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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. Quick update. China was slightly better this morning, attempting to stand, able to pee and wanting to eat. Her pupil reflexes are much improved too Will be going to see her in a couple of hours so will know more then Thanks for everyone's good wishes
  2. Thanks to everyone, but this invitablue.... Was your girl much affected afterwards - what were the long term effects? Unfortunately China was bitten at least 16 and probably more like 18 or 20 hours prior to her being given antivenom. OK, she was fine for so long so likely didn't get a full 'dose' but still not good.
  3. Update 6pm Went to see China. She is much as she was this morning. Worse news, the snake was a black not a brown (examined by a second person) so the outcome probably isn't going to be good Will see how she goes overnight & tomorrow, then make a decision tomorrow night based on that
  4. What do they like about the three breeds you have listed? Do they prefer the size of a Golden or the size of a Springer (they're VERY different in height and weight) My experience with Springers is in a boarding environment where they're not at their best but the ones I have met have been frankly nuts - stressy, over the top and hyperactive. They're not used widely as Customs and Bomb Detection dogs because they're quiet and lazy! A well bred one raised properly would be a great dog in the right hands I have no doubt Labs are intelligent dogs that need to be trained, personally not a dog I would recommend for a first time owner unless they intended to give the dog a job. Have they consider a Cocker? Grew up with one, not a big fan now but a great kids dog none the less, and not as drivey as a Springer IME
  5. Update 11am China was given the all purpose brown/tiger/black antivenom before a positive ID was made. She's holding her ground but not improving. Time will tell really. Thanks for all the positive thoughts.
  6. Glad she's all good - they're so frustrating at that age! But I would still go Chiro first.
  7. Difficulty walking, twitching muscles, very bulgy eyes, acting as if she was partially blind. Within 1/2 an hour the twitching muscles had advanced to almost fit like movements. I also noticed she was distinctly hot around the skull, neck, shoulders and withers but cold over the rest of her body Finding the remains behind the kennels was another clue Still waiting to hear from the vet
  8. To buy initially $800 to $1200 for a pup from an ethical breeder I mostly raw feed and it's around $6-7 per week all up. I don't have a big freezer so could probably cut the price down a lot if I could buy in real bulk. They aren't big eaters but need good quality food as some are prone to skin and allergy issues (buying from a really good breeder should help keep the liklihood of this problem to a minimum) You need to budget to buy GOOD quality leads, collars, crates etc and not the cheap pet shop brands which could fail at a vital second. They can be hard on toys so you either need to be prepared to buy the expensive Lion and Tiger tested Aussie Ball type things or happy to give them cheap stuff like ropes and plastic bottles. They're happy either way You need to plan for vet bills for stupid misadventures when they're teenagers - they often charge in where no sane animal would even think of going. Your fences need to be in good condition, heavier quality wire mesh rather than the cheap stuff, actual palings rather than trellis fencing, that sort of thing. If the dog discovers it can keep testing the fence and can get out - it will, and they are very powerful and persistent when they want to be You should budget for.... New door frames and skirting boards in the house Replacing the lounge after a Stafford attack Replacing the inground irrigation system (Stafford absolutely loath these!) New trees, shrubs and other garden plants And going by my latest run - multiple vet visits for snakes
  9. What's left has been ID as a brown so I've removed the pictures as I don't want to upset anyone. It's China AGAIN! She must have been bitten sometime yesterday, was as right as rain last night at 10.15, not so good this morning at 6.30 and at the vet by 7. She's OK for now, but two in 7 months is beyond a joke
  10. Photos removed see further down. ID'd as a brown
  11. Really shouldn't be an issue at all so don't stress about it. I like vitamin E cream for random skin blemishes but if it's on his top lip/muzzle he'll just lick it off so probably not worth bothering with Good luck at your show!
