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Everything posted by Sandra777

  1. The cause of seizures can be very hard to narrow down. Consider things like flea treatments, wormers, household chemicals such as carpet cleaners, tile disinfectants etc. Write down everything like this - along with the brand, variety etc and keep very good records of what is used when and where. I would be asking on here for a vet who has experience with this sort of thing and going straight to them. Best of luck, hope it was just a one-off
  2. Raw fish is great if you can get a constant source of good quality fish. But be aware that if the dog isn't used to eating fish most of them will just stare at it then give you a "you're joking" look and walk off
  3. He was on Advance and is now on Eagle Pack, he started smelling on the Advance though. How long has he been on Eagle Pack? If not long, it could take a while for whatever it was in the Advance that got him started to get out of his system. If it's been a while, compare the ingredients and if you find one in common (particularly a grain) think about removing that from his diet for a while.
  4. It's possible he has yeast infections between his toes, in his 'armpits' or in his groin area. The vast majority of yeast infections are caused/worsened by food intolerances - what are you feeding him?
  5. Check T4 Add oily fish to her diet either in the form of canned sardines/mackeral or fish oil capsules (I'd give a 15kg dog an adult human dose, adjust that to suit) If you use sardines start slowly if she's not used to much of a varied diet.
  6. The oldest bitch I have had spayed was 10.5 years. She lived to 16. Her grandmother I refused to have spayed when she was 10 because she had slightly dodgy lung sounds. She was put on depovera instead, basically the same affect - she lived until 14.5 & was PTS with a totally not repro related reason. This bitch's daughter (not the mum of the 16 year old, another one) lived to 14 and was spayed just before she was 10 - 8 months after she'd had major surgeries to repair broken bits after she took on a 4WD and 2 cars (stolen from the owner's yard we believe, no other reason she would have been 3km away on the main road) Never owned a neutered male so can't comment, but I'd be more willing to have a dog neutered even older than a bitch spayed. Yep, absolutely dependent on the dog, the skill of the vet counts for a lot too!
  7. No advice other than to go back to K9 Force if you were happy with their methods before - except KEEP THEM SEPARATED UNTIL YOU FIND A SOLUTION. Allowing them to continue to mix and fight on and off is only risking serious injury to each other and you, as well as only making the behaviour even more deepset. Be prepared for the possibility that you will have to keep them separated permanently.
  8. Lop one in half and see if she can chew them up effectively, try her with just the half to start with so you can see how her stomach copes. Yes, they are a bit thicker but being wing bones they're not weight bearing so aren't really "dense".
  9. Do you use anything prior to ten weeks?
  10. Not denying it and would not take any risks, but I'm new to all this heartworm preventation and am :rolleyes: They were given a heartworm preventative, so before I switch to another form of heartworm preventative you would recommend I test them for heartworm? So the first one I gave isn't effective or you would do it just to be safe (which is fine, I want them to be safe). ETA: not arguing, just wanting clarification from people who have lived with this problem and found good solutions.
  11. What do you start them on, dimmitrol? (sorry, just realised the only one here who can spell is tess32 )
  12. The Proheart 6 (6 monthly) was banned overseas due to so many deaths , seizures etc it caused. They have re-introduced it back in June this year & every customer has to sign to say they understand the risks,so it still has the dangers , nothing has changed in the "ingredients". Our Proheart 12 here in Australia is supposedly 3 times the dosage of Proheart 6 that was banned! Wot she said
  13. Hmm - now THAT is interesting because the local vet denied this was reliable - and yes he knew that whatever the answer I would not be buying the products from him. We live in a bad tick area, currently using Advantix because the girls both have litters, previously used permoxin and will be going back to it. Yes, I know the risk of heartworm is very over-rated and am pretty sure I won't be doing anything in the off season, but still need to think more on that one. Do you test your dogs prior to starting to dose them again at the start of mozzie season? All a learning experience for me, ex-kiwi here
  14. They had proheart12 last December so in theory should not have heartworm. Would you still get them tested prior to switching? We've had a dog here for the past 7 months who is usually treated with a monthly ivermectin dose - yes they do use cattle pour on. I asked his owner if she wanted to test him prior to me starting him on dimitrol and she said no, and he had no problems (she distinctly understood the implications of the question I was asking).
  15. OK - 2 questions. This time last year I had the bitches injected with Proheart12. Know the error of my ways and won't be doing that again. I've decided to give them Dimitrol daily during the mozzie season and possibly year round, but not decided yet (more research needed) However..... 1) Am I right in believing I don't start them on dimitrol until 13 months after the proheart12 injection or have I understood this incorrectly and should start 12 months after the injection. I realise Dimitrol mustn't be given to dogs with heartworm so the timing is pretty important to me. 2) Most sources say puppies should start on heartworm preventatives at 8 weeks. Do people think Dimitrol daily is the right drug to use in small puppies, if not, what age would start them with dimitrol and if not 8 weeks what would you use in the meantime. Also, do you generally consider that 8 weeks is the right age to start with a preventative, regardless of what is used. TIA
  16. She's already proven that one won't kill her. Give her one now and then if you want to, if you don't want to share the expensive treat she'll probably be just as happy to have a dog treat while you're eating cashews.
