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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. A CORNERED/TRAPPED scared dog yes - but have you ever had a truly scared dog approach you or your dog and instantly attack?? There are many reasons a dog will defend itself - not all are true ''aggression'' which is what the OP is discussing I believe
  2. Ummm - this is one of the miriad of questions the breeder should be able to answer for you. THEY brought this poor mite into the world, it's THEIR responsibility to provide you with extensive information about it's care. That is one of the fundamental differences between a breeder and a puppy farmer, and a nice family just breeding their pets for fun (and profit!) are back yard breeders which IMO is just a prettier name for small scale puppy farmer. My pups (not Schnauzers) get wormed using a rotation of medications - each time get a different variety from the vet. Between 2 and 12 weeks worm every 2nd week, after that I don't worm at all unless a fecal sample shows there are worms to be got rid of (regular worming doesn't build up any sort of resistance to later infestations) A work mate has a puppy farmed mini Schnauzer too and he has allergy issues, so I would be more concerned about keeping an eye out for this than smothering the pup with chemicals which may actually cause issues. Comfortis for fleas seems to be the go. I use permoxin but that only lasts a few days and possibly isn't the best choice for a potentially more sensitive skinned animal. Be careful to socialise your puppy with as many other dogs as possible and make sure you get a full and proper diet sheet at least from these people BEFORE you get the pup so you can buy the appropriate supplies.
  3. Can you explain why, in your opinion, it would make a difference? It's not my experience that dominant dogs are more likely to fight, but let's say for the sake of the discussion that they are, why would it make a difference? It doesn't make any practical difference to the outcome but the OP is asking about dog aggression specifically which is why I suggested there could be another reason why dogs fight or ''attack'' Dominant dog approached in a threatening, non-respectful way by another dog and it won't fight? Not in my world
  4. Not quite - it did title in the end but I know of a dog of a rare-ish breed which was refused the CC on at least ten occasions that I saw myself. Have gone back and checked the records of my own dog I was showing at the time, different breed, because I note these things so know it was 10 times when I was at the same show.
  5. Some breeds have been specifically bred for (in some cases) hundreds of years to be wary of strangers so yes of course some breeds are going to be predisposed to being wary of strangers. Being wary of strangers and being human aggressive are two quite different traits though. Yes some breeds are less likely to observe the 'normal' laws of dog society and offer lots of appeasement gestures, they'd rather just get to the fight at the end. This is definitely a genetic trait BUT is this dog aggression or dominance? - Are some breeds more likely to produce more dominant individuals than other breeds? - IMO yes, given the history of some breeds which were allowed to live a more 'wild' or 'independent' life - lot of independent thinking in a retriever is pretty annoying, a lot of independent thinking in a livestock guardian dog is more or less a requirement. Yes I think there are some breeds which tend to be less patient with PEOPLE than other breeds - and these IME tend to be the small breeds which in reality probably aren't less patient but actually more fearful for their own safety given the size difference. If you had phrased the question "do you think an Akita can be as good an assistance dog as a Lab" I would have ticked it too - but because you added the requirement ''with the same amount of training" I didn't - IMO an Akita would require different training and perhaps more repetitive training than a Lab, but would be able to do the same job. Why are Labs chosen - because they are generally the right size, are generally not too difficult to train and are generally pretty accepted by the general public. The original Guide Dogs were German Shepherds/Belgian Shepherds so why aren't they used as much any more???????????
  6. They have a Champion class in South Africa - it's not compulsory to enter your champion in it though. The champion class winner doesn't compete for the CC If I understand it correctly but a champion entered in the ordinary classes does. Could this work here? They also have 1 & 2 point CCs over there based on the number of entries at the show so not a lot different in theory to the point system here - but I don't know if you HAVE to win a 2 point CC to become a champion or it just makes the job quicker if you do.
