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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. Is she has been missing for several weeks it's quite possible she could be very fearful, skinny etc and still have a good owner. A lot of rural dogs may well have never been on a leash and many dogs are not used to bathing. I don't know where you are but in Queensland it's not been compulsory to microchip until this year. Good on you for caring and helping her though and I hope she finds someone to love her.
  2. The short stubby hairs which cause the dog the most problems are often quite resistent to the 'easier' lazer treatment options. Surgical removal of the skin (including the hair roots obviously) is the only "guaranteed" method - but unfortunately because of the cyclic nature of hair growth there is no guarantee the vet can remove all the hairs in the same operation. I have no knowledge of the vet nicki - but good luck to Kyran.
  3. Mouse is bigger than that and she's not due until the 28th. I think Ellz and me might be having a competition Good luck with all the new borns and the not - yet - borns
  4. He's got you well trained then Perhaps have a crate in the kitchen area. Get up early BEFORE he starts barking, put him in that crate. That depends on the brand of food. Is dry food all they get? Is he getting enough food - well is he a good weight for his age, healthy bright and energetic? Not sure what you expect of them. It's perfectly normal for puppies to want to explore their surroundings. Have you taught them not to come in the lounge? From your description they get told off for being there (are they praised when they stay in the kitchen area?) then put somewhere else if they persist (so do they know to stay in the kitchen area?) What's in the kitchen area to make it worth their while staying there - comfy bed?, chews?, toys? company? yep - got you very well trained. I would suggest obedience classes for you. Also "he doesn't want to go" - so what? YOU want him to go so this is what happens. He doesn't need to be the one making the choice Well of course - is what you are offering them as interesting as a rabbit? Have you ACTIVELY trained them to come when called, proofed it against distractions and practiced it? At 5 months old most puppies won't be reliable with a recall, so don't expect the impossible and make sure you don't train them to not come when you ask. Obedience classes again
  5. I would think this would be a fairly good weight for a Westie, but they're all individuals This is good - even though I'm not sure how you can "almost" see his ribs. You should be able to easily feel the ribs (right to the front, not just his back ribs) for a healthy weight on any dog regardless of breed or age. Chicken wings are a good place to start so it might be a good idea for you to hold on to the wing until he gets the idea of chewing. Turkey necks are good (Chicken necks are much too small) as a dog his size would not be able to swallow them without chewing - but you MUST supervise his meal times if you are going to feed him whole foods. Incidentally - when he choked did he actually choke and need to be rescued or did he just cough a bit and bring the pig's ear back up - the latter is pretty normal behaviour and is pretty unlikely to do him harm, but again, supervision is the go. No, dogs don't have cholesterol problems, they can eat as much fat as they like (lucky sods ) but you will need to introduce these things slowly as generally too much fat will case the runs, and in some dogs it can cause a pancreatitis (sp!) attack.
  6. I had one like that - try putting a single layer of sheet over it, worked here but no guarantees
  7. The few ACDs I've had a lot to do with are very loyal, so I would give him more time. I wouldn't "force" him to mingle with your dogs, is there a way you can divide the yard so he has a smaller area for himself? He may well be feeling very uncomfortable and insecure not just because he's not with his owner but because he's been "forced" to live with aliens If he's used to being inside, perhaps just crate him inside for most of the time, let him out for toilet breaks and then back in his crate. Can your friend bring you something that smells strongly of her? (Wearing a T-shirt overnight is meant to infuse the scent very nicely) This can go in his bed or crate, help create some security for him.
  8. Divide her food into 2 meals, it will help her feel full and help control those pleading eyes Make her daily ration up of 1/2 the amount recommended on the bag for her weight or desireable weight. Add a grated carrot or apple or pear (vary it) to one meal. Add a small handful of low fat meat (not chicken necks - all fat and skin) to the other meal. No bones for a while - bones have marrow which is a lot of fat. Make sure the diet food you are feeding is top-notch quality, otherwise you'd be better off feeding her a smaller amount of a better quality non-diet food. If she really is a ravenous monster get either bran or phyllium husk (sp!) and use that to bulk out her meal, but try to reduce this over time, you want to reduce her need for food by reducing the amount she needs to "feel full" - which won't work if you continue to give her large meals of fibre. Walk her twice a day (or three times if possible) for 10-15 minutes high intensity walking (trotting by a bike is even better), not wandering along sniffing. Of course you can take her out for as long as you have the time, but make 10-15 minutes of this (consecutive) high intensity. If she will chase a tennis ball - virtually as much fetch as she'll play (given the heat of course) and run her up hill if possible for some of the game. ETA: food after exercise at all times, and only when she's completely cool and calm.
