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Everything posted by Janba

  1. Good question. Just rang novartis and they said that they have reports that it does, but you have to then pull them off. Found this
  2. Capstar tablets will kill all the fleas on her but only lasts for a day. I use advantix on my dog with a flea allergy as I want the fleas to die on contact with the dog, not when they bite. You can also flush the dead ones out by bathing with an extendable shower nozzle that attach to a tap or a hydrobath
  3. Can you get a larger size tablet and break it up. Larger tablets usually work out cheaper per mg than smaller ones. I do this with my own heart medication on my doctors advice
  4. Janba


    My dalmatian chewed the bottle of dog deterent into little bits I keep anything I don't want chewed out of reach and tell them NO when they go to chew something wrong. I also don't leave them unsupervised for any lenth of time in the house. Plus pigs ears, chew toys etc.
  5. Dalmatians form urate stones which are very unusual in other breeds, caused by their inavbility to metabolise purines. They also get gout because of this. They stones found in most other dogs are diferent and require different treatment. I had a dally bitch that formed stones. Luckily she passed them (screaming as she peed) but was then kept on a very strict low purine diet. In her case the urine had to be kept neutral to slightly alkaline but from memory I think for other types of stones the urine has to be kept slightly acid. She also had regular urine tests to detect crystals in her urine. When the vet removes the stones he should be able to test them and see what type they are, then recommend the proper preventative treatment. With management my girl never had another occurance of stones.
  6. The main time in a puppies development for socialisation is about 7 -12 to 14 weeks. This is the time in their development that they are most receptive to forming bonds with people and other animals. If they learn in this period that people and other dogs are a 'good' thing it usually stays with them for the rest of their life. Other dogs are also most tolerant of puppies at this stage and allow them to do things without retaliation that they would never allopw from an older puppy. They also learn a lot of their social skills during this period. It is also the period when pups learn the quickest. With the bad BYB and puppy farm puppies who have not had the start in life that a pup from a good breeder has had this is even more important. At about 4-5 months this changes as the pup goes through hormonal development and other dogs start to react to a puppy the same way they would an older dog. I have. It was a cattle dog and the people had been told to grab it by the head and shake it when it misbehaved or mouthed. By the time the pup came to training at 14 weeks it had serious aggression problems and was euthenased not long after. If had done puppy preschool from an early age this problem may not have eventuated.
  7. Wow, that's cheap, where are you based? Western Sydney and have a good vet at Kellyville. From the invoice It was $185 for the castration (this includes the anaethethsia and initial pain killing injection) Tooth extraction $60 Sutures for the tooth $28.3 (these are special slow disolving ones) Medications related to the tooth (antibiotics, anti inflamitory and pain killer) $43.4 My pet insurance allowed $240 to be counted as tooth extraction for the claim. It would probably have been almost as much for just the extraction without the castration.
  8. I paid $316 this year for a canine tooth extraction and castration at the same time for a 22 kg dog.
  9. These links go to videos of playing pups http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP0LtfcDys0
  10. It has only been a week. Ev erybody react differently to grief, Janette It does get better. I was a mess after I lost my old dog last year, especially as I got a new pup 2 days before I lost him. I felt like a traitor. If talking and posting here helps you keep doing it. Grief councillors can also help. I believe that none is ever gone while they live in our hearts.
  11. Have tried my hair dryer and I'm there forever and it doesn't blow the dead hair out so I really need to invest in a proper dryer.
  12. Is it the same section they keep clipping? It could be some underlying skin problem. My old Border used to scratch at a part of his back but the skin always seemed clean and healthy underneath. As he grew old he started to develop hotspots in the area. He was washed in Malaseb. The vet seemed to think that he may have had a low grade skin problem that escalated as his immune system weakened. I would wait till the groomer got back and ask why she did it, though I do think they should have told you why at the time. As Boot aged he couldn't cope with the heat so he was clipped short every summer.
  13. I imagine it would depend on how the retrieve is trained and on the dog. If you trained a forced retrieve (ear pinch) then the dog would be in defence drive. My dally is definitely in pack drive when she retrieves (clicker trianed and it took a year). It is a game and what she is after the the reward at the end of the excersise either praise or food. There is no kill at all in her retrieving, but playfull bouncing. Same with my BC pup- he also thinks it is a game.
  14. Try these links http://www.k9events.com/drives.htm http://www.volhard.com/training/cpptest3.htm
  15. A steward can't "rush" in to get a dog that has broken as they may upset the dogs that are still in position. I have seen plenty of dogs in the out of sight stays break by standing or sitting, but not move of their position. It is a difficult situation, because removing the dog can be just as distruptive as the dog itself moving. I don't know that there is an easy answer other than handlers making sure their dogs are stable in the stays before trialling. A dog that shows aggressive tendancies shouldn't be trialled unless it is stable, and if did act aggressively in the ring should be banned. Having said this, I never trialled my last BC (best heeler I have had) as he was dog aggressive. He wouldn't have broken his stay, but if another dog had come up to him he would have gone for it.
  16. Is he herding or hunting? Herding (in a BC) is modified prey drive, where the dog brings the pray back to the pack leader.
  17. Marg Jackson used to say that one motivator that you take into the ring is your lead. If your dog plays tug with the lead, then what is to stop you having a bit of a tug as you go in and in CCG playing between excersises.
  18. Moss (BC) would collect his and the one off the stewards table in the next ring.
  19. Poodle show is on Sunday, so they could get two trials in one weekend. This trial would be Saturday.
  20. Just looked up my DogsNSW calender (with magnifying glass) and there are quite a few specialties that weekend, includung Poodles and the Spitz Breeds Club. Don't know where the shows are being held though.
  21. Erskine Park If permission is granted breed clubs will be notified, but that still misses a lot of people. Could I get an idea of breeds as well
  22. The Dally Club is trying to hold an Obedience Trial the day before their specialty conformation show if they get DogsNSW permission. The trial would be open to Non Sporting group and have a breed teams competition (best 3 scores any level, ccd scores doubled).
  23. I am trying to get an idea of how many people are trialling orwill be ready to trial by Oct who have dogs in the non sporting group in Sydney
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