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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. That old excuse! Or the great stand by - mum didn't want anything to do with them any more. Makes me so angry when people bring these pups into the world but the second they have to do any of the work themselves the pups are out the door. Totally agree - even if the bitch was actually killed there's no excuse for the pups to have been separated so early. Mind you, some of the responsibility has to go with people who are willing to enable this behaviour by buying/taking pups so young
  2. Really? I would of thought seeing the child is sticking his hand through the fence, and therefore onto the OP's property, OP wouldn't be liable. But that's just based on my opinion, not on any legal knowledge . OP, can you report the dog for being off lead and for wandering the streets? So by that logic the owner wouldn't be liable in the case of the hunting dogs which killed the little girl when she wandered onto their property?
  3. With an adult male and a puppy female I wouldn't get too concerned about meeting on neutral territory etc. Assuming your male is a normal adult dog, he will go - oh, puppy, big deal. If she bothers him he will give her a smile :D If she pays no attention to his warning he will nip her. This is normal behaviour, let them sort it out. If she was an ADULT it would be a different story of course! It could be that you can never leave them alone in the backyard while you go out, they may never develop the type of relationship that allows this. It could also be that they'll be fine until she's 12-18 months old then they decide they don't like each other and need to re-establish a pack order. With a dog and a bitch you will usually be OK. Dogs will vary, you need to study them closely and when you feel the pup has learned not to bother the older dog when he says so and that he has learned not to pick on the pup just because he can then you could leave them alone for 5 minutes and see what happens. Personally I never leave two of mine alone when there's no one in the house - whenever we leave all our dogs are separated. Crate trained new comer would be a huge bonus in most cases. She can go in the crate while the adult dog gets special 'me time' which will help establish him as the continuing leader of your little pack as well as reassuring him that she hasn't come to take over his world.
  4. There should be a special corner in hell for morons like this
  5. Snook just make sure the potato is broken up - friend spent Christmas evening at the vet after their dog choked on a lovely Christmas new potato - ideal size to kill
  6. Depends on the people as Sandgrubber said. As I breed Staffords rental houses often aren't suitable due to the lack of GOOD fencing, and while many landlords will accept a Labrador or Golden or a small dog, many will baulk at a "pit bull".
  7. I wouldn't consider it an emergency situation, more something to have done in the next year or so if she's having something else done, and if she doesn't need another proceedure in that time then get it done on it's own before she's three or four. What do you feed her because even at this age you can try the old stand-bys used for puppies, feed her bones, play tug with her using that side of her mouth, try wriggling the tooth a couple of times every day.
  8. A little further away but Lena Ferguson at Marburg Vet - always available and very good.
  9. Yep the form you sent away would be to change his microchip details. Yes you will have to register him with the local council, this is different to Dogs Qld registration. All the Dogs Qld registration really is when you get down to it, is piece of paper giving you his family details confirming he is a pure bred Golden with his pedigree recorded in the stud book. Dogs Qld offices close down this week until after New Year, so unless you get lucky and the breeder sent it all away before they went on holiday, don't expect anything back until the 2nd or maybe 3rd week in January. In the meantime enjoy! :D
  10. 1300 dogs is a fairly big show so it could be reasonably crowded - I'd tend to leave both dogs at home if you go to Erskine Park so you can talk to people without worrying about what they're up to. It's a lot easier to talk and watch and learn without having to worry about dogs as well. Plenty of time later to take an over excited Dallie pup :D Technically only dogs entered in the show are allowed to be there but it's very common for others to turn up anyway..
  11. Change the papers if you want to. In law it makes very little difference but to me it's part of owning a pedigree dog. With my pups (Staffords) I always empahasis how important the papers are, especially when they include the chip number. Other breeds perhaps there's not quite the same importsnce to be able to prove what the dog really is?
  12. I understand your need for answers, but sometimes there just aren't any. Cherish the pups and thank doG you still have your bitch. It's one of the hard things about breeding, sometimes puppies die. I would definitely make a point of speaking to the vet who did the section, but not in an accusing way (unless you have reason to believe something was done wrong). Most good vets will feel much the same way you do - they don't like losing patients anymore than we like it when it happens Many moons ago I lost the whole litter of 8 after a c-section and I do know exactly what caused it, but it doesn't help the anger I feel at the loss of those pups or the grief their mum went through.
