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Everything posted by Janba

  1. Dogs NSW has always said that flyball competitions won't be held at Erskine Park grounds mainly I was told because of insurance issues. Flyball demo's have been held at Erskine Park. As far as I know, no one has ever asked to host a comp there. But not competitions. As far as I know flyball does not fall under any of the Dogs NSW committees. Does the ANKC flyball committee have a Dogs NSW representative?
  2. Dogs NSW has always said that flyball competitions won't be held at Erskine Park grounds mainly I was told because of insurance issues.
  3. I've not long got home and am too tired to even think. In total we ended up with 104 runs entered, after move ups, with about 6-8 absentees. The vast majority had qualifications and the standard of trial scores and the work in the tests was very high. It was only because of the standard of work that we managed to do it in the time we had.
  4. Just doing the catalogue for our trial next Sat - 99 entries Its a logistical nightmare. Weasels Advanced is fun - I hate going back to started. I love the driving and once you get the hang of it not that hard. You just need good verbal flanks and a walkup and get the dog conditioned to the idea that it doesn't always have to bring the sheep to you. Its just you, dog, sheep instead of you, sheep, dog.
  5. Blue merle is an allowable colour in ANKC border collies. Vickie's Trim and shine are blue merles. Chocolate merle BCs occur as do tri merles but are not registerable on ANKC main register which is silly as they can easily occur from a mating of 2 allowable main register dogs. It is the same with tri colours - black tri can be registered on the main register but chocolate tri can't. There are no health problems with any of the merle or tri colours that don't occur with the allowable solid colours. ETS the person is probably talking about a tri merle with bright tan
  6. It was the same in ANKC UD when I first started training. You sent the dog back then gave the sit command. The box came in sometime in the early 90s. The change was probably made to make it easier to train :laugh: .
  7. I have always enjoyed your posts on the sibs. I am glad Charlie is doing well and holding his own at the dog park :) ETA Charlie IS a special dog.
  8. [quote name='Niki8' timestamp='1340003451' post='5869919' I do consider a purebred...the question was more about why not a cross-breed? Because you won't know what you are likely to get both physically or temperament wise.
  9. When you cross 2 breeds you don't necessarily get 50% of each breeds personality characteristics - its a bit of a lottery. You could end up with a dog with the worst features of each breed in both personality and physical characteristics. I have had both breeds and can't imagine that a cross between the 2 would be an improvement on either breed.
  10. It was and the dogs very muddy but happy :laugh: . We had cancelled the normal training because of the wet and just demonstrated herding to people and let their dogs see the sheep to see if they were interested.
  11. Katdogs - did you go down to the herding? If you did which dog was yours?
  12. Does anyone have a contact number for a Maureen Lewis who has a dog that might herd. Thanks
  13. Does anyone have a contact number for Maureen Lewis who has a dog the may herd Thanks
  14. I have been to a Greg Prince clinic and it is definitely worth going to if you can.
  15. Sorry for you dogs problems. I have no suggestions for treatment but you could try an holistic vet. Human medicine does cost as much if not more its just that medicare and the PBS greatly reduce the costs, particularly for the more expensive drugs.
  16. Steve - do you have any in Dalmatian size? ETA a smallish bitch
  17. I think after reading this thread I need to give Cole a tidy up - he has ugg boots
  18. Using a breed specialist from an FCI country or the USA would only work if there standard is the same as the Australian standard or they did the lecture to the Australian standard, in which case why not use an Australian breed specialist? One of my breeds - the border collie has a different standard to the FCI and USA standards and the dalmatian also has differences in the USA standard - they allow blue eyes for one thing.
  19. One of the reasons I don't go to dog parks. My dogs get to run free with dogs I know and trust.
  20. Can you quote the clause in the regulations that doesn't allow white GSD pups resulting from main registered parents to be registered on the limited register?
  21. Years ago when I used to breed I had fading puppy syndrome that was caused by infection. One of the symptoms was a mewling cry that I never want to hear again. Surviving puppies were on antibiotics as where subsequent litters on vet advice. Vet science has advanced since then so the treatment of later litters may have changed.
  22. From the GSD gene pool. White GSD could be registered till the middle 1990s.
  23. The show ring is not the be all and end all of selecting potential breeding dogs and not all dogs enjoy being shown. What is his temperament like in other situations outside the home - is he out going or shy? Did he have a bad experience at a show during a fear stage? I wouldn't throw a dog out because it disliked showing but was otherwise well structured and temperamentally sound but would if there was a temperament problem.
  24. My dally had a grade 1 mast cell tumour removed with clear margins at a year old and she has just turned 10 with no reoccurance. It is scary but there is always hope and a grade 1 is early stages.
  25. What about people who show but don't breed, people who want to let their dogs fully mature before desexing, working dog breeders, breeders of breeds not recognised by the ANKC such as koolies etc etc etc?
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