  7. Why only numerically stronger breeds? SOME numerically stronger breeds are pretty ordinary in average quality while some minority breeds are absolutely stunning in quality all the way down the line. There's no way of making the system fair to all, but so long as it's possible to gain a title without ever beating another dog it's all pretty meaningless really. (Could be a group win - it doesn't have to be a dog of the same breed)
  8. No. The number of sets of CCs varies from breed to breed across the year but always only one set per show. Another thing in the UK, there is only one set of CCs available in a breed in any one day. This is obviously no use in Australia but when you look in the journal and see three or four shows on a single day within striking distance of where you live, you do have to wonder about the ease titles are given out in SOME areas!
  9. What sized dog are you talking about? A T-shirt and some bandages or rag strips would work on a lot of breeds, you just have to use your ingenuity! Feed the pups before introducing mum in her new outfit and best done outside and keep encouraging mum to move around and play with the pups. Agree with what shazzapug & miranda have suggested to dry her up, and definitely don't express any milk unless you get mastitis issues. Strange that the vet gave her nothing to help dry her up if it's so important she no longer feed the pups!
  10. Nope. If you can't beat the ''best'' in the breed how can you consider your dog to be a champion? There's far too many champions in a lot of breeds now in comparison to the numbers of registrations.
  11. Normal IMO if she seems fine in every other way. She'll probably come in season in a week or two. Mine frequently do this on their first heat, and a number have done it for life.
  12. Can anyone direct me towards a public DIY hydrobath in Canberra please, or perhaps be prepared to offer me use of their own? We are away from home for 10 days and need to be able to wash a white dog (Stafford) between Easter and the ACT Stafford show the following weekend. Will likely need to throw a couple of babies through a quick rinse too We'll be in Canberra on the Friday (April 29th) Happy to bring my own shampoo and offer something in compensation if wanted. TIA
  13. I would believe this. I have used Nature's Gift canned and it did mine OK. We were living without any refrigeration in November in Queensland, not really the place for anything except cans! Mixed with some sardines and the odd egg, the girls did just fine on this and some dry food until our fridge made it off the boat They had bones on supermarket days and even though they were previously raw fed they coped without so much as a runny poo - but I certainly noticed the difference in output!
  14. In addition to any other consideration - if a bitch is so scatty and silly that training can't make her a suitable dog to be a pet then why on earth would you want to breed her and probably create more dogs like her?
  15. No doubt looked cute, but yawning is usually a sign of stress, so don't misunderstand what you saw. Didn't see the show myself, sounds like some well trained dogs and dedicated owners
  16. Frustrating aye! Best way I know to bring a bitch in season is to enter her in a really important show several states away if possible. Booking holidays and/or an air ticket will guarantee she's standing the day of the show
  17. I would contact the breeder and get them to show you how to tape the ears. I certainly wouldn't leave it until she's finished teething as I'm pretty sure that would be waaaay too late (is in my breed anyway)
  18. I assume this is some sort of royal we cause when I watch the Milan c**p I want to throw things at the TV
  19. Hahahahahaha nope - weldmesh steel can be chewed. The REALLY tiny one not so much because they can't get their teeth in to it, but the dog I mentioned chewed through a weldmesh steel fence with the larger sized holes so the ''strength'' of the steel isn't enough on it's own. OP - have you tried a DAP infuser? Not as a solution but may help if you can find some way of confining as well?
  20. I've had a dog that could break crates in a matter of minutes too - never found anything that would hold him in if he wanted out. Problem is that if you do get a very strong crate he could injure himself quite badly in his attempts to break out. Catch 22. The material used for the C Crate trolleys is pretty good - but that's welded bars and wouldn't be cheap. No chance you can give him a room rather than use a crate?
  21. Progesterone levels are wrong Infection (doesn't even have to be very serious) Something wrong with a couple of the pups, start to reabsorb them then the system doesn't stop and takes the whole lot Stress on the bitch - even something apparently non-threatening can stress out a bitch at this time SOME would say the ultrasound itself could be a cause.
  22. Got two of those quite a while back - they're still going strong. I thought the cushion bit would squash down pretty quick but it hasn't. The zip broke on one but no biggy really.
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