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Everything posted by Janba

  1. Sorry about Jack's diagnosis. My dally had a MCT that was growing very aggressively she was about 14 months old. It was removed with clean margins and she is fine 4 1/2 years later. We have done no other treatment, but every lump she gets is checked and she had a lymph node aspiration? about 12 months ago as the nodes were up, but they were fine.
  2. I have always fed my dalmatians a low purine diet (they can't metabolise purines) and have had desexed bitches who suffered urinary incontinence. I have treated with stilbestrol (sp?) and also had some success with couch grass extract that I got from a herbalist. I found with the stilbestrol that I only had to give it for a short while at a time till the sphincter muisclres tightened.
  3. Janba

    Puppy Whining

    If the vet has ruled out anything physical then he may just be a whiner. I had a BC like that, he whined all the time for no reason when he was young and I don't think he even knew that he did it. I stopped it by every time he whinged I whinged back and he would stop and look at me. Eventually he lost the habit. The whine in his sleep could be because he is dreaming. You could take him to see a behaviouralist to see what they think.
  4. When I saw him he was standing beside you not in front and you moved your upper body towards him. You then gave a signal to finish. Did you maybe give 2 finish signals or the upper body movement was taken as a signal?
  5. I read the rules to mean that once a dog has 3 passes at CCD or novice they can't compete in that class again (except for trials where the closing date was before the 3rd pass) regardless of whether or not a title is applied for From the rules ETA You beat me to it Mrs D
  6. So if I have a dog that has 3 passes (not applied for title) in CD: NOVICE CLASS: For dogs, six months of age or over, and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Companion Dog' (C.D.). So according to this I can't put him/her in CD. Then I read on: NOTES: (a) An Exhibit which has gained sufficient awards to qualify for the title of C.D., C.D.X. or U.D. shall NOT be eligible to compete in a higher class at an Obedience Trial until such time as the owner/s have lodged an application for recognition of the title with the Canine Control in the State or Territory in which the registered owner/s reside, Bummer: Can't go in Open either!! Is this for the trial on Saturday? I think important word there is compete. I read it to mean that you can enter a class so long as you have you 3 passes at the lower class and just make sure you send of your application before the trial.
  7. I stopped the third meal with my last two BCs when they started to lose interest. both around 4 to 5 months. I feed twice a day normally so they still get breakfast. The dally I think I stopped the third meal around 6 months as her growth had slowed down. Dallies never lose interest in food
  8. I have a feeling the injection the dog was given is one that increases the levels of female hormones and can be effective in some cases with aggression in a male dog. It is not a sedative.
  9. Today at herding training at Erskine Park Cole my BC pup managed to do the herding started course without too may problems and did it under time, twice. He was 9 months old today and it was his first time attempting obstacles. I am so proud of my boy. The biggest problem was his handler
  10. My old border was terrified of the clicker so I used a verbal marker instead and that worked well. You condition the word the same way you do a clicker by saying it and feeding. I now condition the dogs to both the clicker and a verbal marker.
  11. Name: Cole sex: Male Date of birth: 10 January 2007 Age: 8 monthsold Colour: black tricolour Breed: Border collie Hobbies: Working sheep. playing with water and my other 2 dogs Loves: Working, balls and me Hate: His crate
  12. I thought most of the prescription diets came in dry as well as canned. They work best when they are the only diet. I think so, as they have to be prescriped by the vet before you can use them.
  13. I don't know that I would call it clueless either. My dally had a small blue fleck in her eye at 3 months that now covers half her eye. I imagine that by the time she is old she will have one totally blue eye so dogs eyes can change and if they do you need to make sure it isn't anything sinister.
  14. I teach the figure 8 as a sperate excersise to heelwork. When I start teaching I reward the dog at the point where I am just past level with the posts shoulder and heading to the next regardless of where the dog is. I find what this teaches the dog is that to get a reward he has to hurry beside me when on the outside to get to that point and I find when on the inside they slow their pace to stay with me. You don't need to change pace with this method as the dog works out themself that they have to change their pace, it teaches them to think about what they are doing. I phase out the reward and then only mark really good work. As Ptolomy said watch what your shoulders are doing. If you drop your left shoulder the dog will lag and if your bring it forward the dog will come forward
  15. Be careful with the vinegar if he has scratched his ears so there is broken skin, it will sting like hell. I use dilute malaseb and it doesn't seem to sting broken skin.
  16. I fit feeding 3 times with working by giving breakfast, dinner and a late feed. I found that both of my last 2 (now 2 yrs and 8 mnths) were only needing 2 meals by 3 1/2 to 4 months old.
  17. Herding is a modified hunting instinct where instead of killing the prey the dog brings it back to the pack leader. Colin Webster says there are two types of dogs when it comes to herding, the gatherers and the killers (not literally) that follow from the way a pack of wolves or dogs hunt. The gatherers drive the prey to the killers for the kill and as these instincts are still in most dogs I would say you have a gatherer.
  18. I did the first one about 10 years ago. I loved it and thought it excellent but it has changed a lot since.
  19. These are the RAS Kennel Club Special Rules for the conduct of Obedience Trials Ist January 1960. Tests for Novice class 1. To heel on lead 20 points 2. To heel free, stand stay 35 " 3. To come when called 15 " 4. To sit for one minute 15 " 5. To lie down for 3 minutes 15 " Maximum score 100 " Qualifying score 85 points Tests for Open class 1. To heel on lead 25 points 2. To heel free, stand stay 40 " 3. Drop on Recall 25 " 4. To retrieve dumbell on the flat 30 " 5. To retrieve dumbell over obstacle 40 " 6. To make a long jump 25 " 7. Long sit 3 minutes out of sight 35 " 8. Long down 5 minutes out of sight 30 " Max Total 250 " Qualifying score 220 points Tests for Utility class 1. To seek back lost articles 35 points 2. To speak on command 40 points 3. To stand for examination 20 " 4. To exercise sent discrimination 40 " 5. To execute hurdle and bar jump 35 " 6. Long down 10 minutes,handler out of sight 30 " Max Total score 200 " Qualifying score 180 points Hurdle and bar jump, In this exercise, the dog shall walk heel free carrying the dumbell and coming to a stop at a position in front of the hurdle. The handler shall leave the dog and take up a position at one side between jumps , which are to be spaced at 25 feet apart.On the order of the judge, the handler shall send the dog over both obstacles (a command can be given before each jump). Dog to return to the sit position infront of handler, who takes the dumbell prior to completing exercise and finish at heel. Both obstacles to be jumped clear. Wording of the above parragrath exactly as in the book. I also have a copy somewhere that I got off a forum of the history of obedience in NSW from Top Dog Annual. I will see if I can find.
  20. I have Mishka - Delrei Slick Chick Moss- Ansavon Moss Cole - Cole Laird of Night of Ohutu (Imp NZ) with the ANKC and Ohutu Cole with the ISDS
  21. Hi Janba, Are you saying that the new vet would have put her on something different than the prednisolone to extend her life ever further? He may have or adjusted the dose to suit the diseases progress as she was on quite a low dose. He did tell me that it was a drug of choice but also that if we had found it earlier that we could have used chemo. I also think that more could have been done in correct management of the disease if she had been diagnosed when the symptoms first appeared and in other holistic treatments to help support her.
  22. One of my dallies was put on prednisolone as it was the only thing she responded to for some symptons she kept showing. I changed vet after she had been on it for 6 months and suddenly got a lot sicker. The new vet diagnosed advanced lymphoma but unfortunately she died a few days later. I sometimes think that if I had changed vet earlier she may have lived longer. While on the prednisalone she was happy and active and had good quality of life till the last week or two.
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