health issues) - all my money is going towards medical bills. i just was aware we have a great team on here, many specialists in all feilds, was just hoping some "free" advice might be ok from anyone? ideal world i raised him.. any behaviour that came up would be on phone straight away to get trainer/ behaviourlist out before i hung up the phone. I don't have the authority to do this (i do love my mother, however she is such a controlling one that couldn't possibly ever be wrong). also be concerned to shut me up she might get first session.. then not keep the next apptmnt, then the next etc it's such a crappy situation. i have often said to her if u just don't have the time, just maybe he'd be happier with someone else - i know a friend who is a maltese nut and often asks to bring him over when we visit... <---- see we even detour to my mum's to take to play dates. ooffff it sucks. i shall talk to mum again, i will relay this wounderful response to her... fingers crossed thanx everyone again xx -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
ahhh ok. so if we can reconigse the behaviour, would there be hope of maybe changing his behaviour? i just don't want to give up on him yet, and say "oh, well he's just anti-social" and leave it at that. -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
oh, sorry one more thing. as i was saying, if he knows this "preemtive strike" behaviour.. why does he get so excited? as soon as we make the last turn he's jumping out the window practicly, i have to hold on! jumps out the car woo-wooing to the other dogs.. through first gate he's still happy noses to the fence with others, then as soon as he's on the other side he's angry as all hell... i get confused.. if he's so stressed and so against the park why does he do this every time?? he shows no dislike until the fence is "removed" i just don't get it.. yet we drive to a dif park with no dogs and he has no reaction , bored if anything??? i don't get it. -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
This is what i mean though.. it's not the size anymore. it's all dogs. i hardly see him, as i said he's mum's boy, not mine. (IMHO i wish he wasn't with her, she travels so much - and this is a whole other prob. he gets depressed when she's gone he's scared of suit-cases now) my OH and i try our best to make his stay full of fun and activites - hence the trips to doggy park - we care about him, evidence by my desperate post. i hope you all can see that any way. i'm not expecting over night miracles either. but prehaps he's just one of those rare few who are happy being solitary and not company of others anymore.(dogs - HE LOOOOVES HUMANS) -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
This is really hard, because i'm not his "owner".. i'm the sub-mum when my mother is away... i have had a few other dogs (all large) and never had ongoing drama. i know he should be protected, i didn't want to be stressing him out. My OH and i are dog nutts and love going to the park to learn about the dif breeds and what we might eventually get. i think with your advice, we will do this still, just minus Taro. eddited cause i can't spell. -
Defensive Pooch!
nuttyboutdoggys replied to nuttyboutdoggys's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
thanks for your response. i have tried it in the park accross the road with the neighbours dog, he has gone for her now???? is it something to do with open spaces? -
Hi all.. need some training/teaching tips for doggy that is getting worse. Ok, so don't know what to do anymore. He is so agressive when my OH and i take him to doggy park. As soon as he gets through the gate and all the happy chappys come to snif his rear he snaps at them.. teeth bared, growling everything... this is often followed by a grammy award wining act of i'm being murderd, i'm dying (bone shattering screams and the like). After the last trip i was in tears crying in the car, i want it to be a happy experience. As a puppy he did get attcked visciously by Labs (6 all up) all dif colours, i can see he has been more agressive to this breed than any other. He loves neighbours dog poodle x spaniel. he has met other dogs large and small amongst our friends and has been ever so friendly and plays like a puppy. we went on hollidays 2yrs ago and took him with us with our friends Lab X, GSD, maltese and they all lived happily for the week??!! he has always loved puppys, no matter what the breed. he's ok walking down the street and saying hi to passers by (dogs). However recently this has changed he doesn't even like puppys anymore.. he is becoming more and more withdrawn at the park. what gets me more puzzled is he gets so excited to when it's time to get in the car, he looks out the window the whole way there.. as soon as we pull up in car park hi tail couldn't wag any faster.. he yaps in delight.. jumps out and runs to the gates.. by the time we're in.. he's completely diff... attacking and growling left right and centre. I can understand the initial meet and greet can be scarey especially when 10 dogs run up to say hi.. however some days there's only 2 other dogs there and he still acts as though his world is coming to an end. (if there are too many i often pick him up, wait till they all bugger off again and then lace him on the ground) we aren't aggressive, we tell him it's ok (never touch him as i think this is not good???!!) when he calms, that split second is when we say good boy, not when he's aggressive.. when he snapps we say Aa-aaah! (don't know how to type the sound).. he is only 3yrs old going on 4.. and acts like a grumpy old man. One of the regulars had a chat to me about it and asked how old was he.. her jaw dropped to the ground.. geeez he acts so old and cranky! i now have got to the point where his agression shuts me down.. i can't function, i'm in shock. I don't want his behaviour to effect the young dogs down there, as this is their social time... and we all go their to escpae, lets face it! what to do... he has the worst case of lil'dog syndrome.. he's not mine.. but my mother wouldn't spend the time to correct this (sad i know, but she doesn't seem to know what i'm talking about, apparently his nothing like that with her. Maybe she's not telling me everything) any one delt with this? any trainers on here suggest what to do? - Thanks in advance, M.
Darn It! my mums comp won't play it... grrrrr!
What My Vet Said About Fleas
nuttyboutdoggys replied to ruthless's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
that's what i meant though.. we always have used advantage, i told mum to buy a diff brand due to it not working.. i think it's good to change brands..... ticks, well don't fix what's not broke i guess.... if ur pupper is protected by Frontline.. it's not worth the risk yeah?? -
What My Vet Said About Fleas
nuttyboutdoggys replied to ruthless's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
seems to be quite the flea out break at the mo. we can't keep ontop of them either... i think the fleas get immune to brands, i've suggested to mum to use diff product each month. i'll keep the tablet method in mind if it gets worse...Capstar. -
"The problem is a select few nutters, not you. My friend also was turned away from a rescue org. She eneded up adopting a pure bred pup from a registered breeder and this dog has the best life. Some rescues are just ridiculous with some of their rules." hmmm....... and worse yet alot of breeders have caught wind of this...... soon u'll only be able to have pups if ur a desperate house wife...... *sulks* i'm feeling rejected left and right, both breeders and shelters. 10yrs ago, boy 'o' boy was it more relaxing and enjoyable to adopt/bring a lil'soul into ur life..... now i could seriously have a brain hemorrige!