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Everything posted by Sandra777
Slip Mating Consecutive Days Then Tie 1 Week Later
Sandra777 replied to Delviktar's topic in Breeders Community
Wow, set yourself up for lots of sleepless nights! Personally I'd wait until 28 days after the last mating to be sure - but I don't ultrasound at all as a general rule. In this case I would be waiting until near to the end and trying to work out a due date at the same time as figuring numbers. -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
Maybe what you are actually seeing is the few who are prepared to stand up and have an opinion which goes against "the establishment" I may be a Kiwi but I could never be accused of being a sheep :D -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
Some breeds have health testing requirements prior to registration being accepted, but not all breeds AND even in those breeds which do a dog which has a high hip score (for example) that no ethical breeder would consider is still allowed to be used, the score has to be recorded, it doesn't have to be acceptable (Note: I have no idea if this is uniform across the breeds requiring hip scoring prior to progeny being registered or not). In other extremely popular breeds the ANKC refuses to act to enforce compulsory health testing or to even support the recording of ''clear by parentage'' animals on their database. So much for health testing Minimum ages for bitches to whelp - in what way is this in any way related to breeding healthy dogs?. Some random figure which allows someone to breed from a bitch doesn't do anything to prove the bitch is worth breeding from. If you search here you will find numerous threads in here about seriously appalling breeders selling puppies (or selling imaginary puppies in some cases) to members of the public. In virtually none of these cases would the CCCQ act to protect the good name of their ethical breeders. I have personal experience in a case where a litter was registered from a dog which had been dead for 3 years (yes this could be verified), produced by a bitch which was 13 years old. No it was not by frozen semen nor was it a miracle. At no time was the kennel club involved in the slightest bit interested in protecting the ingretity of their stud book by insisting on DNA proof of parentage. Yes a complaint was laid, but another $150+ (at that time) per puppy to prove parentage had to come out of the pocket of the complaint and could not be awarded as a cost if proven correct. Many examples of this world wide. Yes, there's lots of really lovely words in the CCCQ code of ethics and rules - but you try having someone brought to task over even the most blatent breech and all they'll get is a tap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket. -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
There is what? Requirement for health testing, breed knowledge - exactly WHAT are you saying is a requirement for membership of the CCCQ, because I can tell you for a fact you are wrong - there is not even the requirement that you need to own a dog (let alone a registered pedigree one) to belong to the CCCQ. The problem is you are NOT questioning the system - you are blindly believing the system is right and this despite the fact you have been told repeatedly by a lot of experienced people that the system is not right, but no - you know the system is great and works well. "Don't do anything" - what do you want done??????????????????????????? Blind acceptance of a flawed scheme doesn't make the system work better. It is only if those with the experience and knowledge to judge it's merit (or lack of it) stand up and say NO we will not join you scheme that things will change - a flawed scheme which only provides more avenues for dodgy breeders to sell substandard dogs to unsuspecting people What corrupt vets????????????? Never said anything about a corrupt vet. I stated the obvious - a reference from a vet is meaningless if there's nothing stated about what the reference needs to address. ETA: the reference form supplied requires the vet to say the person looks after their dogs well. That means what exactly? Looking after a dog and having the knowledge to breed are not quite the same thing I think you've got yourself all wound up about something you really did believe in and are now realising isn't as flash as you thought it was. Sorry to burst your bubble -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
What "other proffessionals"??? A reference from your vet is the only requirement from a professional , whoop whoop. A reference about what. Mr ABC brings me puppies once a month for vaccination and pays their account on time is a reference. "Reference" from another breeder - the other breeder doesn't have to be accredited or have any experience or any qualification other than they managed to fluke their way through a stupid open book test and managed to think up a prefix no one else had registered. Of the two, the latter is the harder one. References from 2 puppy buyers. Is it OK if they're my mum and my brother? Is it OK if the pups are only 10 weeks old (owners of 10 week old puppies almost always think the breeder of their puppy is great). Is it OK if the puppy buyers actually have no clue at all that they have been ripped off big time for substandard animals at inflated prices? Your faith in the system is what I am laughing at. I have spent the last 32 years and more money than I even want to consider improving the health and temperament of my chosen breed to say nothing of the physical soundness of the dogs I breed. There is nothing in the accredited breeders scheme that requires people to breed from dogs which have been health tested, are mentally sound, even vaguely represent the breed they are meant to in any way shape or form. No knowledge of the breed is required AT ALL. Not sure how your 15 years of maybe thinking about perhaps owning a dog I might breed from qualifies you to even begin to judge a system you patently do not understand. -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
:laugh: :rofl: Accreditation proves the applicant is willing to pay a fee. -
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
In light of the fact that virtually everyone who has replied to you has said some of the accredited breeders are very dodgy, perhaps you want to revisit your thought process on this one. -
Who's "we" I don't.
