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Everything posted by Sandra777
So they don't have footpaths and dog leashes where they live? They know the dog has previously attacked but are willing to risk not only the life of strangers' dogs but also their own dog's life by persisting it taking the dog somewhere it has free uncontrolled access to random strange dogs. This is an appalling example of irresponsible ownership.
Stop taking the dog to dog parks. Why on EARTH would you take a dog which you KNOW has a history of attacking other dogs to a dog park??????? I won't use dog parks anyway and this is just one more example of why.
To me no. Dogs are pack animals who like to interact with dogs in their own pack. If you have more than one dog then IMO this satisfies their need and desire to interact with other dogs. To me it's against their hard wiring to be crazed social butterflies who like to meet multiple strange dogs every day. Single dogs IMO need dog friends they can be dogs with, but these don't have to be different dogs every day, the same one or two or three or whatever dogs who meet up regularly and get on seem to become a "pack" and to me this is sufficient.
Curious as to what sort of "worming injection" any decent vet would be willing to give to an UNWELL 6 week pregnant bitch Cooked chicken (don't bother with the rice IMO) will be fine for a day or two, if she doesn't improve by then I would be off to another vet. Has it been very hot where you are? This sometimes makes my dogs a bit loose if it turns hot suddenly. After she's started to come right - if she's used to bones I would try her on a small amount of minced chicken with bone it (IMO a neck could be too fatty for her if her stomach is unsettled). Hope someone with experience with little dogs can help - mine are Staffords so a bit bigger and much more sturdy & bulletproof
If this is in response to a couple of people (me included) commenting on the confining of the pup, read the original post again as it says there the pup can sleep in 5 different positions. To ME this means one side, the other side, on it's back or belly and some other way (maybe on it's head ) I don't want to see a space so small that a Pom puppy can only sleep in 5 positions - that is cruel regardless of how often the pup is let out. Perhaps this isn't what OP meant, but it is what they said.
"backyard Breeders" Posing As Purebred Breeders
Sandra777 replied to lushos's topic in General Dog Discussion
I've had a bitch who came in season every three months too - it's actually more common than you'd think. She was bred on successive heats on one occasion when the entire first litter die so was fertile both times, but I would be surprised if every one of her heats would have been fertile, especially if she'd actually been bred back to back continually and perhaps if she had raised the first litter she wouldn't have been fertile on the next heat anyway. -
I'd vote for it was never there to start with - I have a whole family of lop sided girls
Grrrr People Who Wreck It For Everyone Else........
Sandra777 replied to huskies4life88's topic in General Dog Discussion
Very confused by this thread. Is there something about the behaviour of these dogs that makes you think they are likely to bite you if you approach them in a calm manner and try to put a leash on them? Nope, I don't believe people should randomly approach wandering dogs, but what is it about THESE dogs that makes you think they're likely to bite? -
"backyard Breeders" Posing As Purebred Breeders
Sandra777 replied to lushos's topic in General Dog Discussion
Just to let you know ethical breeders do also advertise on the sites you quoted. I know because I am one of them. :D Exactly it is not WHERE a Breeder advertises it is how they raise their pups and how they choose the puppy buyers for their pups that counts. x3 Most people have no idea where to find ethical registered breeders but will go to gumtree, trading post etc because that's where they buy other things. If good breeders don't advertise on these sites then well meaning people who don't quite grasp the difference between an ethical breeder and a registered breeder will get ripped off. I advertise where-ever I can to try and get the widest audience for my pups - it's all in the checking that goes on afterwards that counts. Unfortunately the vast majority of pups in my breed advertised on THIS site are dodgy BYBer's pumping out sub standard rubbish for huge money, so that's no recommendation! -
Yellowy/greeny Discharge From Puppys Privates
Sandra777 replied to Aztec Gold's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Normal boy dog stuff. 99% of the time it's nothing to be concerned about, very occasionally it is an infection. Ease the sheath back and if his penis looks a healthy red colour, not scarlet or blotchy then I really wouldn't be concerned. -
Really depends on the breeder - some have great long generational plans spanning decades, others not so much :D I would say most breeders would have in mind when they're likely to next breed the bitch(es) they have - assuming all goes well. Me, I stumble from disaster to disaster at the moment it would seem
Unless a dog is unwell in other ways they're unlikely to catch salmonella. I don't think pancreatitis would qualify as unwell unless she actually had it at the time or it was chronic. I have had a dog with salmonella, she also had hookworm and was near death from the combination - lots of smelly runny poo even though she ate virtually nothing and dramatic weight loss (linked to the hookworms too no doubt). The symptoms don't really match for me.
