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stacey and douglas

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  1. Hi sorry just got the message. Training will start up after christmas. Give me a call then on 0405561128 and I'll put you on to it.
  2. Get into three sheep trials and train harder. Listen to my dog more. She know's where she's going
  3. Thanks allways keen for a bit of herding. I have been training with pat Smith out in pickton and will continue with her but I need somewhere closer to work as well. Where are you guys loking? A group of us are thinking of doing the same thing, just out of Sydney. You need more than just land and sheep. If you are only just starting (I saw you had posted you would like to try herding it a month ago) you will need a round yard or a small square yard until your dogs has a stop and sides and good control. You also need dogbroken sheep to learn on. I can PM you the name of someone who herds with GSD down your way and may be able to help with your training.
  4. Hi I have been thinking about renting some land south of sutherland to do some herdding. Ofcoarse I would have to buy some sheep as well and feed them. Is anyone interested in this. More to the point is anyone willing to pitch in?
  5. HI all and sorry for being gone so long but life happens. I am wanting to do some hurding. My girl is still a hand full and she needs a job. I went to the weastern dog sport guys training nights for awhile but found it just to far and IPO just does not have the fallowing it has in the states. So with this in mind I'm going to try hurding (Any help taken).
  6. So with all those little biters you must have no sofas left, the back yard is a land not entered by man or beast and the fun you must have, any keepers or have you sold them all. My little girl just made it through her first heat.
  7. Ya, great bunch down there. Pam is very good at what she does. I went down there for a time with my black shep Nalu. The trainers are very helpful but my dog was just to high in drive for that kind of group training. She has child development issues.. She wants to kill or play with all dogs big or small. I may go back just as soon as i can get her under control. may see ya there. good luck and have fun
  8. I would like to hear more on this subject. The drives that is
  9. Ya western club a go its fun. Great group of guys just having a good time and training. I also went down south for that thing you know, its a good club as well. I've started back about three week or so ago. Nalu is already showing signs of inprovment. Good luck...
  10. Nalu has learned that I am where the fun comes from. I should say I have learned how to talk to my dog rather then push around the field. She is having more fun training now. Its nice when you make it through a tuff section in your training and a whole new world opens up. Good stuff
  11. All good stuff guys. Now all I need is more time to train and a good trailing group closer to me then the western subs. cheers
  12. For the first six month I did no training with my girl cus I wanted her to have full confidence. This may or may not be the right thing to do, but there we are. I have got her now to a point of obedience which am happy with at home but go out and she falls apart, to much out there to look it. I have used the ball in the past to keep her in drive but this does nothing when out with other dogs. OK so heres where I get to the point. I am using hot dogs to pull her head up and get her looking at me. Should I just let grow abit and stop putting presure on her. At home she is still great but not so good out and about still, She is getting better. She also is only 10 month old and has good high drives. I know it’s me and not her just cant put my finger on it. It just feels like if I can get her looking up at me I'll move forward. I would like to tittle her by this summer and at the rate its not going to happen. Thanks
  13. Good luck with this one he looks great, and that face. I'd love to take him but my wife would leave me. ok maybe that would be ok. Na i"ll keep her.. good luck..
  14. So can someone tell me what kind of karma you need to find one of these mals Jerry Turning and Rudy What a team good work guys.. Heres some more footage I cant help myself . bite feast 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W5vG4RKvf8
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