C.c.c. Qld's New Breeder Accredited System
Sandra777 replied to Swanbrook's topic in General Dog Discussion
Considering some of the breeders with accreditation are extremely dodgy, why would good breeders want to be part of it. The scheme is a joke. Why pay a fee for something which is useless and pointless? -
Never slept in the same room as bitch and pups. Confine her to an area around the whelping box but give her a place to sleep away from the pups. By the 2nd night a lot of my bitches prefer to sleep separate from the pups - but never far away.
Yes of course it's all your fault. Obviously everyone who buys one of those thousands of Poms you and your kind breed every year would have otherwise gone to the pound and adopted a South Auckland Special. People like that have no clue of the real world and the fact they work at a vet so have an audience for their ramblings is especially frightening. Suggest you find out how many registered Poms were bred in NZ last year and use that figure to your advantage
Thanks SL. Will do that. Very surprised there's not a 67 page form somewhere to be completed!
Well I thought it was a simple question but maybe I was wrong. Dog is owned by breeder. Dog is on Main Register. New owner has signed the CCCQ form acknowledging the dog will be on the Limited Register. Is there anything else that needs to be done to get the dog changed from Main to Limit? ie: is there another form the owner (who is the breeder) has to complete? Please don't start arguing about contracts and stat decs TIA
Not going to get into a s**t fight about the rest as, IMO if someone doesn't want to be educated they won't be. Blue fawn is a red (fawn) dog with a blue overlay. If the dog didn't have the blue dilution gene it would be a red (fawn) dog with a black overlay. In Staffords this is called red smut. AFAIK no one has ever disproved the belief that this is the same as sable in other breeds and requires the tan-pattern gene to express itself. So a blue fawn is a tan pattern carrier at best, actually tan pattern at worst. Black and tan is not encouraged in the breed. I am aware of instances where red smut Staffords breed in the same expected ratios and colours as black and tan Staffords.
Bleeding as in bleeding as if from a wound 8 days after birth IMO should be checked out. A bit of discharge which is bloody but not fresh blood is normal. Just done this with my girl China, vit K, oxytocin (sp!) and ABs and when the pups were over 7 weeks old she finally stopped bleeding. Not a fun experience
I'm sure you've gone and looked at the link so this is really for the benefit of anyone who doesn't bother, but no - absolutely not just mince from the butcher. Raw meat on it's own is not the natural food for a dog and will do a puppy irreparable harm. The minerals in an animal are in the bones so meat and bone together is essential if you're going to raw feed.
Grapes are great for giving pills in - nice and pliable ;) Kilos of them every day could be an issue for some dogs.
Excessive selenium causes deformities (primarily in bone formation I think from memory) Folic acid deficiency can cause hare lips and cleft palates, no doubt the deficiency of other minerals and elements could be responsible for other deformities. Environmental pollutants of all sorts can cause a variety of deformities. If the bitch had an infection (even if no one knew) some of them can cause deformities. IMO if 3/4 of the litter is deformed you are more likely to be dealing with something like an infection or some environmental issue - but it really would depend on WHAT deformity and if they were all similar. I know of people who have had litters, one pup has been deformed the rest fine and this you might be able to pass off as ''one of those things'' - but 3/4? nah not to me!
