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Everything posted by Janba

  1. Herding instinct is modified prey drive and if she is listening to you and obeying you instantly it should not affect her behaviour elsewhere as she is bringing the prey to you to do what you want. I would look at her behaviour outside herding.
  2. Having a another dog staring at her is dominaent behaviour on that dogs part so I would expect her to react if her obedience training isn't advanced ie Open. In a training situation I would have said something to the other handler or gone back to my dog.
  3. If the herding training is done correctly it should have no impact on dog aggression or resource guarding. I had one dog that was extremely dog aggressive but he would work sheep with another dog and even tie up next to another dog while waiting to work because he was focussed on the sheep. I think that one of the things that isn't stressed enough in the test levels of herding is that the dog must be instantly obedient and the dogs focus must be on the sheep not on other things. A lot of dogs who get their HT are not under effective control. Until you have a good stop and flanks your dog or a dog with natural distance and an instinctive reading of their sheep shouldn't be out of a large round yard or a HT arena. The dog should be working for you not itself. I think this answers your question. You had the problem before starting herding and maybe because of your inexperience in herding you have let her take some of the control of the herding and this is carrying over to her behaviour to other areas. This is not a criticism of you personally. As I found out today that I don't have enough control over my dog when trying an advanced cast in a 100 acre paddock. We went back a few steps and just worked on the top of the cast and then back to the round yard to work on stops and flanks. He is entered in 3 intermediate B courses but will be withdrawn till he consistently does an advanced cast in an open paddock because he does have problems. I don't know how your training is structured but I wouldn't have my dog hanging around waiting for their turn at training but go and get the dog when the dog or 2 before you is training Have you done training on having your dog in a stop holding the sheep for extended periods? It can be done with the sheep in a corner or if the dog is advanced enough if the open. And when waiting to go in do you just stand with your dog or put her on a stay? These excersises will help with the stay.
  4. That could be your problem. Give him time to adjust to the polaramine which may take a while or go back to the iramine which seems to not make dogs drowsy. My vet sells me iramine in bottles of 100 which works out a bit cheaper.
  5. I had a dally with a low grade murmur who's heart xay also showed hre heart sat too high in the chest cavity. She was never on heart meds and lived too a decent age before dying from cancer. The murmur never stopped her doing obedience, agility or leading a normal life.
  6. I have 2 dogs who are more than ready to trial in tracking and have been since last year. The problem is that tracking trials interfere with herding training and trialling.
  7. Look for fleas and flea bites on the pups stomach (they do tend to run for cover) and look for flea dropping on his back at the base of the tail - they are small brown specks. I have never had problems with flea bites from a dog with only a few fleas - only when they have heaps. I have used flea spots on on young pups but make sure you follow the directions. We NEED pictures ;)
  8. Who are the instructors for this clinic and what levels does the clinic cater to?
  9. You can get capstar or similar from the bigger supermarkets now. The problem with dividing tablets into small pieces is that the active ingredient isn't always evenly distributed thru the tablets.
  10. I do train kindly and effectively. Show stackers were suggested by other purely positive trainers to make the dog aware of his feet (as IMHO he isn't aware he is moving his feet when someone touches him) and he was trained to stand on them with rewards before attempting a S for E. With the ones I used the dog doesn't fall 2m but 10 or 12cm - the height of the average step and the platform for each foot is larger than the dogs foot. This same dog has been known to take of at agility training and do the see saw - for some reason he thinks it is great fun.
  11. I have used show stackers to try to teach one of my dogs who does a "happy dance" whenever anyone approaches him to do the stand for examination. He just dances, falls off and keeps wiggling. You put him back on them and he just repeats the proceedure. Falling off doesn't worry him at all but he is a "Border Collie of Very Little brain" I can see problems occuring with a dog who doesn't trust its handler or who lacks confidence but with a confident dog I don't see a problem. ETA the stackers I used weren't as high in comparison to the dog as the ones in the photo.