  17. Ummm, take a sample to the vet and ask for an analysis - she may not even need worming. Apart from that, sorry I have little people
  18. Hmmm, so would that be a Great Doodle? Or maybe a Great Spane? ETA: A Standard Pane? Great Pane was my first thought actually........
  19. I would actually avoid cleaning it - that will only disturb the clot. If the betadine is spray on then use it if you want, but I'm not a big fan of constantly "cleaning out" most wounds, it usually doesn't do anything except disturb the body's efforts to heal.
  20. I have seen Standard Poodle x Great Dane advertised - designer dogs for mansions??? I hope daddy was the Dachshund too!
  21. Just keep an eye on it. If it starts to bleed again a home remedy if you have nothing else is push the nail into a bar of damp soap. It's a wound so it has the potential to get infected, but it's pretty unlikely and will heal very quickly - but she'll probably play on it for ages! I would avoid walking her in muddy areas or in paddocks where there has been stock or lots of wildlife for two or three days. ETA: You're not a patch on me - the only time I've managed to do this was on a 2 week old baby puppy which screamed like I'd hacked her leg off, and of course her mum wouldn't speak to me for a week - worst of all it was a white puppy and it did look like I'd chopped half her paw off
  22. It's not a matter of knowing the difference between a GSD & a Poodle - but identifying random cross bred mongrels as "GSD x" because they have prick ears and a bushy coat, or "Staffy x" because they're brindle. In most countries you will find Labradors very high on the list, however "Labrador" is used to describe any black and yellow dog with floppy ears...black and yellow dogs with rose/half prick ears are "pit bulls" "Blue Heelers" (or Blue Healers as they are popularly known!) get a beating, anything that doesn't fit any other description goes down as one. I vividly remember seeing one of those US animal shows where they picked up a bitch and her pup. The pup was black and white collie marked with fluff, the dam was smooth coated with rose ears. The bitch had to be put down because she was a "pit bull" but the puppy could be rehomed because he was a "collie cross"! (No, not saying being a "pit bull" cross is bad)
  23. But those statistics are proof of what exactly? WHO IDENTIFIED THE BREEDS???????????????????????????? No I am not saying that certain breeds couldn't ever bite, but top of the list of "breeds" is a breed which MOST members of the public couldn't identify correctly if they fell over one. I have lost count of the times I have been told my 15inch specialist BiS winning bitch cannot possibly be a SBT because she is TOO SMALL! I have met dog control officers who couldn't tell the difference between a Neopolitan Mastiff and a Shar Pei and others who couldn't pick a pedigree Bull Terrier out of a line up of "pig dogs" I am reminded of the true story of dog registrations in Kapiti in NZ. There were 300-odd "pitbulls" or "pitbull crosses" registered. The council outlawed "pit bulls" and the next registration year there were 2 "pitbulls" and 298 new "Staffy crosses". No bull, it happened.
  24. What advice did the breeder give you when you bought him? Dogs are dogs are dogs but some breeds do have behavioural traits that need breed-specific advice and from the little I know about the breed, Malamutes don't tend to be overly mouthy but can be very independent. Yelling and getting angry aren't helping so you need to change tack. He won't grow out of this behaviour and neutering him now or later won't help train him - and this is what you have, a training issue. He thinks you're a joke is the plainest way of putting it. IMO it has nothing to do with him be an "alpha dog" or any other such jargon. He's a puppy and he's discovered he is the king of his house. As well as consulting the breeder I would be googling Nothing In Life Is Free (NILIF) and ignoring anything which involves trying to physically overpower a dog who is very quickly going to be stronger than most people.
  25. I think you will find that Stafford people in the UK are not "doing jack" and whinging and crying. Many thousands of pounds have been raised from all over the world to prevent the inclusion of the Stafford in the UK BSL - because we all know full well that if the breed falls in the UK it will fall everywhere. There are trained and experienced breed people constantly in touch with political parties, the KC and with individual advisors who seem to be getting "bad ideas". Stafford people in the UK have in fact been fighting the fight FOR the "pit bull" people since the law came in to force - mainly because the "pit bull" people by and large chose to ignore the law and go underground. Yep - I can well understand that and when faced with the possibility of a similar situation in NZ made plans to get my dogs to a place where they would be safe (even though there it was "only" muzzling and neutering that was in the pipeline, not death) In the UK it is estimated that the number of "pit bulls" has increased by four or five fold since the introduction of BSL - and many of them in the wrong hands, so how does that provide "proof" to the politicans that "pit bull" people as a whole are responsible and want to solve the perceived problem with their breed? There has already been an attempt in Victoria to legislate against Staffordshire Bull Terriers - it was quashed by the concerted effort of people who care about the breed and who just got on with the job and rallied international support for the cause.
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