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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. I've spoken to a number of people deeply involved with BSL in the UK and their take on it is that as the Amstaff is recognised by the AKC the KC would recognise the breed however it is unlikely any Amstaff would have made it through quarantine prior to the amendments to the BS laws allowing "new" 'pitbulls' (this was 4 or so years ago from memory) to be put on the register rather than automatically PTS. Not sure where it stands at the moment but my guess would be it's pretty much a vicious circle really - the KC won't recognise a breed that isn't in the country and their quarantine is unlikely to let a "suspect" breed in which isn't recognised by the KC. My take is they are two separate breeds - they have separate registries and separate breed standards. The 'pit bull' is a long long stretch from the American Pit Bull Terrier. 25 years ago these same generic yellow mongrel dogs probably would've been called Labradors.
  2. I would suggest you ditch the chicken necks and go for something bigger - bite-sized pieces are just easier to swallow whole.
  3. He will digest it fine. I would tend to try and on-sell them and go for something bigger - but if that's impossible I see a long future for you holding chicken necks until they're alllllllllllllllllllllllll gone :laugh: Some do learn to chew, so that might happen.
  4. I believe that is how the breed started to divide... There are registered APBT (whether reputable or not) ANKC is not the only registry for dogs. The breeds divided in 1935 - when the APBT was an American icon & much beloved family breed.. so long long before modern media created the hype & misconceptions. There is really no way to tell what any cross bred dog is, so why would a "pit bull" cross be any different? Any 'unpaper' Amstaff is seriously in danger of being classified as restricted or prohibited - which is why anyone who breeds unregistered bull breed pups needs their head read.
  5. No fixed time - it depends totally on the puppies and the bitch. They've usually started by 4.5 weeks at the latest, earliest would be just under 4 weeks.
  6. Raw meat. Never had one say no to plain old finely minced beef.
  7. Best of luck to you and Spud. Been there done that twice with one of our girls - so hard to know what is right. Sending you healing thoughts.
  8. That's 'cause they're soooooooooooooo rare (mr rolleyes where are you!!!) Whenever I see one advertised as "rare" - I feel like screaming they're not rare anymore!!! :laugh: Surely the other colours must be rare by now??? I only ever see blue ones! So common In the UK last year 49% of registrations were blues - 2% were white. I've got 2 pieds & a white here - rarest backyard in the country :laugh: :laugh:
  9. That's 'cause they're soooooooooooooo rare (mr rolleyes where are you!!!)
  10. I know nothing about the MFT Club but when Jack Russell Terriers were going through the process of being recognised their breed club kept stud books, ran events etc, so yes it is perfectly possible for a dedicated and organised breed club to manage a breed very well indeed. Not sure why there was ever a "split" between what are now Tenterfields & what continue to be registered with their own registry and MFTs - seems a shame to me but there's probably some good reason. Hope they ditch the name "mini foxy" because except for the colour they're nothing like Fox Terriers :)
  11. That sounds all fine then - probably should have contacted the breeder first :D So the photocopied registration you got is for the same parents but a different date of birth? Odd thing to give someone, but perhaps the breeder thinks this shows you they are registered breeders or something like that. Hope it all turns out OK.
  12. It is a copy so I can't be sure. Oh and I just realised too, both the dam and sire are named on the certificate of rego and pedigree. The dam and the sire of YOUR puppy do you mean?
  13. Phone Dogs Queensland on Tuesday - (07) 3252 2661. They should be able to tell you firstly if the breeder is even registered and secondly if they have received the necessary paperwork to register the litter. $1500 is an enormous amount for a limited register Stafford puppy - I am assuming it's blue? About 1/2 the Staffords registered in Australia are blue, hardly a rare commodity to be paying double price for.
  14. Sibe & Malamute club will know I'm sure ........ http://www.amscq.com.au
  15. My pups are weaned on to raw, so it's never too young IMO. BUT! Raw meat on it's own is not the right food for dogs & is especially bad for a puppy's growth - they need either bone they can actually chew up and eat to go with that meat OR dry food. You'd be better off not wasting your money on "steak" and buying meat on the bone instead - chicken wings, lamb ribs, turkey pieces.
  16. True, why do people do it then? Just to have a full coloured nose? Has to be asked - how many people DO actually do it though. It's spoken about as if it happens every day, I have heard such and such dog has had it done and so and so does it all the time but in over 30 years I have seen two dogs I believe have had their noses altered, one was a lovely shiny black on an otherwise badly pigmented brindle and the other was on a red pied, unfortunately her nose turned dark blue after about 6 months - oops!!!!!!!!! If it is done then I would guess if it's a show dog it's probably done to "deceive", if it's a pet it's probably people believing the old wife's tale that it will stop sunburning. Honestly you'd think the tattoo artist would know it doesn't stop the sun & would tell people this?
  17. I have seen nose pigment change up until 18-24 months but it depends on the breed & lines, so ask the breeder. Tattooing does nothing to stop sunburn - ask anyone with a tat if they've ever been sunburned on their ink :laugh:
  18. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oops..
  19. What you actually wrote at the time doesn't suggest that you agree at all... you said "so surely one of them could have been good enough" which to me that this is something you think. "Good enough" isn't good enough to judges who take pride in what they do. Sadly many don't appear to.
  20. If the judge was not CLEARLY of the OPINION that any of them were of sufficient merit to qualify as a champion then it was their duty/right/job to refuse the challenge. Multiple other judges could have a different opinion, but this specific judge does not share that opinion. I think you need to get your head around the fact that there could be 50 entered and that particular judge's OPINION could still be that none are worthy of being a champion. I have seen a dog win BIS and if I was the judge and it was up for the CC it would be withheld because in my OPINION it is not worthy of being a champion.
  21. 1st in class means the dog was the best on in it's class. Doesn't mean it's actually a good dog. Awarding a CC requires the judge to sign a certificate which states the judge is clearly of the opinion that the dog is of such merit as to qualify for the title of champion (or words to that effect).... two very different scenarios
  22. Did you get Spud as a puppy - so he is now 11-12 months old? If so, I would suggest you wait for a little while, for no other reason than he is still a big pup himself & two pups together can create all sorts of trouble (wrecking, barking etc). Of course he got on with a 4 month old puppy - any normal dog will get on with a 4 month old puppy, they're still babies, no threat, to be protected etc. There's no reason to suppose they won't always get on, don't misunderstand what I'm saying, but don't read anything in to his perfectly natural response to "like" a baby. Honestly, if you're still undecided then the answer should be no. Maybe in a few months time you'll change your minds & decide the time is right, but I've always been of the opinion that if you're at all doubtful about something that has feelings then you probably shouldn't :)
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