  12. What on earth do you mean by "pit breeds" This entire post is just bizarre to me. People think their Amstaff is a SBT??? What do you mean by all this. Except the last bit agree that some people shouldn't own a pet at all
  13. I match them and I'm especially carefull where homes have children. Having children myself, I can see which of the puppies are outgoing but not hanging off your clothes and will cope well with kids. I've also matched pups to potential sporting homes. Sometimes a puppy buyer might get a choice between a couple of pups but never do they get to come in and pick from the litter. If I had nothing suitable, I;d send them off to someone else that could help x2 Rather keep a pup forever than place it in an unsuitable home just because I didn't have one that was the right fit - if you want that sort of ethics you can head to the nearest PP
  14. Sandra777

    New Food

    They're OK - but for the money it probably would've been just as good to grab a couple of packs of chuck steak or something like that and give the pup something to chew on for his dinner
  15. Which is absolutely your right. However I would never consider owning any of the breeds you have owned as they do not offer me what I am hoping to gain from dog ownership. I have never owned an APBT. I've never owned a crossbred dog either - which is what the huge majority of "problem" dogs actually are. Absolutely - noted drug dealers such as Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson and General George Patton, to say nothing of the notorious drug dealer Pink? An animal of what nature - resolute courageous and loyal? Have you ever met actual American Pit Bull Terriers or are you basing your beliefs on 15 minutes of internet research and some media nonsense?
  16. Just wondering what the difference between a pit bull and an american pit bull is - is it all in the accent?
  17. It's not cheap. Try Dogpower - Auckland or Christchurch based.
  18. The Americans I know with Amstaffs call them Staffys and SBTs Staffybulls. (Does my head in) If asked the full name they call them American Staffordshire Terriers. D'ya think we can blame worthless on the Americans and tell them to take him back?
  19. We came over to Qld 3 years ago with 3 Staffords and it's very simple. If your dogs are NZKC registered you need to put their microchip number on their export pedigrees. If they aren't NZKC registered then be VERY CAREFUL. "Pitbull type" dogs can't be imported and if yours look a bit iffy you could have problems with AQIS, or later on with a dog control officer. You will need to use an agent to book the flight but you can do everything yourself if you want to. You can get the dogs booked on the same plane as you (most airlines - book the dogs first then yourself if you want to do this or you might book an airline that won't take dogs ). They can't fly excess baggage, only freight, but the only difference is the price not in the way they're treated They need their MAF vet check 2? 3? days prior, this is a simple vet check that costs about 4 x as much as a usual simple vet check (rip off) and you get a piece of paper for it. You have to sign a stat dec so don't plan to do it all on the last Saturday you're in town Make sure they're used to being crated or the plane trip will be a very stressful experience Easy to pick them up this end - no quarantine, no hassle, no GST (not like going in to NZ!) Check out the local vets or ask on here when you have your house - you need to be aware of ticks and heartworm and locals are the best ones to tell you what your local area is like. Be very aware of the climate for the first summer at least, always err on the side of caution if you're going out and not sure if it's going to be hot or stupidly hot. If you have dogs with storm issues be very careful during the storm season to think ahead about when you'll be home and where the dog is going to be if you're delayed and the storm beats you home. It would pay to budget for a couple of cool coats, a paddling pool and air con in the house
  20. Nope, 1 caesar doesn't mean it will happen again. But I do want to ask why you want to breed her a second time when out of 10 pups the first time you couldn't find a keeper? Sorry if you got unlucky with your pick (know how that can happen )
  21. Huh, uh and the Amstaff has NEVER been recognised in Australia as the Staffordshire Terrier (the AKC name was changed a good while before the breed was recognised by the ANKC) so Mr Worthless remains an idiot
  22. I always thought the man was an idiot. There's no such breed as Staffordshire Terrier AT ALL Mr Worthless
  23. It could have shown that people simply don't know what is in a cross bred dog and that there's really no way of knowing short of a DNA test proving parentage (I don't mean the bitsa nonsense ). "Seeing" Staffordshire Bull Terrier in a cross bred dog is pretty subjective - I've had the breed for over 30 years and there were only two of the crossbreds that I "saw" Stafford in!
  24. Yes, mine did well on Enduro but the place where I got it from doesn't have it any more Uncle Albers didn't agree with my fussy miss midget (she hates Royal Canin too so Uncle Albers shouldn't feel slighted) Not tried Bonnie, may do so yet. Using Black Hawk at the moment but I find it puts on too much weight (have adjusted the quantities) instead of muscle.
  25. Thanks - so now all bull breed cross dogs could be identified as SBT crosses. Not saying if they are or if they aren't, but if enough people think, oh gotta avoid the P word to save all the cross bred bull breed dogs then all they're doing is dropping ANOTHER breed into the same situation. Crossbred dog - didn't see the mating, don't have the DNA proof of parentage - don't know the cross is a more sensible answer IMO
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