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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. If she breeds her SBT cross to anything with SBT in it tell her she'd better have both parents DNA tested for L2-HGA & HC before she starts or when the pups end up blind and epileptic she'll be up in front of the disputes people with a huge vet bill to pay.
  2. The old fashioned tyres were brilliant toys - unfortunately all the steel belting now makes them very dangerous
  3. If APBT's dogs are anything like my little dears - they eat "indestructable" black kongs in about 25 minutes. Kongs are hopeless for certain dogs
  4. Well they give them to the Polar Bears at Seaworld so I'm guessing it's not the worst thing you could give a dog.
  5. Personally.... --- 60% meat 30% edible bone 10% offal. Offal includes tripe so if you feed vege instead of tripe then that should be included in that 10%. ---- There doesn't appear to be any edible bone? ---- Meat and vege is food for a growing child, not a growing dog
  6. I went to agility classes with a woman who does this. She helps find lost animals, but can't talk to dead ones, and people asked her advice about why their dog did this and that and how it felt about such and such. Not really sure how she does the lost pets stuff but she is a very astute dog trainer and had a natural feel for animals which I'm pretty sure that's the "trick" to her 'talking' to animals which are actually present.
  7. As far as im aware home stays are no longer allowed its quaratine there too There's the Pet Passport scheme which makes anywhere in the world ----> NZ -----> Oz an interesting concept, however you need to understand the NZ system and you WILL be charged GST, often on a grossly inflated price which has nothing to do with what you paid for the dog (like $10,000 for a dog which was on LOAN because it's entire so can be a stud dog so must be valuable )
  8. I leave the dogs at the old house the entire time, in their crates, not wandering around getting underfoot or getting loaded in the truck/trailer. Once the old place is empty I let them have a look around (usually they're very excited by all the changes) then take them to the new place along with their crates. They are allowed a look around the new place, then their crates are set up where-ever they're going to be permanently (we don't have crates in the lounge room) and they put away while we try to make some sense of the mess.
  9. What, that a dog with an actual fault might turn up in the show ring Sorry, I am proud of the puppies I breed, whether they're paragons of physical perfection or just a little bit special. IF established showies use these classes to get another title on a grand champion then those pet quality puppies simply won't win. Personally I think there should be a provision for shows such as are held in NZ (under NZKC rules too), Ribbon Parades, you turn up on the day and enter for a nominal fee. The dog does not need to have papers but it is expected to look like a purebred and owners don't need to be members of anything. They're the stage before Open Shows for judges and are held in parks and reserves all over the place. I've been to a LOT of these over the years with baby puppies (brilliant for babies, if it's raining or cold you just don't go and no feeling you're "wasting" the entry fee) and without fail you'll get a tribe of locals out for their Saturday/Sunday morning shopping stopping in to look at the dogs and meet some breeders. Many a puppy sale has come from these events, and if they're single breed club events - whoo, frequently you end up with a bigger entry than the club's annual specialist championship show :p I have met a lot of pet owners at ribbon parades over the years. Some have gone on to be serious show people (usually with a different dog admittedly) and many more have had the opportunity to realise shows really aren't their thing without the expense of joining clubs etc.
  10. Especially in breeds that have larger litters, you can have one litter but actually do two breedings, instead of having 20 puppies you have 10. With an older bitch you can have one last litter from her but do two matings at once With frozen semen you can up your chances of having puppies at all (especially useful if the bitch is older) by using frozen semen Ai and fresh/chilled semen AI or natural mating, but I think there's issues here with timing.
  11. Yep, I'd say you went for a short ride around the block. :rolleyes: Multiple vaccinations are given to young animals because there is no way of telling without titre testing (and perhaps not even then) when the maternal immunity wears off, and this varies from animal to animal in the same litter.
  12. Don't get too wound up about a number. If the dog is eating everything up and putting weight on at a steady pace, with good energy levels, nice coat, healthy skin etc then they're getting enough food. Frequent pooping isn't abnormal but not exactly normal either - could be a hold-over from the irritation the dry food caused and may settle down after a while (can take weeks/months). Small hard poop is fine, if it gets too hard up the meat content fractionally. Even feeding a dog out of a bag takes observation of the dog's condition, raw feeding is no different.
