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Everything posted by Janba

  1. The teams event doesn't start for another few hours so no results yet. It may not be on the Crufts youtube channel live but the results are usually updated on ObedienceUK and discussed as they go on the forum http://obedienceuk.net/Crufts/CruftsDay4WorldCup/tabid/157/Default.aspx
  2. From the Cervood website http://www.chervood-kennel.com/offspring/boom.html
  3. Amateurs :rolleyes: They haven't even got any teefs showing. And no pointed toes!! :laugh: Teef showing and toes point in the middle of the night on my bed, pointing into my face, when I can't be bothered finding the phone to take a picture On a more serious note lounging can be trained from an early age by teaching a pup what you expect of it.
  4. Personally, I think they are pretty ordinary at lounging. Very good at lounging if they have a proper "off switch" but not as good as greyhounds. ETA lounging BCs
  5. Border Collies - everything They are not allowed to compete in earthdog or gundog trials but excel in obedience, agility, flyball, dances with dogs, herding etc. Dallies are also very versatile but you need a sense of humour with them.
  6. Any dog doing something wrong can't possibly be the breed stated, despite looks or what is reported, without pedigree papers. Any dog doing something good is the breed it looks like. The dog could be a collie sheltie cross. (not aimed specifically at LizT) Regardless what a good dog and it is nice to hear positive dog stories in the news.
  7. Not just the AKC but other countries CCs the ANKC recognises.
  8. I have no desire to own breeds other than what I have now. I already have the best. Maybe when I an old I will have a retired greyhound to lounge with me but that is it.
  9. I taught my dogs and flat mates dogs snake aversion when I lived on a property with a lot of snakes. The method I used took 2 people but could be adopted for 1. I have a very realistic looking rubber black snake (good enough that the feed man refused to put the feed in the shed when I left it there). I attached a very light fishing line and rod to the snake. I had a drink can filled with 5c coins but an e collar would also work. Put the snake in the grass and have someone hiding with the rod. The second person is also out of sight in another spot close by. The person with the rod reels the snake in slowly and when the dogs go to investigate the 2nd person throws the can of coins near the dog to frighten them. A couple of repetitions of this and the dogs avoided the snake. I did reinforce regularly. The dogs where a BC, a dalmatian, a mini foxie and a cross bred terrier.
  10. There's no way in God's green earth I'd give it to any collie breed for a start. Not all collie breeds suffer from MDR1 deficiency. Last time I asked GTG about it in borders they said they had never had a confirmed affected or carrier but I should test anyway. The one documented case in BCs when I was researching was a shelter dog so may not have even been a BC. This may have change in the last year or so. I do know the yearly heart worm injection almost killed my dog. ETA it was not MDR1 deficiency but a severe allergic reaction.
  11. They can't act if the person is no longer a member as its not illegal to breed dogs. I realise this. Unbeknown to the second group of people who put in the stat decs for serious breaches, (of which I was one) the breeder had already just been suspended indefinitely by the Canine body and they could not do anything further until they lifted their suspension and/or member rejoined (if suspension lasted the financial period of membership). In a nutshell, it was for incorrectly registering a litter to a dam who was not the dam of the litter. The real dam was a bitch in co-own whom the co-owner had not approved the litter. So the person used another bitch in their yard "of similar bloodlines" and registered the litter on that bitch instead. There were requests to have the progeny parent tested. There were also some other claims of animals not being returned after lease periods were up. Effectively stolen. I thought this was who you were referring to. The non return of animals could be a police matter - there was one case here recently with the police being involved in the non return of a dog (not an ANKC lease).
  12. Steve Austin trains the dogs to sniff out feral pests. Would you rather a live feral cat and numerous dead native animals or visa versa? Links http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/stories/8259737/new-tricks http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/journal/training-scientific-dogs-to-sniff-out-pests.htm http://manly-daily.whereilive.com.au/news/story/nose-for-ecology/
  13. They can't act if the person is no longer a member as its not illegal to breed dogs.
  14. There are problems with some of these. Who decides what improving the quality of the breed? Breed standards open to interpretation and if someone breeds for performance not the show ring are they unethical? How do you prove some one isn't striving to eliminate hereditary disease or knew there dog carried a disease if there are no DNA or other tests for carriers. For some people breeding a carrier to a clear is a sin. The 3rd and 5th are are easy to prove and definite no nos. Selling a dog in ill health can be harder to prove particularly parasites if the pup isn't checked by an independent person such as a vet on the way home. How can you prove the pup got fleas from the breeders an not its new home? I am not trying to defend the real unethical breeders but just point out a few problems. The CCs can only act on information given to them and then only against their members, as in the case Mystiqview stated where they cannot act against a non member.
  15. I have a dog that almost died from the annual heart worm injection - he went into anaphylactic shock and my other dog had a lump at the injection site that took months to go down. I will never use it again.
  16. Grumbling doesn't always indicate aggression either. I have a grumbler and his sister is the same. They grumble when in a situation they are not comfortable - i.e. meeting another dog for the first time - in but their body language is submissive. Interestingly other dogs tend to ignore the grumbling while their owner don't. The grumbling is not a growl even though people interpret it as that an dogs certainly don't interpret it as a growl. You need to look at the dogs body language. ETA I can only assume the 2 dogs learnt the grumble as pups as neither of their offspring do it.
  17. I've had the police with dogs looking for a suspect, who was thought to be armed, in my place when I lived on acreage. They did announce themselves and asked us to keep our dogs inside and lock the doors while they searched. What they didn't do was tell us it was safe to come outside again.
  18. I now have to wipe red wine splutters off the screen. ETA That is not a comment on bull breeds but at the blindness of some dog owners.
  19. Its as I said earlier a "play bow" is not necessarily an invitation to play nicely- its meaning is dependent on the rest of the dogs body language and people need to realise this.
  20. If you look and listen at 1.043 onwards when the beagle and fawn dog are not in the picture the screaming is very bad, I think I will need several more wines and to hug my dogs.
  21. I don't think the brindle dog was as much of a threat to the beagle as the fawn. The beagles screaming with the fawn dog is horrific.
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