  9. Congrats to all the babies so far.... black boys yay!!!!
  10. China confirmed by ultrasound today - could only spot three though. No need to u/s Mouse - she's enormous. Congrats for all puppies so far
  11. Roughly the same as the price of a pup as in most breeds - so which came first, the high stud fees or the high puppy prices ;) Elective rather than emergency caesars are the go for the breed, so out of hours is for the unlucky or unwary.
  12. Ignore it. The more you try to convince her it's OK the more chances you have of actually reinforcing the fear rather than "comforting" her. Just make it that fun stuff doesn't happen in another room when she's run away from the fan - like don't turn the fan on then go and give her dinner in the kitchen.
  13. And soooooooo many people have problems with them being fussy :D
  14. My money would be on the dog has settled in and her true character is coming through.
  15. Not really necessary for a porker - the less they digest the better! I've used the plain cheap bran flakes (baking ones) to fill up a bottomless pit, the yard looked like an elephant had passed through but it certainly worked - just moistened it with some plain water and mixed it with a bit of mince - mind you this was a dog that would've eaten sawdust
  16. Have they come from a bad background - so will be not properly weaned/badly fed? If so, small meals often - 5 or 6 meals a day for a start. If they've not had a good start I would concentrate on high quality protein in small amounts to begin with, don't bog their stomachs down with biscuit and starches. Don't be tempted to throw masses of worm pills at them if they're in a poor state - let them settle for at least 24 hours then try with half the recommended dose and see what happens. (If they're in good shape then don't worry about that one and just put them on a regular worming schedule) They're a similar size to some of my Stafford pups at this age and they generally get 4 meals a day, a mixture of meat bones and commercial food - I mix it around and don't have any set plan. Roughly speaking a ball of mince or a piece of meaty bone the size of their head per feed is a good guide at this age, but if they've been hard done by then multiple this by four and divide into 5 or 6 meals - not that much food each meal to begin with! Good quality mince (low fat to start with if the budget stretches that far), puppy biscuits maybe even soaked in broth, and some eggs either scrambled on their own or raw in some milk (goats milk if you want, I don't use milk but goats milk is easier on the stomach.) Once they improve, or settle in if they're not hard done by, chicken bodies (1/2 each), lamb offcuts (trim the fat), sheep hearts, chicken mince (bone in), chopped liver and/or kidney, roo mince, puppy biscuits (a handful each once a day), mixed with sardines or egg.
  17. Not for 10 days it wouldn't, it would just make her more hyper and more keen to investigate this new thing in her house. On leash is an excellant idea - and keep her on leash until she's learnt how you want her to react. Could take two or three days but if you're consistent she'll get the idea. NEVER let puppy and toddler meet first thing in the morning, make sure puppy is tired first.... Are the child's parents dog-savvy? If they're prepared to help then it'll be a great learning experience, if they just want to freak out and demand you keep "that dog" away from baby then it's just going to be a nightmare. Crate/baby gate, supervision. Play time for puppy (tired puppies tend to be reasonably well behaved ) Use all puppy's food as training treats, teach sit, teach leave and did I mention supervision?
  18. +1 +2 Definitely no vaccination at 6 weeks.
  19. Give it to him raw...whole raw fish is fine for dogs, fillets will be fine, but don't be surprised if he wants it gently poached and served with lemon wedges
  20. Mouse, from this to.... She is only 29 days.... We're expecting a Mouse plague....
  21. Put him on the ground somewhere not a lot of random dogs would be likely to frequent - that corner of the park far from the gate which is bare and sandy for example. Just be sensible about where you let him go. You or the other dogs in the house could bring the virus to him even if he was kept at home in the laundry so be careful and use common sense and be observant - if he looks off colour take it seriously for example.
  22. ANYTHING could be causing it. Cut out one or other of the suspects and see what happens.
  23. Yes that would be a good way of introducing him to new foods - but since you say he already eats roo tails with no effect I wouldn't think it's the roo he is reacting to, but anything is possible
  24. I tried many channels to report the death of my dog to the drug company concerned - they did not want to know. The NZVA did not want to know.
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