  13. Contact the CCCQ and make sure the paperwork was done/the breeder is registered. Surely they have a name - can they look her up on the white pages on line? As for having to start the vaccinations again - don't get conned into that. The pup will be fine with a single vaccination now.
  14. Unfortunately I think changing the law so that dogs don't have to be "caught in the act" leaves it all too open to neighbourhood fueds, misidentification and all that sort of thing. I have no issues with dogs being destroyed if caught in the act but imagine the situation if a random stranger could lean over the fence and shoot a dog in it's own backyard, claim it was chasing/killing stock - what would the penalty be if they were wrong? Not only an innocent cow/horse/sheep is dead but an innocent dog too. There is no easy answer in law, but a really simple one in practice - keep your animals on your property
  15. Well I don't actually buy into this "top dog eats first" but if this is what you follow then YOU surely are the top dog so YOU eat first?? If you feel there is considerable rivalry between the pair then IMO the way of solving the issue is to make yourself the leader, so they don't need to be.
  16. IMO there needs to be a change to the limit rego too (and not just because of this new award). Limit rego which allows showing but not breeding and limit rego which doesn't allow either would possibly help make the whole idea more appealing to breeders with "spare" show prospect puppies.
  17. Sandra777

    Puppy Milk

    Some dogs are lactose intolerant, some aren't. If the dog isn't and the owner wants to give it milk then IMO there's no actual harm in it, the problem is far too many people forget that milk needs to be part of the diet not in addition to it. IMO it doesn't have any great value for ANY animal after weaning (that includes humans), who have access to a more varied diet - but it won't do any harm in small amounts.
  18. Doesn't look skinny to me - but he doesn't have much hair for a Golden Retriever Can you easily feel his ribs all the way up to his shoulders, but not see them? If so, he's as fat as he needs to be. IMO the amount of exercise you say he gets seems a bit much for a larger puppy so perhaps concentrate more on training and fun games to make him mentally tired which is as good as physically tired in a puppy. If he is a little on the thin side up his food slightly and slowly.
  19. Sorry Slushie but the news report in the link says Staffordshire Terrier. It does not say SBT. (or STB ) NO idea what it may be on TV or radio which you might have heard, only going on what you posted.
  20. Not a "SBT" either as in the sub-topic. Hope everyone recovers.
  21. Oh yeah, you get the phone call 6 months later and they have a problem with their 4 month old puppy, which they had to buy because they just couldn't wait any more, and the breeder was no help at all when they phoned. "You were such a lot of help when we were looking" ------ so you went and bought that BYB puppy why????????
  22. What the puppy buyer needs is education - for example your questions of why did you do this mating, guarantees etc but.....hands up those who asked these questions when (if they ever have) buying their first PET and hands up those who know people who have bought a PET without knowing the ins and outs of the breed they are buying let alone what questions they should be asking of the "breeders", even though they have been told how to choose a breeder? People are great at taking advice when it suits them
  23. The average not-a-lot-of-knowledge pet buyer should because how are they to know who's OK and who's not? IMO someone who comes on here or goes to the "trouble" of getting advice from some other reputable source is not the same as the person who looks in the pet shop, looks in the trading post and buys the same day. Ellz - I agree completely. Buying a puppy from someone who breeds well regardless of the puppy's COI is always better than buying from a BYB - but I ask again, how is the uneducated puppy buyer meant to know the difference? I have no issues with close matings done by good breeders.
  24. Vet would get an earful from me if they tried that one
  25. No not the sole reason, but IMO the average novice pet owner has enough problems figuring out if the breeder is moderately good or not without having the added problem of figuring out if the breeder is that extra bit good enough to do such a close mating. If they get guidance from others then great, but the average person looking for a pet without a lot of assistance? Wouldn't recommend it myself
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