  13. Perhaps it was in the past, but it is definitely not allowed now (in QLD at least, but I'm pretty sure all states are the same). Check again. Dogs Queensland are probably wondering why all these puppies are being registered with the word "ov" when the word should clearly be "of" because there is nothing in their rules that says you can't use "of" in a dogs name. Maybe it's one of those silly things that someone thought you couldn't do and word got around and now everyone thinks you can't because no one actually checked that you can. Or maybe they amended the ruling and no one noticed. I applied for a name with 'of' in it and it came back changed to 'ov' along with a notice saying that 'of' couldn't be used. The pups are 9.5 weeks old This would be covered by... 64. No word that is in the nature of an affix ... as in Prefix blah blah of blah
  14. Perhaps it was in the past, but it is definitely not allowed now (in QLD at least, but I'm pretty sure all states are the same). x2 Definitely not allowed in Queensland
  15. The annual heartworm injection is not a vaccination - it is a large dose of chemicals. There's lots of monthly ones that just do heartworm but as already mentioned, be aware of the ivermectin issue. Pup's breeder would be a good one to ask about this
  16. You can't use 'of' in the name but they usually just change it to 'ov' and don't worry about it - but the Artemis bit would've probably got it refused if it's a kennel name as someone else has mentioned. No you don't need his ANKC papers to register him with the council. Only the breeder can change or register a name. Honestly - does it really matter??? Maybe there is some emotional attachment to the name you wanted in which case certainly discuss alternatives with the breeder, but otherwise why stress yourself out? There will almost certainly be a fee involved in changing the name of a registered dog except if it's a straight typing mistake/spelling error. I had a bitch that I named Itza Kinda Magic. HER name came back Heza Kinda Magic. That was changed at no charge
  17. Absolutely, these certificates should be part of the puppy pack. In fact IMO a DNA certificate proving the pup is the product of those two parents and is therefore clear by parentage should really be the go - but this isn't commonplace - YET! Asking a question that shows you care about your future family member will never offend a caring breeder
  18. Rather than make comments like that, why not actually try to provide her with the knowledge required (I'm assuming you must have plenty of it?). For what it's worth, Teela, I'm of the opinion that Sandra's suggestion of 50% bone in a puppy's diet is totally inappropriate. 50% edible bone as in chicken necks doesn't mean 50% of the diet is actually bone. (Chicken necks are usually not much bone at all, mostly they're cartilege) and if you fed a pup 50% minced chicken carcases it wouldn't be getting 50% bone either as chicken carcases are a lot of scrap meat and cartilege too. So sorry I didn't have time to write out an entire diet for a puppy right at that moment. I'm sure Teela is able to use the search function on this site and find this information for herself if she wants to learn more about the whole subject in her own time and make her own decisions about what is right for her puppy.
  19. Train her to come when she is called and don't let her off lead until she is reliable. Use a long line if you want to give her more room to run around. She definitely won't grow out of it.
  20. Good point showdog. I didn't get email all weekend and only back to normal today. No excuse for the phone message though - unless they have gone away for a weekend of shows or some family thing. Phone again.
  21. Another nail in the coffin of legitimate ethical breeders.
  22. Definitely doesn't sound normal to me but it is possible they have had some sort of family tragedy and dealing with puppy buyers is a very low priority right now. How long have you been trying to contact them? Certainly don't send any more money until you hear from them though!
  23. What does the breeder's diet sheet reccomend? Pasta is totally unnecessary for dogs, and IMO actually pretty bad for pups full stop. Fills them up with useless carbs they can't process efficiently. Adult dogs can get by with some useless stuff just to fill them up, pups IMO can't A couple of eggs at week, including the shell would be fine. The pup would be just as likely to choke on a piece of pasta as a piece of crushed egg shell. I agree with sheena, you don't appear to have the knowledge to create a proper raw diet for the pup especially - stick with a decent dry food and a few treats like sardines, eggs and some meaty bones at least until the pup's critical growth period is over
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