  12. Vaccination protcols can vary on what you believe. When the first vaccination is given at 6 weeks the pup may still have maternal antibodies that interfere with the vaccination making it less effective. A C5 is not usually given at 6 weeks but is given at 12 weeks. Because you need nthe second KC vacination most pups are given a further C5 at 16 weeks. If the vaccine has been effective and the pup has made antibodies the then the 16 week booster can have no effect at all on the pups levels of immunity. I think in a lot of cases we definitely over vaccinate but with some dogs the only time they see a vet is at vaccination time so at least the get checked once a year. After one of my dogs suffered from vaccinosis after his 16 week booster (which he very luckily grew out of to some degree as his immune system matured) I no longer give C5 and with my youngest dog the breeder didn't give the first C3 till 8 weeks as he wasn't being sent to me till 11 weeks. He had have a kennel cough nasal spray at 10 weeks for importation, but only had a C3 at 12 weeks and nothing till his 14 month C3 booster. He will now be titre tested yearly and only re vaccinated with a C3 if he needs it as will all my dogs. The monthly tablet is usually for heartworm and definiteley need to be given. Some heartworm medication also kill other worms butb you need to read the package as to what they actually kill and worm adults 3 monthly for the worms they don't cover i.e tapeworm. Inteceptor seems to cover all the major intestinal worms as well as heartworm so for the worming at 10 weeks you could get a puppy all wormer from the vet. Some of the monthly tablets will also kill fleas.
  13. The rules state The reason they don't allow poly pipe is that if the handler bashes it on the ground it does make a loud noise. Some handlers have the habit of bashing the stick on the ground to emphasise their commands which should incur a penalty. A lot of handlers seem to use dressage whips and lunging whips with the ends cut off. I personally use a short bamboo stick - the current one is the 18 inches that would be allowable in 3 sheep. The rules are in place for trialling not training. There is nothing to stop you using poly pipe or a rake etc in training your dog but ideally once you start trialling you should have enough control that the stick is just an extension of your arm.
  14. Well done all on there passes I heard that there were 50 dog who went for their instinct test today - don't know how many passed. They had to get a second judge to finish as Tim had gone over her allowed number to judge.
  15. If the pups parents are clear ie they don't carry the genes for the disease then your pup will be clear by parentage so there is no need to DNA test.
  16. Have your pups parents been tested?
  17. They can be done at any age so long from a few weeks onwards.
  18. My BC had the blood taken for the CEA test at 2 weeks so the results could be back by the time decisions had to be made about which pup.
  19. It was also amazing to watch that poodle do UD obedience. I would also vote for a poodle.
  20. I had a deaf dalmatian that I trained to open obedience, won the ring at novice, tracking and also agility (though I never competed with her). She knew about 50 different hand signals and was my heart dog. I didn't use vibrating collars or E collars and just a flat collar as I believe you cannot use a check chain effectively on a deaf dog. Basically the dog doesn't know that they are deaf and their other senses do increase to compensate for the deafness. The first commands I taught were "Watch", a "No" signal and a "good" signal. The teaching of the rest of the commands was no different to a hearing dog, though the emphasis is on the hand signal not the verbal command. I still spoke to her as my body language and facialo expression would often reflect what I was saying and she would pick up on these very quickly. I also got her used to a touch means look at me. For distance correction I would use a water pistol and to start with had them lying all over the place. These were seldom used when she reached adulthood as she watched and responded to me well. I don't know if this is any help but my experience was that if you put in the groundwork you will forget you have a deaf dog after a while. ETA I have more problems due to hearing with my current dally who is unilaterally deaf, so not directional hearing, than I did with the deaf one.
  21. I think Purina changed the recipe when they took it over. It used to be a very good lower priced food now is too expensive for what it is.
  22. Hi and welcome to DOL. While it is a purebred dog comminity many members own crossbreds and post about them. DOL has a large rescue section and a lot of members are involved in rescue. It is not the crossbreds or the designer mutts that people object to but the puppy farmers and backyard breeders who produce them. You will learn a lot from this forum. Please post some piccies of you pup.
  23. Last years wishes I never made it near a tracking or obedience trial so the first 2 never happened. The third I did several short course trials and 2 herding titles at trial level so I achieved that one almost :D This year I would still like Moss and Mishka's tracking titles and maybe Moss an obedience title. Cole I would like to get a versatile herding championship and his duck titles - not much to ask for.
  24. Moss and Mishka are right pawed. Cole uses either pretty much equally, but that could also be the work I do with him to keep his sides even for herding.
  25. Edited cause I should read the thread first.
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