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Everything posted by Janba

  1. Can you give me the approx time in the video. I don't think the brindle dog was a bad with the beagle as the fawn dog but definitely more aggressive towards the people. ETA I really do need to do this in proper video editing software.
  2. This is the one IO stuffed up from the fawn dog series
  3. It wouldn't let me attach them all in one post but I think the beagle is very lucky it acted submissively. A play bow does not necessarily mean the dog wants to play but can mean "I am ready" and indicate a state of arousal.
  4. this is a series from the beginning with the beagle
  5. This is the best I can do on this computer I could do better on my work computer. I really don't want to watch again but the dog is not friendly.
  6. This is the moment before the shot
  7. Pictures of Zardin http://www.afghanhoundtimes.com/zardin.htm I do think one of the things that does happen in coated show dogs is the coat becomes more abundant. The basic structure of the dog may not alter that much but the coat does, which is not a problem for a well cared for pet or show dog but could be a problem with a working dog. I don't agree with every thing that is said in that video and disagree with some of it.
  8. I have never had any problems with people who show and breed for what wins in the show ring, so long as the dog is healthy. Showing is in essence a sport like any of the other disciplines and if that is what people love doing. so be it. I do sometimes wonder at the changes to dogs over the past 100 or so years and what that benefits the original purpose. For example why does teasing up an Old English Sheepdogs head and top line aid in the purpose of herding? I am sure no farmer teases his dogs coat before working it. ETA One of my breeds is another example. Why is it almost impossible to win in the breed ring with anything but a classically marked dog when the breed standard simply says the solid colour must predominate and there is no mention of markings? ETA the standard actually says the
  9. Some one posted a link to this video on FB. While I am not necessarily agreeing with all of it, it is interesting from the point of view of how some of the breeds have changed.
  10. I love bi-blacks. I was lucky enough to me one some years ago and he was stunning.
  11. Hamlet obviously has a very empty belly :laugh:
  12. Vet for a full check up first. Drugs can affect a dogs personality just like they can with people. Medical problems can cause behavioural problems as can aging just like it does to some people. You need rule out any medical problems and if he is given a clean bill of health you may need to see a behaviouralist. It is very hard to give advise on a forum without seeing the dog. I hope things work out for you.
  13. There is nothing in the standard about nose colour. The extended breed standard does say I do find the different prices for different colour and for dogs and bitches a bit disturbing. ETA for future reference list of ANKC breed standards http://www.ankc.org.au/Breeds.aspx
  14. If entire pups are only sold to registered breeders where does the next generation of breeders and showers come from? ANKC registered dogs are already in trouble number wise and attitudes like this just put another nail in the coffin. ETA How do you decide who is ethical and what ethical is?
  15. I have an entire male dog who has been used and he just sits on the lounge and howls mournfully soflty for a few days when the bitch across the road is in season. He has never tried to get to her even when i walk him to the car off lead.
  16. Physical eye screening doesn't pickup carriers of recessive diseases it only picks up affected.
  17. From the Guide Dogs Vic site Is there a DNA test for congenital cateracts? If there isn't how would you tell you were breeding 2 carriers together if they hadn't produced affected pups before? Whether the breeder is genuine or not remains to be seen. I do imagine Guide Dogs Victoria will not be happy if she is using them to gain sympathy for the pups if they are not involved.
  18. I would 2nd this. Swimming is terrific excersise with low impact on the body. ETA I am very cautious about swimming at beaches since Cole got caught in a rip and I watched him being saw out to sea. Luckily I got far enough down the beach an could call him to me across the current.
  19. All though Cole does sheep work not agility I rest him physically for 2-3 months in summer. It gives his body time to heal from any injuries. His does go to the chiropractor. So far he has only had one bad injury, he damaged the tendon coming off his hock, but it has not reoccurred for over 2 years.
  20. I used to clip one of my BCs when he got old and had trouble regulating his body temperature. His coat grew back thicker and curlier and matted more easily but it did give a few more years of comfort in his old age. I live in a high tick area with 2 BCs. I do tick searches and twice monthly spot on tick prevention and have had no tick problems. ETA I don't clip younger BCs but do have a dogzillion (line from the anus through the back legs) done on my show line boy as his hair is so thick there that if he gets sloppy poos etc they get caught in the hair.
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