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Mr R & NR

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Everything posted by Mr R & NR

  1. I had a TPLO on my Rottweiler a year ago, $3,300 which included 3 weekly follow up appointments and the follow up x-rays at 8 weeks plus pain meds for the first 3 weeks. 2 weeks of confinement with only toilet breaks and then 10 -15 min walks and confinement for the next 10 weeks, then limited movement, no jumping up until 16 weeks. The De Angelis method was not recommended for her as she is a bit full on and because of her size. I was dreading the whole business but it turned out very well in the end. I am lucky I live not far from work and could go home at lunchtime to take her out for a toilet break. Good luck with Sadie, lovely about the kitten.:D
  2. Espiney, just wanted to say I thought your post was fantastic. A great way of looking a the problem and working your way through to the point that your dog needs. Excellent
  3. Yep come say Hi in the rotty thread, only thing is you need to come with some photos.:D . Go to the General forum and then click on Breed Sub forms, look for 'Rotty owners' My rotty is a small girl, only 36kg but given the big personality that is big enough for me. You said yourself they grow for a couple of years so 7 months is a bit soon to judge whether he is going to be small or not.
  4. Too damn gorgeous Stolz, look at those little bubbas
  5. I second Anne Neville, she is very good on the nutrition side. Best wishes for your dog's recovery.
  6. Akita: Kyojin, Kuma American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno Australian Shepherd: Banjo, Archie, Lottie Australian terrier: Bailey, Brandy, Jasper Australian Kelpie: Revan, Abby, Bluey, Cahill, Franky, Izzy, Spfyre, Milky, Kinta, Banjo Australian Kelpie X:Toby Bearded Collie: Charlie, Bonnie, Bailie Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Bichon Frise: Jag Border Collie: Roy, Molly, Kirra, Rory, Rumor, Diesel Borzoi: Oberon Boxer: Bruno, Nelsson Brittany: Zora Bull Terrier: Bonnerville Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern, Floyd, Indy, Arnie, Joey, Renae, Bailey, Murphy Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose, Archi,Pepe, Squirt, Limpet Cocker Spaniel : Maggie Dalmatian: Appollo Dogue De Bordeaux: Moose & Chevy English Setter: Spartan, James English Springer Spaniel: Buddy Finnish Lapphund:Halo, Vienna, Jaana,Magnus,Aurora-Rose,Niina,Paddington,Maximus, Ahsoka, Fable, Demi,Varda, Asha, Boots French Bulldog: Lola, FeeBee German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte German Shepherd: Java, Odin, Tlaloc, Rebus, Indi, Uno German Shorthaired Pointer: Pip, Coco, Polo Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester, Genie, Ella, Rosie, Bruce Great Dane: Sparkles, Whitney Greyhound: Harry, Kiff, Sally Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Hungarian Vizsla: Flynn, Rogan Japanese Spitz: Emmy Keeshond: Jedi Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka, James, Harry, Lily Rose, Miniature Long Haired Dachshund: Mini, Rover Miniature Pinscher: Mischa, Cleo Newfoundland dogs: Annabelle, Katy, Lukey Norwegian Elkhound: Odin Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver: Nova, Darcy, Jovi Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, Badger Poodle (Toy): Chilli Poodle (Standard) Merry & Pippin, Poppy & babies. Pug: Lotus Rhodesian Ridgeback: Meisha, Bakari, Boss, Mr Royce Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby, NellieRose Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato Schnauzer (minature): Maximus, Coconut,Betty,Jigga Shih Tzu : Gizmo Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani,Romeo,Baby.Riddick,Indie, Esky Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola, Diesel SWF: Zoe Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred & Ginger, Ozzie, Tess, Maverick, Bosco, Kyah, Charlie, Astrid, Mala, Bella, Tiny Tim, Jen Jen White German Shepherd: Casper White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim, Whippet: Herbie, Buzz Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy
  7. Here you go, one Ridgy with snow nose. Gets it every winter. My previous RR didn't have the problem though.
  8. Have you had a vetinary diagnosis yet? I would be doing that before you go and see a Chiro. I wish I had Ray Ferguson at Monash Vets in Clayton is someone I have taken mine to and would recommend. He is a Vet and a Chiro, he works Mondays and Tuesdays
  9. Silenchild, I take it that is for one dog only! I was told it was $70 for each test (this was a couple of years ago) i.e. per disease you want to test for, so $70 for parvo, +$70 for distemper, etc etc. I am sure it is a ploy to put us off and make those of us with doubts just vacinate because it is cheaper
  10. He is just gorgeous, what a lovely face he has :D
  11. East West Vet clinic in East Bentleigh. Anne Neville (03) 9555 1899 http://www.eastwestvet.com.au/
  12. My Rhodesian Ridgeback has been called: Rhodesian Hunchback Rhodesian Redback and angry
  13. Sorry you are having to go throught this. My Rotty had TPLO, we are now in week 11. I totally agree with what has been said here, the first 2 weeks are the worst. She is on lead at all times (she is a nutso). Toilet breaks only for the first 4 weeks then we could go for 10 min walks. I use a sling under her belly for all stairs (steps out the back and front of the house). Crated up until 8 weeks and then I added pen but she is only allowed in that when I am home. We are now doing 20 min walks and she is allowed to wander around the house in the eveing when all is quiet, not allowed any jumping until 16 weeks. Good luck with Kaos!
  14. ;) Lots of hugs for you Anne.
  15. A general Vet or a particular speciality Stolzseinrotts?
  16. This lovely DOLer makes them. Check out her web. http://www.k9softdogcrates.com.au/index.php?p=products
  17. They were made from material called fibretech, they didn't have any strengthening in the middle but I agree they are/were good leads. ADT made them themselves so you won't be able to buy them anymore (I don't think), BUT, Jaymatt is right, contact Erny she has leads that are actually, IMO, better than the fibretech ones, they are softer but just as strong and less slippery when they get wet, something I thought was a disadvantate with the fibretech. She also has long lines and they don't tangle as easily either. http://www.prok9.com.au/
  18. Staywell Infra-Red 4 Way Locking Dog Door A friend of mine is thinking of getting one of these installed for her Ridgeback. Anyone used one and have any feedback as to whether was a good buy or not. Thanks in advance
  19. Buy a Miele, it has a programme called "rinse out fluff". Fantastic :D
  20. If they are what I am thinking of I don't think you will find they are raw. They are cooked and not very good quality. Stick with real raw
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