And in addition to bringing these breeds to the attention of BSL idiots, spouting nonsense about how certain breeds are "vicious" brings them to the attention of the morons who WANT dogs like this, which creates a problem where none existed. Do you think the APBT got so much bad press before the morons discovered them?
The way I read it is she is toileting outside but the place she chooses ism't to your liking. Give the poor mite a break! If you want her to toilet only on grass this can come later - just be happy she's never made a "mistake" inside. Relax, enjoy and please don't show me a photo of a space so tiny a Pom puppy can only sleep in 5 positons in it
Hmm - well that depends on the dog and the bone. I have had a dog choke and die on a bone (yes he was supervised), he chewed a piece off and tried swallowing it - so feeding a big bone doesn't mean they won't chew a piece off and try and swallow it anyway. This was brisket, I have never fed it again and never will - I know of two other dogs of the same breed who have done the same thing. Odd shaped things seem to help - chicken frame or even a whole chicken (or half, whatever size suits the dog), pigs heads have never cause a problem for mine either - maybe because they come wrapped up in a tough package and by the time the dog has pulled off a piece it's pretty well munched up? where as the brisket mine can chew off a piece in about three chews. Dogs are all individuals so just experiment. Mine are liking carrots right now!
Friends have a white one with green stripes - will that do? Yes, two year old got the hi-lighters :D
Puppy Making Strange Noise
Sandra777 replied to Mason_Gibbs's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Reverse sneezing? -
Red & blue & white - wow they are rare Stupid people make me cross............
Doubt they would hold an Open Show as a benefit show unless times have changed - I lived in NZ until 3 years ago and benefit shows were always Championship Shows. Check the entry fee, if they're about the same $ then it's almost certainly a Championship show. If in doubt - phone the person listed in the schedule for entries, or check the front of the dog world for the secretary of the clubs holding the shows and just phone them directly.
If they are championship shows, yes
Basically what Dancinbcs said. Two things stuck out though. She hasn't seen her brother since they were 6 weeks old? You got her when she was 6 weeks old or she stayed with the litter and he was taken at 6 weeks? 6 weeks is MUCH too young for you to have got Lily if this is what happened - not really surprising she doesn't do well relating with other dogs, poor mite never learned how to in those very important weeks........... Related to this "it's as if she didn't recognise him" - well she probably didn't. To her, he is another dog she doesn't know you were forcing her to meet. No wonder she wasn't very keen. Do NOT hold her in front of other dogs, firstly it will only make her more wary because she needs to be able to trust you and you are forcing her to do something that worries her, so she is learning that YOU can't be relied on either. Secondly it will make it impossible for her to escape if the other dog turns out to NOT be friendly - which could lead to a very unpleasant incident for everyone. You might think the other dog is being friendly, but dog language is incredibly subtle and Lily can read another dog's intentions a thousand times faster than you can even if you noticed it's subtle signs in the first place. IMO it's perfectly normal and shows a degree of smarts for a small (and cute ) "breakable" pup to be wary of strange dogs! It's not in the slightest bit normal for dogs to be social butterflies - they are pack animals.
Nelson. He's not far from the Durack grounds. I will get his card when I get home and post his contact details.
Lovely photo, congrats on the fringy To analyse his front (which is a fools game from a photo ) you would need to get a good side on photo where he is standing at right angles to the camera, then draw on it where his shoulder blade and upper arm are.