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Mr R & NR

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Everything posted by Mr R & NR

  1. Nekhbet, let me know when your classes are up and running and I will sign up my Rock Wheeler and my Rhodesian Hunchback
  2. Ok, to the unitiated, what is so wrong with her muzzle that you all want to get the clippers out? She is a beautiful colour.
  3. I like the "excuuuuuuusse me" command. But while we are at it any one use the 'naughty step'?
  4. I have used their treats but not the food. The food smells like real meat. The dogs love the treats (mind you there is not much they don't love in the way of treats). I feed raw and don't feel the need to use the food. If I was travelling, or for some reason could not feed raw I would certainly use their food. I might actually consider getting some for them when they go in to the boarding kennel later in the year. Make up some frozen raw but also they could have the K9 Naturals food in between.
  5. As JakeK9 said if you haven't already. Also, I had a flyer through from Holmsglen Tafe SE Suburbs there is a an Animal First Aid course on their list of courses.
  6. I have to ask Tim why it is cancelled if flights have now resumed and the workshop is not for another two weeks?
  7. Hi there, it is my rotty that is undergoing the treatment. Thanks Erny I have no idea how she hurt herself. When she was about 14 months old there was an almighty yelp from the back yard, she was outside with one of my breeders dogs and my Ridgeback. The breeders dog was a calm beautful dog so I am sure it was nothing to do with her. Probably playing too hard with RR. She was very subdued when she came back in a when I was stroking her on her back she yelped and the pain seemed to down around her back end. Took her to the vet who decided she had hurt her tail............... It may not have been that time she is a very high drive dog and there were probably many instances when she could have done it and being the stoic tuff breed that they are she showed no signs. It was only diagnosed with x-rays about 6 months ago to try and determine the source of her limp in her front right leg (she has HD which I already knew about). The stem cells are sheep pancreas given IV, fat I believe but could be wrong. I would rather not say who the vet is as I really don't know how public it is from his point of view. Suffice to say it is no back yard practice. Her neck goes in to spasm and she is in extreme pain for 12-24-48 hours. The first treatment was 5 weeks ago. I have to say there has been a marked improvment in her energy levels, we are going on longer walks now and she is playing a lot more energetically, play bows with spins which I haven't seen for a long time. The second treatment was on Monday and I am told that that is it, whatever improvement we get now will be it. I just hope this helps her, surgery is not an option. It think the fact that she is still young, 4.5 is in her favour. She may have more pain from her hips than I know too as she does have quite bad degeneration and this could have been relieved too. It would be so nice if they could tell you wouldn't it. Now I just need to transplant some drive out of her The last neck spasm she had she we sitting in the kitchen with me with her head at the odd angle it gets when she is in pain and a small moth flew by. Despite the discomfort she was in she still took a snap at it bless her
  8. Thanks for the explanation about the coats Supermic. I understand now, I have seen both out and about and never really clicked. I think I must have thought winter and summer coats.
  9. I am going to the weekend workshop in Melbourne in May. Looking forward to it even more after reading such glowing recommendations.
  10. Are you seriously saying there is the Alaskan Malamute and the Woolly Alaskan Malamute as two types of dog (love the breed, couldn't cope with the coat)
  11. Goodboy, I am with Erny on this matter. Get x-rays first, I didn't and regret it very much. I now go to Monash Vets and see Ray Ferguson, he is gentle and they have the facilities to do the x-rays too if considered necessary. I don't like recommending people on this forum, a lot of it is how you connect and trust the person treating your animal. I might like someone straight and to the point and you might like someone more empathetic? I hope your dog is feeling better, it is horrible knowing they are in pain. Did this happen after an accident or something?
  12. LOL Where there is a will there is a way!
  13. I put a cricket ball in the middle of mines bowl, that slowed him down when he was really bad as a puppy. He would inhale his food and then throw up. He doesn't do it any more now.
  14. "Can you all guess what drive the dog is in?" Overdrive?
  15. Got mine too, the talc. It smells good but it does remind me of a hotel room (used to travel heaps for work) and that is not too pleasant a memory. But the strong smells goes quickly. I just bought a Dyson vac so the combination of that (it is brillant) and the Odourgo means all should be 'sweet'.
  16. No Kelpi-i, they are adamnat, c5 as a minimum. Other than the vaccination problem, I want them to go to these kennels as I believe they are very good so I just have to suck it up until things change I guess.
  17. I recently called my vet and they said it was 3 separate tests, $90 each plus consultation. I am in Melbourne SE subhurbs and would appreciate any referral where it could be done more cheaply. The other thing which is so annoying is they have to go in a kennel in December and the kennel will only accept C5 as mininum so there is really no point with that in mind. They are both nearly 5 years old so the only thing I can do at the moment is delay the Vac until a month or so before the kennel stay. Tempted to never go away on holiday again. :D
  18. Just what I was going to suggest........... Photo
  19. It is a shame the agenda took so long to come out. I think I would have definately gone if I had known the content. When the invite first came out is was so vague, yes Stephen Lindsay was on it but there was no indication of whether he was there for 1/2 a day, a day? Not good.
  20. Erny, have you asked Berwick Potteries if they could make you one. Or would that be too expensive as a one off? I would be interested in one the size you have, they are fantastic.
  21. No Erny, Aussie Pet treats, I was looking for them too. Aussie Dog were there, they got my money for a staffy ball for the destructive Rott. Also the water bowls they had were not as big as the one you have, a good third smaller so unless you wanted a smaller one you didn't miss out. I really enjoyed it, I always do but noticed there were a lot less stalls. And the showies seemed to be squished in to a much smaller area. As for the breed stands, I don't know how the guys do it. I was watching at the Mal stand, this little girl came screaming up with her hands waving in the air, screeching. Poor dog. The dog cringed but stood his ground. It would be so tiring doing that all day. My hat goes off to you all.
  22. I have completed it but also found it totally repugnant. At least you didn't have to only select yes or no.
  23. Glad to hear I am not the only freak that loves the smell of my dogs pads. Never thought they smell of doritos though
  24. Which ADT was she going to Law, i.e. what area of Melbourne does she live in so we can recommend a school?
  25. Not if it is a pure bred budgie Erny....................
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