Foxy Pups 7weeks Old With Demodex Mange
Sandra777 replied to cma076's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
How do you explain then the thousands of puppies which are never affected at all - if puppies are susceptible because they are building immunity and they virtually all have the mite, then you'd think a heck of a lot more puppies should be affected. There has to be something specific to the pups which are affected and IMO that's a quirk in their immune system which has a pretty good chance of being with them for life. Yes, it's perfectly possible to specially build up a dog's immune system, but if it needs special treatment doesn't that suggest there was something not quite right with it in the first place? Blame modern chemicals vaccines and treatments if you like , but thousands and thousands of dogs don't develop demodex when treated in the same way so why do specific dogs do so? I have seen a lot of rescued pups in appalling condition that have been kicked from pillar to post without demodex and I have seen a fair few properly raised pups given nothing but the best and in (otherwise!) wonderful condition with demodex. No logic there IMO except for there being something specific to those dogs, not a generic ''it's a puppy thing''. -
Raw. But whatever the pup's breeder was feeding for at least 10 days after pup comes home..... (unless you have a random weetbix and water feeding ''breeder'')
You can't spell SBT?? ;) It's a version now? If you did it would be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Stafford, SBT) not an American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff)?? I can only imagine the problem joe public has with English Setter and English Springer if they have such an issue with SBT & Am Staff.
Apart from big and protective what do you like in a dog? Long hair, short hair, what conformation types appeal to you - big teddy bear looking dogs or big regal looking dogs. If you have very little experience with dogs and zero experience with large dogs I'd be very cautious about going out and buying a large breed guardian or guard breed - in the wrong hands (even just lax hands) they can become a liability to everyone. You plan to become a trainer, what actual experience do you have in training any dog to prepare you for your new purchase? By big what do you mean? A Borzoi is a very tall dog which doesn't weigh as much as a Saint Bernard which might be a little shorter. How big is BIG? What sort of environment can you offer the dog? I'd guess you'll be off flatting soon - what happens if you can't find a suitable rental?
Sorry but IMO that's just wrong. A dog which is a bit chubby is "fine" - the vet said so you know! A dog which is fat is just a bit chubby and dog which is obese is what? Nope, shouldn't be "fine" it's a health issue and now people are realising the health implications of obesity surely it's long past time for them to recognise the same thing in their pets.
Staffie vs Stafford is a hand me down from the older generation especially the English breeders. Most of them loathed and dispised the term "staffie" (and many still do) because they felt it demended the breed and made it sound like a cutsie dog such as a Yorkie (which was a common breed in the UK, much more common than here). Times have changed and now the breed needs all the cutsie is needs in some countries, but many still hate the term. Some make the distinction - a Stafford is a pedigree dog, a Staffie is a generic brindle mutt. Personally I hate the term but I'm not going to implode if someone else uses it. English Staffie - now sorry that is just ignorance and frankly if you can't figure out the difference between the names Staffordshire Bull Terrier and an American Staffordshire Terrier you're an oxygen thief
I live next door to a GSD type cross that barks non stop and more worryingly charges the fence at people walking down a public footpath on the far side of the neighbours property. They are home and do nothing and it drives me completely bonkers - and I own dogs I can imagine how crazy-making it must be for someone who doesn't own a dog and possibly isn't even fond of dogs (don't have to be a dog hater). Monitor, keep inside and door knock. ASK your neighbours if they have a problem, explain you don't want to cause a nuisance and give them a phone number which they can contact you on during the times you're out. If you make it obvious you don't want your dog to be a pain in the butt most normal people would probably ignore more noise than they would otherwise.