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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. Bitches DO When pups bite, or play rough, or steal food ..extreme things...and it's usually only once or twice .The shock/pain work pretty well. If a bitch wants her pups to stay away from something ... or stay somewhere.. she more often than not nudges, pushes, or blocks with her body - her body language such that pups know to stay put. x2 Forget it.
  2. Wow - over reacting much for such a young puppy and such a minor "offence" The pup will soon learn you are an unpredictable nut-job not to be trusted
  3. Say just for the sake of the argument it costs $1000 to build the required enclosure. You think that spending $1000 on ONE dog is a good way of "providing assistance to people so that fewer pets are handed in to shelters and at risk of death"??? Sorry IMO this woman doesn't deserve any sort of assistance. Right at the start of the problem she could have contained the dog, BEFORE it was declared dangerous, by buying a $5 dog chain and .50cents worth of fencing wire to make a running line. Not ideal but thousands of dogs have been kept safely at home using a chain and running wire and survived perfectly well.
  4. Just makes me sad . I hope that if they find this dog a home it is to some one who will be responsible enough to desex this girl and to seek help for the behavioural issues. So you rehome the dog you've had for four years instead of the new puppy. Oh, sorry the new puppy is a money making machine female. doG forbid you think the pup may have annoyed the older dog and he may have only been putting her in her place. Hope this dog doesn't end up being KILLED for being pit bull type which is very likely as an "unpapered" Amstaff. Idiots abound.
  5. Is there a species of venomous snake which typically has bright green patches on it? The rest of the snake was brown-ish but there were areas of uneven bright green markings.
  6. Great to hear Jess is continuing to improve. Sorry to about Smeagel, poor puss
  7. She's not "talking back" - she's not a person
  8. She's a Stafford, some of them chat and personally I love that about them. What is she actually DOING - backing up (eventually or immediately)when asked or not? At 12 weeks "keep out" is asking a bit much to me - I would be using an actual physical barrier if it's essential she stays out of the kitchen at all times - not saying don't train too but if it's a matter of vital importance that she never goes there, then physically stop her doing it If not then just keep reinforcing the back up when she does it - and teach her to generalise by asking her to "get out" all over the house.
  9. Unless you plan on sterilizing your shoes and clothes every time you come back in to the house I think it's an over reaction to do more than carrying the pup in at 12 weeks and not letting him meet any dogs in the waiting room. At 16 weeks he should have already been out and socialising for a month so a vet visit is nothing (and you might want to ask your vet about alternative vaccine protocols). Phone the vet before your appointment and ask them if they have had parvo cases in the clinic - if they have then as someone else said it's more important to carry him in the CAR PARK than in the clinic.
  10. I had one who coughed only in the morning and was VERY healthy and happy - she had a tumor in the chest wall.
  11. A more useful statement could well be - Staffies bred by people who haven't got a clue and don't care are predispsoed to skin problems but the vast majority of Staffords bred by ethical breeders do not have these issues.
  12. That sounds very promising - good luck!
  13. I know a number of ethical breeders who would argue strenuously about this accusation OP - glad it's nothing major, suggest you do some research about immune systems and how to support them.
  14. My girl China was bitten by a black snake in September and survived. (She had been bitten by a brown in April too) She was definitely bitten prior to 3pm and we didn't know until the next morning as there wasn't anything to suggest she had been bitten. She was at the vet about 7am the following morning but didn't get anti-venom until about 8am as it wasn't until then that I discovered the dead snake. She was paralyzed, her eyes were bulging and she was in a very very bad way for about 36 hours. She was given the "multi-purpose" anti-venom as we really couldn't identify the snake at first. The original ID was a brown, then the vet decided to try another expert as in her opinion China would have been dead if she'd been bitten by a brown given the time frame. The anti-venom could well do nothing and the multi one is very expensive, so unless they have pet insurance your parents need to decide if they want to give the dog a chance and can afford to spend the money when it could be useless - this sounds heartless but they'll be lucky to walk away less than $3k out of pocket even if the dog doesn't make it and in the real world this does have to be considered. We made the choice to give China the anti venom and give her 24 hours, if there was no improvement in that time she would have been given her wings. It is a very personal and difficult decision and my heart goes out to your family.
  15. Yes, I would much prefer to deal with the known and have a few more known and identified carriers in the gene pool than deal with "clear" dogs that turn out to be the source of a (possibly) worse condition 10 years from now. DNA testing is in it's infancy - we tend to forget that! At the very least, collect the imported carrier for the future - you WILL regret it if you don't
  16. No. Mine are always separated, sometimes by a play pen, sometimes in another room - depends on the bitch Ask them what they will do if the dog goes to investigate the pups, the bitch doesn't like it, attacks him and in the ensuring brawl the pups get squashed and killed? The bitch should be the one to say when she wants another dog any where near her pups, they are all instincts when they have new born pups and the owners could be in for a big surprise how different their bitch is at this times.
  17. Chlorine in the pool - was he rinsed off afterwards? Contact allergy seems most likely - could be something as silly as the tiles around the pool or a different sort of grass. Antihistamine will reduce the swelling of an allergic reaction but it still takes a while for the skin to heal PLEASE do not allow the vet to vaccinate him until this reaction has gone COMPLETELY!
  18. I didn't say the breeders listings I said the PUPPY LISTINGS
  19. I dremmel mine if they need it. Nope, wouldn't be interested in paying anyone to do it
  20. If you were looking for a Stafford the puppy listings on this site would be one of the last places you'd want to look for a good breeder Note registered breeder is not the same as good breeder!
  21. As has been said a hundred times before - WHY NOT!!!!!!!!???????????? Genuine people who want a nice dog often not know how to find the good breeders so go to trading post gumtree etc because that's where they buy other things. If good breeders don't advertise their puppies in the places where people actually look then how are people ever going to find them? There's nothing wrong with advertising on ANY site, it's in the process that happens afterwards sorting the idiots from the genuine that counts. I bought my first dog out of the newspaper, back in the day when the pets & animals columns of newspapers were as long as the trading post lists of pets and animals are now. Please tell me - where ARE good breeders meant to advertise???
  22. So?? I don't know the breeder concerned. I don't know anything more than what you have said here. I don't have any idea why you think an ANKC breeder is the same as an ethical breeder after you've been lurking here for over a year.
  23. I have a cool champions and a microfibre (thanks Pav Lova!) The cool champions one is much much better - but if your dog isn't badly affected by heat the microfibre one is perfectly adequate and works well too. To me it would depend on when and how you need one - dog in summer doing any performance event or even just a show ring run around I would go for a cool champions of the two I have, casual use occasionally for a dog not doing a lot, microfibre would be fine. I'm interested in trying out the silver mesh ones and the chamois ones seem to be on par with the microfibre one I have.
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